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==<div>[[File:SteinSoundtrack.png]]<span style="color:#000000">Soundtrack</span></div>==

Revision as of 06:37, 12 March 2014


Player: @Randomz0mbie
A brain is a terrible thing to waste
Character Build
Class Focus: Tank (Conceptually)
Power Level: N/A
Research & Development: N/A
Biographical Data
Real Name: Frank "N." Stein
Known Aliases: Stein, Steiny, Stan, Zombro
Gender: Male
Species: Human / Undead
Ethnicity: English, Canadian
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: None
Age: 18(?)
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 200lbs
Eyes: Violet
Hair: Gray
Complexion: White
Physical Build: Athletic / Toned
Physical Features: Lip and eyebrow piercing, Various stitches located on his body, most noticeably around his neck, wrists, and shoulders
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Chaotic Neutral

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Identity: Public
Years Active: 5(?)
Citizenship: American / Canadian
Occupation: "Businessman"
Education: Self-Educated, GED, Med-School student
Marital Status: Dating Cinder Sear
Known Powers and Abilities
Electrokinesis, Teleportation, Inhuman Strength, Durability, and Endurance
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Impervium Katana, Custom-made Healing Serum, Various Medical Equipment
ReldinBox Template


Insert Tragic Past here. Bring a tissue, it's THAT tragic.


Devilishly charming with rugged good looks.

Background and Origin.pngPowers / Abilities


File:SteinSkull.png Electrokinesis -- Stein has the ability to control and manipulate any type of electrical energy he comes into contact with, as well as generate his own, unique electrical energy with the use of the Perpetual Energy Generator in his chest.(See Gear and Equipment below) He can use this power for a variety of uses including Electroportation and Electrokinetic "Surfing"

Neural Impulse Manipulation -- Using his unique electricity and his knowledge of human anatomy, Stein is able to transfer it into another organism, alive or dead. With this ability, Stein can manipulate neural impulses to stimulate various aspects of the targets body to cause pain, paralysis, or even, to a minor degree, control them by electrically stimulating relevant parts of the nervous system..

Electrical Immunity -- Stein is completely immune to electricity from any source, taking no damage and even able to absorb it in some cases.

Energy Sensing -- At the cost of his eyes being extra-sensitive to bright light and having his eyesight diminished, Stein has gained the ability to sense, or "see", almost all kinds of energy. This ability works similar to infrared vision, while also being able to see through walls and inanimate objects and pin-point where the energy source is located. He can also identify the different types of energy he see's, usually through trial and error and committing it to memory. The only thing his vision has difficulty sensing is magical energy.

Thread Manipulation -- Stein has shown the ability to control needle and thread seemingly with his mind alone. It is unknown if it's an ability he's gained or if he is simply electrically charging and then manipulating the thread. The latter seems more likely.


Medical Expertise -- Skills are the things your character has learned to do, or has an innate talent at doing.

Stitching / Sewing -- These skills can be as mundane as painting, to more fantastical things such as enchanting items.

Swordsmanship If your character has no particular skills worth noting, feel free to follow the same directions as shown for the 'Powers' sub-header on how to remove this section.

Combat Training --

Chemist (Mad Science) --

Cybernetics --


Enhanced Physical Condition / Undead Physiology - Through the use of Super-Science(AKA Mad-Science) and experimentation, Stein's physique has changed drastically. His strength, endurance, and durability have reached Inhuman levels while at the same time losing most of the weaknesses the human body possesses. He does not bleed, he has an extremely high pain tolerance, and he is even immune to most poisons and diseases. One side-effect caused by the nature of his undeath is his inability to heal naturally, resulting in almost all of his wounds needing to be stitched and healed through other means.

Energized Body - Due to the constant exposure to the electricity that his generator creates, Stein's entire body has adapted and has become energized, producing a number of internal changes on top of the external. His bones have become denser and his internal organs have been "Supercharged". He can also increase his speed and strength by manipulating the bio-electric currents in his muscles through sheer force of will.

Body Dismemberment -- Stein is able to sever and re-attach any limb at will, as well as retain complete control over any severed limb. The length of time he can do this seems to be indefinite, but there is a limit on how far the limb can be from his body.

Semi-Immortality -- Stein does not age, staying at his peak physical prime. Unless his brain is completely destroyed, his body will always pull itself back together.

SteinGear.pngGear and Equipment

Perpetual Energy Generator -- Gear and equipment are the things your character carries around and uses. These can be things like weapons and armor.

☢; Impervium Katana -- Feel free to use this section to name and describe the gear that your character uses, if any. Be, again, as lengthy as you like.

Healing Serum -- If this section does not apply to your character, feel free to delete it. Also feel free to add more sub-headers as they apply, such as for a vehicle, perhaps, and that vehicle's statistics.

Custom-Made Thread --


Loud, outgoing, and completely insane.


SteinFriends.pngFriends / Allies

Emiline: Stein's ex-girlfriend and one of the few people he trusts completely... Despite being thoroughly terrified of how powerful she is. She was the first person he opened up to about his past which, at the time, wasn't an easy thing to do. Though they've long since broken up, there is absolutely no sexual tension or resentment between them at all. Seriously. None. At all.

Cinder Sear: Cinder, AKA Bubblegum, is Stein's current girlfriend. She also happens to be the cousin of his ex-girlfriend. Not awkward at all. Stein finds her loud, obnoxious, irritating, and the best girlfriend money could buy. If he paid for her. Which, he didn't. But he would! She has a great ass. She can KICK ass. Her sense of humor rivals his own. AND, she can cook. What else could he ask for? Not to mention how adorable she is when she gets upset and starts speaking Portugese. She is currently his best friend and closest confidant.

Fenrir: Fenrir, Fen for short, is a wolf hybrid Stein found while raiding the lab of who he thought might be his creator. Weak and strapped to a gurney, it was quite obvious extensive experimentation had been conducted on him. They immediately found a kindred spirit in each other after Stein freed him and despite his protests, Fenrir followed him home. It was an uneasy friendship at first, Stein had never owned a pet before and he had a LOT of priceless collectables in his apartment, but it didn't take long for him to realize the experimentation done on the animal had increased it's intelligence greatly. He learned as a human would. Acted as a human would. And could even understand language like a human would. Impressed and curious, and with Fen's approval, Stein decided to try and figure out exactly what was done and what other enhancements or abilities he might possess. Fenrir is currently staying at Cinder Sear's apartment due to the no-pet policy at his own.

Brand X: Though he doesn't know much about her, Brand-X has proven herself to be a very capable ally when it comes to saving the world. Stein loves to poke fun at her any chance he can. For example, pointing out that she's DEFINITELY a blonde when she does something silly. Or mentioning her lack of SIZE in the boob department. Despite the jokes, Stein does think she's loyal, Kind of a good person, and entertaining to be around. Even though they haven't always seen eye-to-eye, he would definitely call her friend. Just... Not to her face.

Lyra Sinclaire: Lyra was Stein's first and closest companion after joining the Teen Phalanx. She was one of the few people who knew everything about him, having nearly beaten the information out of him. He enjoyed spending time with her, and knew as much about her past as she did about his. Even though he had no idea what half of it actually meant...

Dirge Magnum: Old friend

Kinetic Clash: Old friend

Corset: Old friend

Moonlight Siren: Old friend

Danger Kitten: Old friend

Ebon Kitty:



Put any rivals or enemies here. You can give descriptions, or simply list them. Same idea as the Allies and Friends.

SteinOOC.pngOOC Information


☣ Did you know: Stein is a major antique collector. No. It's NOT junk! He frequents the Pawn and Antique shops around the city.

SteinTropes.pngTV Tropes


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