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= '''''<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #660066">Associates</div>''''' =
= '''''<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #660066">Associates</div>''''' =
*'''[[Pandemonius]]:''' WIP
*'''[[Pandemonius]]:''' One of the seven lords of hell, general of the Legion of the Damned sent by Infernal Council to expend reign of chaos in the world of the living. Betryed by his people, he decided to create a Black Moon Federation which main task was to gather allies to restore his old former power in the capital of hell called Pandemonium. He usually tries to avoid conflicts, but when it's required to use the force, he doesn't hesitate to use it. And when he uses it... it's just better for you to run away.
<center>"Curiosity is the first step to hell."</center>
*'''[[Lava]]:''' Member of the Black Moon Federation. She can manipulate and control the fire which has always been the most fun in her life. Once she was in big conflict with Mind Breaker, in which nearly came to her death. But now that they are on the same team improved their relationship and stopped fighting with each other. She is a student of professor Xanatos who teaches her how to improve the use of her power. With his help she can learn a lot. Mind Breaker used to scare her but now she Lava isn't afraid of her.
<center>"You think that I'm hot? Don't get burn then."</center>
*'''[[Lava]]:''' WIP
*'''[[Sheryl]]:''' WIP
*'''[[Sheryl]]:''' WIP
*'''[[Xanatos]]:''' WIP
*'''[[Xanatos]]:''' WIP
*'''[[Katha]]:''' WIP
*'''[[Katha]]:''' WIP
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*'''[[Pirate Vixen]]:''' WIP
*'''[[Pirate Vixen]]:''' WIP
*'''[[Harika]]:''' WIP
= '''''<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #660066">Enemy List</div>''''' =
= '''''<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #660066">Enemy List</div>''''' =
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Revision as of 17:36, 15 October 2013

Mind Breaker
Player: @pitgirl
Biographical Data
Real Name: Lilith Syl'anar
Known Aliases: Mind Breaker
Gender: Female
Species: Undead (Elf)
Ethnicity: Drow
Place of Birth: Elerendil
Base of Operations: Unknown
Relatives: Naerdiel (sister)
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 149 lbs.
Eyes: White, glowing
Hair: Graying Blonde
Complexion: Dark
Physical Build: Tall, skinny, attractive
Physical Features: Facial dark symbols and scar on her forehead
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Identity: Unknown
Years Active: Unknown
Citizenship: None
Occupation: Unknown
Education: N/A
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
PSI Powers

Mind Read and Control

Equipment and Paraphernalia
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada



"Ka dos xun folbol, ajak ulu talinth bauth umbrenen p'los..."

When she lived she was a sensitive, beautiful and innocent elf. She led a quiet life in village called Elerendil, when she was born. Her parents always wanted everything good for her and her younger sister Naerdiel. They tried to give them the most important knowledge that every good elf should know so her dad thaught her how to read, write and enchant runic scripts and her mom instilled in her moral values. Lilith loved her parents how much she could. She reciprocated her feelings towards them. Always performed her duties as it should be and took care of her little sister, which she always treated on a par with herself.

When she was in age of teenager she had a dream to travel around the world to gain knowledge about other commons and their culture. It was only a dream that she couldn't reach becouse of her family situation. When her parents had to work, she had to do all the housework. She was counting on the help of her sister but instead of helping her, Naerdiel was having fun with friends from village. Lilith has been with everything alone. She worked hard but in result she generated very important feature in herself - patient. Despite the lack of help from sister, she still loved her as much as it was possible. Unfortunately, that love didn't last forever. Finally, Lilith had enough of working when her sister was having fun. She envied her for this lack of a sense of duty. As it turned out, it was the cause of their quarrel by which Naerdiel had run away from home. Lilith weren't proud of this but she also didn't tried to stop her.

Lilith long regretted what she had done. She felt guilty for the disappearance of her beloved sister. Since then, she was introverted, she felt the emptiness. Even her parents didn't knew how to help their embarrassed child. They decided to give her time to recover but even that didn't help. Every hour without her sister made the small particle of Lilith disappeared.

Dark Age

"Treemma zhah dosst abbil... yibinss zhah dosst ogglin..."

Days, months and years was passing until there was a Dark Age when the Legion of the Damned started to conquest surrounding villages and towns. Every place they visited they left completely destroyed to prove their power and arouse fear. When news of the Legion's conquests came to Elerendil, there was a panic. Some of the villagers fled, some stayed to defend their possessions. Among the defenders was also Syl'anar family. They wanted to fled but they couldn't because of Naerdiel that still didn't returned. Lilith couldn't wait any longer. She decided that she will not sit in the place when her sister might happen to get hurt. Her parents knew that she was suffering but in fear of losing another child, they tried to stop her. They knew that traveling through the lands in such difficult times is something very dangerous, especially for such a beautiful and vulnerable elf as Lilith. Although, Lilith didn't gave up and began to prepare. She thought that only in this way she will be able to restore the old relations with her sister.

Unfortunately, during the preparation, Elerendil was under attack of the Legion. They wanted to convert inhabitants to their faith, or in the case of opposing, kill them. As it turned out, the whole village was trying to resist raiders becouse adoption of the demonic religion was almost the highest disgrace for a drow. Unfortunately, the defenders had no chance with the much more numerous and much better armed army of the dark gods. Lilith had to watch how her family village is on fire. It was terrible for her but it wasn't the worst thing she saw. View how her father dies from a sharp ritual blade and her mother repeatedly raped first and then cruelly murdered in the same way as her father almost crushed her heart. She knew at that moment that she had lost everything, and will lose the life in a while. She felt sadness and hatred... hatred to the invaders and to herself because she lost everything by her fault. She didn't wanted to bother any longer. She shouted insults and curses in the direction of the demons that overcame her and carried to the altar prepared in honor of their deity. As it turned out, Lilith was the last elf who remained alive. When the priests were preparing the ritual tools, the high warlock spoke on behalf of the Ra'hok - god of impure mind. He ordered them to make her into the ritual of metamorphosis.

Dark gods - Ra'hok and Kil'rash - liked Lilith's vulnerable nature so as a "reward" they transformed her into a merciless undead with incredibly strong mind. They transformed her into a killing machine that will never be at peace. Since then she is known as "Mind Breaker" and devouring an innocent mind is the greatest delight for her. The gods have promised her that she will be able to regain her old form if she carries out the task entrusted to her.


After transformation Lilith no longer felt weak. Although she was undead, she retains her physical and mental fitness. She wasn't like an average undead... she was an undead with above average mind, which could make a lot of bad things. At the beginning she didn't really knew about that. She was feeling like a zombie without any purpose. Too rapid course of events meant that she couldn't understood why enemies hadn't killed her like the rest. She started to wander through lands to find answer. During the journey she visited many towns wiped out by the Legion. She saw things that would lead to madness even the most mentally tough elf, but she still didn't felt regret. She passed by them with an almost angelic serenity. Elvish cruelly mutilated bodies weren't doing any impression on her. Sometimes she was even enjoying her view... view which could destroy her psyche before.

After many years of searching, the gods decided that they would help her in finding clues. Lilith was just a puppet which was providing the entertainment for them. They decided to reveal to her and explain her what to do. When she found out how powerful she was, once occurred to her to think that she can use her abilities aganist the Legion. Of course, the gods knew about her plan because they also had telepathic abilities but they didn't gave a sign of it. They explained her that her power depends on minds which she devours in their name. The more innocent victim is, the more powerful Lilith become.

From One Hell To Another

When everything was clear, and the gods ordered Lilith doing evil things on their behalf, she wondered what could she destroy in the world where everything was destroyed long time ago. She felt the need to feed, she was hungry. When Lilith was looking for a prey, she remembered when her father told her about magic gate that could move people to other dimensions. It was like partial relief from pain. She decided to find gate and get away from her home land, only to find a place to quench her hunger.

Dark gods were watching her behavior all the time. They were pleased with themselves that they were able to create something such beautiful and deadly. When she was following the path that she remembered from the stories his father, Ra'hok and Kil'rash were bathing in pride that their creative is thinking as intelligently as they do. After a long trip through the corrupted land, Lilith finally reached the interdimensional gateway but it was closed and she couldn't open it because only greater demons could do it. She tried to do something but she knew that she can do nothing unless she is a demon. And then he appeared...

Incerdibly huge and powerful demon dressed in robes depicting a high military position. It was Belphegor, general of Hell and Legion army. He wasn't there by accident. He guarded the gate from unauthorized visitors. His presence was making the whole cities shook with fear but Lilith wasn't afraid. On the contrary, she enjoyed his visit. Belphegor wasn't surprised by the lack of fear from Lilith. He has known that she is another creation of dark gods but even more perfect. Just because he has known what she can, or perhaps will, he decided to open the gate for her. In gratitude she promised to help him when he will need it and then she went into the portal which brought her right into center of Millenium City.

Prepare For The War


Ethernal Hunger


Since Lilith was transformed into dark gods' servant, she devours more and more helpless minds, which make her more powerful. She can satisfy her hunger for a while but then it returns even bigger and more powerful. While she is devouring her victim's mind she feels like power flows into her. However, the victim usually remains with intellectual disability, which often arouses Lilith's laugh because there is nothing funnier than the view of a lisping person who seemed he could do anything he wants. What a disappointment...

Powers and Abilities

  • Mysticism Mastery: Lilith as a child was interested in the arts of mysticism. With her uncontrollable desire to develop, she has knowledge of ancient magic and artifacts associated with it. She also learned how to read and write in the oldest runic languages. She can easily recognize the powerful artifacts, combine them in order to maximize power and even use them in the most efficient way.
  • Mind Read: Very broadly developed mind allows her to read the mind of most creatures. With the right focus and inner meditation that after many years of training come to her easily, she can see even the innermost thoughts and secrets of the targeted person. Her highly developed brain is able to accommodate an unimaginable amount of knowledge that she is ready to use at any time. Only the most powerful telepaths and magicians are able to resist her mind reading.
  • Mind Control: In addition to reading minds, Lilith also learned how to control them. It's true to a lesser extent, but it's not a big difference. Thanks to her haste to learn and creativity of the dark gods, she is able to manage from primitive creatures whose minds are not capable of defending against such big pressure, to more powerful people who are able to defend themselves. She can can control minds even at very long distances, but it comes to her with huge effort.
  • Mind Devour: Dark gods also took care of it so that their creation was powerful but also obedient. They gave Lilith mighty power, which allows her to devour the minds of innocent creatures to become more powerful and take knowledge in exchange for eternal hunger that grows with every devoured mind.
  • Undead Mentality: Her form of undead drow makes her not afraid of anything. What's more human weapons can't hurt her. Only properly enchanted weapon can inflict serious wounds.


  • Stones of Edom: Properly combined, they can improve the power of the most spells and abilities consisting of dark magic. They can make just a dream can turn into the worst, sometimes even deadly nightmare. With some luck, Stones of Edom can be found only in Qliphotic Realm.
  • Soulshard: A powerful and extremely rare artifact that only the most wealthy warlocks can have. Direct contact with a creature that have a soul and is n't the owner of this gem, ends with it's death. In addition, with the proper use of magic, owner of soulshard can steal the souls of finished targets.
  • Legion's Ritual Knife: Special knife used in dark rituals.


  • Unknown: WIP


Belphegor avatar.png
  • Pandemonius: One of the seven lords of hell, general of the Legion of the Damned sent by Infernal Council to expend reign of chaos in the world of the living. Betryed by his people, he decided to create a Black Moon Federation which main task was to gather allies to restore his old former power in the capital of hell called Pandemonium. He usually tries to avoid conflicts, but when it's required to use the force, he doesn't hesitate to use it. And when he uses it... it's just better for you to run away.
"Curiosity is the first step to hell."

Lava avatar.png
  • Lava: Member of the Black Moon Federation. She can manipulate and control the fire which has always been the most fun in her life. Once she was in big conflict with Mind Breaker, in which nearly came to her death. But now that they are on the same team improved their relationship and stopped fighting with each other. She is a student of professor Xanatos who teaches her how to improve the use of her power. With his help she can learn a lot. Mind Breaker used to scare her but now she Lava isn't afraid of her.
"You think that I'm hot? Don't get burn then."

Xanatos avatar.png

Harika avatar.png

Enemy List




RP Hooks