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'''Hyper-metabolism -''' Due to his accelerated metabolism, Gold Rush burns calories faster than the average human and periodically requires large quantities of nutrients.
'''Hyper-metabolism -''' Due to his accelerated metabolism, Gold Rush burns calories faster than the average human and periodically requires large quantities of nutrients.
'''Impulsivity -''' Gold Rush has demonstrated early on in his career to be impulsive to the point where he will run head first into a situation without a fully formed plan.
'''Impulsivity -''' Gold Rush has demonstrated early on in his career that he can be impulsive to the point where he will run head first into a situation without a fully formed plan.

Revision as of 17:16, 17 November 2019

Cool Text - Gold Rush 341600867877684.png

Gold Rush

Player: purplerainman#7869
[[Image:Gold Rush Charge.png|300px|]]
"Just another speedster trying to help people."
Character Build
Class Focus: Melee DPS
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Science
Biographical Data
Real Name: Confidential
Known Aliases: Gold, GR, Rush, Goldie
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Mixed
Place of Birth: Hamilton, Ontario Canada
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Confidential
Age: 25
Height: 5'10"
Weight: Around 165 lbs
Eyes: Light Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Complexion: Olive
Physical Build: Slender/Athletic
Physical Features: Gold Rush resembles a typical human male, with no unique features
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Neutral Good

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Identity: Secret
Years Active: Under One
Citizenship: Canadian
Occupation: Mover
Education: High School
Marital Status: Dating
Known Powers and Abilities
Superhuman Speed and Reflexes
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Protective Suit/Gold Rush Costume
ReldinBox Template


Born in Hamilton Ontario, Gold Rush dealt with depression since childhood. In May 2019 at the age of 24, he answered an online ad that promised a cure-all medication available for drug trials which included payment. Hoping to rid himself of his depression once and for all, he foolishly accepted the mysterious ad.

Arriving at the location, he found a lone man in a lab coat holding a golden pill with no other volunteers or doctors. While having second thoughts, he convinced himself to go through with the testing once he saw the envelope full of cash. At first the drug seemed to have no effect, but suddenly his heart began to race until he eventually passed out.

Waking up in the back of an ambulance to a paramedic using defibrillators on him, he felt a surge of energy rush through his entire body before passing out once more. He regained conciousness in the hospital a day later, confused about what had happened. Even after his ordeal, the doctors could find nothing wrong with him and he was discharged.

It was soon after leaving the hospital that Gold Rush realized he had somehow gained superhuman speed and reflexes. Pondering what he should do with his newfound abilities, he eventually came to the conclusion that he should use them to help others for it was the right thing to do. For the next few weeks, Gold began to practice his abilities before finally going out in the field in early June.

It was then that a new hero was born. As Gold Rush, he tried to help as many people as possible. This put him in conflict with gangs, thieves, dealers, and killers. He remained in Canada for two months, before he finally decided to relocate to Millennium City in early August where he currently lives for the time being.

Powers and Abilities

Superhuman Speed - Gold Rush is capable of running at incredible speeds, far exceeding that of the fastest human sprinter. His average speed is typically around 180-200 mph but with maximum effort, he is capable of running at Mach 2 or twice the speed of sound. His tremendous speed allows him to dodge bullets, run on water, and move quickly enough that he can't be seen by the naked eye. Gold Rush has also recently discovered the ability to vibrate his body on a molecular level, thus allowing him to travel through solid matter for a brief period of time. However, this causes a great physical strain on his body which normally results in him passing out for varying periods of time. This means that Gold is theoretically capable of moving at even greater speeds than Mach 2. Whether or not his max speed will increase in time is currently unknown.

Gold Rush using his incredible speed.

Speedster Physiology - Gold's body is perfectly adapted to running at great speeds. His stamina has been increased to the point where he is able to stay active for almost 24 hours straight, before needing to rest. He possesses highly durable bones and tendons that act as shock absorbers while he runs, and his leg muscles are strong enough to allow him to leg press approximately 1 ton and leap to great heights. His metabolism is roughly 15 times faster than that of a normal human being, which allows him to regenerate quickly. This also means his body requires a higher calorie intake than the average person. Gold's body is also entirely immune to the effects of friction as well as dizziness and vertigo. His brain processes information at a greater than average speed, which enables him to perceive the world around him at a slower pace. His reflexes are therefore much faster than that of a professional athlete.

Improvised Brawler - By using his quick reflexes, Gold Rush has become a capable fighter and is able to hold his own against highly skilled opponents. While by no means an expert, his superior speed and reflexes give him an advantage over most foes by allowing him to react quickly to their attacks. Also thanks to his strong leg muscles, he is able to deliver powerful kicks making him even more of an effective combatant.


Depression - Gold Rush suffers from life long clinical depression which can cause him to question and even outright lose his motivation for doing everything from fighting crime, to just getting out of bed in the morning. While not as severe as it was earlier on in his life, it still prevents him from making decisions as well as causing him to doubt his own abilities.

Human Being - While possessing special abilities, Gold is still a human being that is vulnerable to most of the various methods of injury that typical humans can succumb to.

Hyper-metabolism - Due to his accelerated metabolism, Gold Rush burns calories faster than the average human and periodically requires large quantities of nutrients.

Impulsivity - Gold Rush has demonstrated early on in his career that he can be impulsive to the point where he will run head first into a situation without a fully formed plan.

Gear and Equipment


Gold Rush Suits - Gold Rush wears a suit that both protects him from physical harm, as well as hides his identity. The materials used are highly friction resistant and also durable enough to resist damage from blades, and even bullets. The goggles he wears also provides additional protection to his face from airborne debris, and to an extant physical damage. So far, there have been four versions of this suit. The original suit was made from materials Gold purchased online with some basic padding, and offered little protection from harm. Versions 2.0 and 3.0 were made to be far more durable, but they slightly impaired his movement so he could not achieve max speed as easily. The current version is made from lighter, but still very strong materials that doesn't restrict his movement. Version 4.0 has demonstrated it's ability to withstand damage from both conventional and unconventional weapons, as well as protecting him from intense heat and cold. While version 1.0 was entirely made by Gold, the later versions were created by his ally and friend Pressure.

Stealth Suit - A suit Gold Rush uses mainly for covert night time operations. It features a full mask that covers his entire face and hair, as well as having a darker colour scheme to allow him to blend in more to the darkness. It is not as durable as his typical suit, but still offers protection from basic damage. He only uses it when stealth is an absolute necessity. The stealth suit was made by UNTIL as a gift of sorts, for Gold's repeated assistance to them.

Tech Suit - Gold Rush temporarily used an advanced tech suit during the time he lost his powers. The tech suit increased his speed to superhuman levels, and enhanced his strength to the point where he could lift a car. It featured a retractable rebreather that allowed him to breathe underwater, and the suit itself was durable enough to withstand the pressures of deep sea diving. It was also far more durable than his typical suit, as it was made from stronger materials. The tech suit however has limitations, including the fact that it could not mimic his naturally enhanced stamina or quick mental thought process. Also while increasing his speed to superhuman levels, it did not seem to allow him to move as fast as he could typically. With his powers restored he now seldom uses the tech suit, generally using it when he requires it's underwater breathing functions. It was designed and built by his friend Enforcer to allow Gold to continue helping others.


Vigilante Outfit - The first outfit Gold wore when he decided to use his abilities to help others. It was made from basic clothing that he had available including a black hoodie jacket with yellow accents, a yellow t-shirt, finger-less gloves, sunglasses, and a scarf to cover his face. The outfit was made entirely to conceal his identity and offered no additional protection. It was only used for a few weeks until he acquired the first more "official" Gold Rush suit.

Scuba Gear - Used by Gold Rush for any missions that may take place underwater. The gear included an oxygen tank, rebreather, and a full waterproof mask that covered his hair, and was used over his version 4.0 suit. After losing his powers and acquiring the tech suit, he stopped using the scuba gear due to the tech suit's underwater breathing capabilities. Like the stealth suit, the scuba gear was given to him by UNTIL to allow Gold to safely help with any issues in Lemuria.



Unknown Girlfriend - Gold Rush is currently dating another hero that like him, only recently started out. Her identity is kept a secret from those that aren't aware of his alter ego, in order to protect her as well as himself. All that can be said is that they are quite happy together and she is the best thing in his life at this time.


Since moving to Millennium City, Gold has met many friends and allies. Some of them include:

  • Blue Pheasant - An experienced hero/vigilante that has become a mentor-like figure to Gold.
  • Nightingale (Gale) - The winged amnesiac who is the host to a dark magical entity. Her current status is unknown.
  • Pressure - One of the first friends Gold made who possesses gravity manipulating abilities. Older brother to Gadgette.
  • Gadgette - The kindhearted tech-based genius that is new to being a hero. Younger sister of Pressure.
  • Nightingale (Jasmine) - The Gale who comes from a parallel universe, Jasmine is a telekinetic prodigy that is new to this world.
  • Joan - A dragon-human hybrid that is as funny and caring as she is tough and strong.
  • Frostborn - The brave cryokinetic hero from Greenland that worships the Norse gods.
  • Ireum Eobseo - A lovable and friendly assassin that is an unfortunate servant to the New Celestial Empire (NCE).
  • Imitere - A compassionate woman with a mysterious past, who only wants to make up for her mistakes. Adoptive mother to Cody.
  • Prism - A flirtatious photokinetic hero who like Gold, is just trying to find happiness and stability.
  • Cody - A brilliant and enthusiastic wingless gryphon from a far away world. Adopted son of Imitere.
  • Lem - The young wizard from New Zealand that specializes in healing life magic.
  • Jawsome - A college student turned humanoid shark that simply wants to be human again.
  • Enforcer - A strong and loyal ex-soldier with a gift for inventing advanced tech suits.
  • Blair - The stylish Zyncho from another Earth that does mercenary work on the side.


It was inevitable that trying to fight crime would cause Gold Rush to make enemies. Among the worst of them includes:

  • Carter Slade (J.J. Sullivan) - The clever and brutal leader of the Outlawz street gang, Slade was the first personal enemy of Gold and has perhaps caused him the most grief. His tenacity combined with his gang's use of military-grade weapons, makes him a deadly foe. Currently incarcerated.
  • Bone-Chiller (Billy) - A mentally unstable and disfigured cryokinetic criminal. Not much is known about him, other than his motivation seems to be revenge for his feelings of rejection by humanity. Currently incarcerated.
  • Varanus (Clarence O'Neil) - Was a simple security guard, until he was experimented on and became a powerful humanoid lizard. His mind now warped, Varanus wants to make "lizard-people" the dominant lifeform on Earth. Currently incarcerated.
  • Techla (Roberta Maria Calver) - The self proclaimed "super genius super villain", Techla looks down on others she sees as having an inferior intellect. Although human, she uses technology of her own design to commit her crimes. Currently incarcerated.
  • Freakshow (Real Name Unknown) - Perhaps the most sadistic enemy Gold has faced yet, the savage cannibalistic woman known only as Freakshow seems to want to cause as much pain and suffering as possible. Currently at large.

General Perception

Gold Rush tries to stay out of the spotlight, and as a result he is not well known to many people. Having only been operating as a hero since early June 2019, he has yet to truly make a name for himself. Those individuals that know of his exploits seem to think of him as a good person who is honestly trying to help as many as possible.