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Player: @ChaosRed

Player: @ChaosRed
The word on the street is...Slink
Class Focus: Confidential
Power Level: 10
Research & Development: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: Ratty, Groucho
Species: Rat Manimal
Ethnicity: Confidential
Age: Unknown
Height: 4' 10"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Grey
Biographical Data
Nationality: Unknown
Occupation: Informant
Place of Birth: Monster Island
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Marital Status: Confidential
Known Relatives: Confidential
Known Powers
Known Abilities


Life Under Dr. Moreau

The evils of Dr. Moreau are well-documented. This is one of those tales.

The “manimals” that were created by Dr. Moreau came in a variety of shapes and sizes. The “rodent” manimals were always the strangest of them all – bizarre creatures that skulked around and bred vociferously – always ravenous, always covetous and lured by bright and shiny treasures.

One of these wretched creatures came to be known as Slink. He was a particularly bright and crafty “rat manimal”. He even learned to read and for this reason was considered to be a very useful and loyal asset to his master: Dr. Moreau.

One day, (at the behest of Dr. Moreau), Slink was asked to investigate some of the ancient artifacts buried deep within the volcano of Monster Island. His search turned up very little, but he did manage to find an ancient scroll in a language he could not decipher. He realized the scroll was valuable and so he tried to demand that Dr. Moreau compensate him for the scroll’s obvious scientific value. Dr. Moreau refused to pay Slink and instead imprisoned him in a fetid cage, where he was left to die.

Escape to VIPER

Slink escaped the cell using a sneaky combination of stealth and charm – and then managed to reclaim the scroll and steal it from Dr. Moreau.

He then traveled to a nearby VIPER base to sell the scroll’s contents. But VIPER betrayed Slink as well, capturing him and taking the scroll from him. As if that were not enough, VIPER also conducted vicious radiation experiments on Slink’s DNA to see if they could generate new understanding of psychic energy and psionic projection.

The experiments had an odd and unexpected effect of endowing Slink with new psionic powers. The experiments were so successful that provided the foundation for what would later become dubbed "Project Awakening".

Rescue by Genesis League

Slink would have likely remained a lab rat in VIPER's labs forever, but he was rescued by Genesis League while he was being transported to Mechanite's laboratory.

Slink was able to help Genesis League gain access to Mechanite's facility and even help the group rescue their leader Osprey. The events of this rescue are documented in Issue 9 of Genesis League.


The experimentation by Project Awakening has endowed Slink with powerful psionic and telepathic powers. As such, he has become an excellent informant. He skulks around the sewers and dirty alleyways of Millennium City scrounging information to the criminal elements - information he then sells to the police, heroes and Genesis League.


Slink is currently wandering the streets of Millennium City, homeless and destitute.


Slink takes nothing seriously and despises organization, preferring to live day to day without a home or a schedule. He eats anything, including garbage, rotten food but his absolute favorite is Stilton cheese.

Slink has a biting wit and has been known to smoke a cigar on occasion. For this reason, many have likened Slink's personality to Groucho Marx and he is occasionally called "Groucho" by his friends.


ISSUE 1 - Issue 1 documents Slink's capture by VIPER and his subsequent rescue by Genesis League.