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===[[File:HaywireHeaderAffiliations.png]]<span style="color:#000000">Affiliations:</span>===
===[[File:HaywireHeaderAffiliations.png]]<span style="color:#000000">Affiliations:</span>===
Co-founder of the [[New Order Legion]], terrorist metahuman organisation.
Co-founder of the [[New Order Legion]], terrorist metahuman organisation.
===[[File:HaywireHeaderResources.png]]<span style="color:#000000">Resources:</span>===
===[[File:HaywireHeaderActivities.png]]<span style="color:#000000">Activities:</span>===
==[[File:HaywireHeaderPowers.png|center]]<span style="color:#000000">Powers and Abilities:</span>==
==[[File:HaywireHeaderPowers.png|center]]<span style="color:#000000">Powers and Abilities:</span>==

Revision as of 16:58, 23 September 2013


Player: @Mee_da_CThunist
Lord Haywire1.jpg
"Lord Haywire yields to NOBODY!"
Character Build
Class Focus: Tank/Melee DPS Hybrid
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Science/Inventions (cares only about inventing more weapons)
Biographical Data
Real Name: not applicable
Known Aliases: not applicable
Gender: Mentally is male.
Species: Synthetic life form, built on Earth with use of reverse-engineered alien technology.
Ethnicity: not applicable
Place of Birth: not applicable
Base of Operations: Worldwide
Relatives: not applicable
Age: Built in 1999 but his mental structure is that of 30+ years old human male.
Height: Well over 8 feet.
Weight: His relative weight is roughly 45 metric tons/99000 lbs. His real weight with antigravity projector turned off is unknown.
Eyes: Glowing orange
Hair: not applicable
Complexion: not applicable
Physical Build: not applicable
Physical Features: Heavily armored and armed sentient war machine, able to transform from robot to small hover tank mode.
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Lawful Evil

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Identity: Known
Years Active: 12
Citizenship: not applicable
Occupation: Warmongering maniac and wannabe conqueror.
Education: not applicable
Marital Status: not applicable
Known Powers and Abilities
Super strenght, durability, heavy armor and weapon systems. Also, bloated ego and a wicked sense of honor.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Hidden underground Antarctic base and a small army of robotic mooks. Sometimes employs hirelings and mercenaries.
ReldinBox Template



"The weak cannot rule the strong. War is liberation. Freedom is prize. Mercy is weakness."

"Let me make your DARKEST hour..."

"Pathetic lifeform! I'll terminate all of your functions!"

"I hope your sensors are good at registering pain. Because today you'll have a lot to register..."

"i'll rip out your circuits... Through your exhaust!"

"I cannot be denied! Superiority demands greatness!"

"Conquest is the privilege of all superior lifeforms!"

"It's survival of the fittest! Deactivate or be deactivated!"


Haywire is social darvinist and does nothing to hide it. He believes that people who can't fight or stand for themselves are worthy of no respect and should be subjugated. His dream is to gather like-minded people - superpowered, mechanical, or normal humans - and forge new social order, where strong will rule and weak will obey. He's also greedy and powerhungry in general.


Haywire began his existence in 1999 when group of ARGENT engineers used remains of the crashed extraterrestial synthetic life form in their attempt of producing advanced robotic unit capable of fighting superheroes. Being unable to design and produce of such higly advanced and self-adaptating synthetic brain, like those of destroids or Mechanon's forces, researchers simply copied this creature neural structure to their own project. It was actually a sign of desperation. Ready machine had to be sold to VIPER, but research team had little success in building its brain, terms were short, and whole project was close to being scrapped.

Not very surprising, but it did not end well. Final prototype became not only sentient, but also self-aware. When scientists tried to reset his brain, he retaliated - slaugthered all the researchers, seized this research facility and dubbed himself Haywire. As if rampaging mechanoid was not bad enough, by terminating his creators Haywire also gained access to their technology and their alien find - a main source of majority of Haywire's technology.

Subsequent years were hard for Haywire. He was chased by both ARGENT and VIPER, and forced into hiding. Being hunted like an animal made him bitter and paranoid, but he endured and even made a few friends in criminal groups. He also managed to retaliate and seize a few resources from his persecutors. He also learned that some people are willing to pay for his technology, and some deranged metahumans can even share his vision of "better" world.

Somewhere in 2009 Haywire came with an idea of making new use of his amassed resources. Not only he started an open war against ARGENT, but funded his New Order Legion. While N.O.L (and Haywire) likes to present themselves as protectors of mutants and other rejects of humanity, in reality it's a criminal organisation, ideology being yet another tool employed by Haywire.


Commonly known. He's doing nothing to hide it.



Co-founder of the New Order Legion, terrorist metahuman organisation.



Powers and Abilities:


In his primary body Haywire can lift roughly 400 metric tons/880000 lbs, provided he's standing on something solid and has good support. Being a machine, he can't be tired. As long as he has enough power, Haywire can swing pretty much any objects small enough to be wielded.


Haywire's primary body is extremely durable. Skeleton, external armor, and additional plating around his skull, reactor, and antigravity generator are made of composite called syntronium - synthetic and slightly weaker version of neutronium. While this armor is impenetrable, it's also very heavy and forces Haywire to use armor-tight antigravity field to reduce his relative weight. It also gives him tremendous inertia, prohibiting Haywire from moving too fast. Otherwise, even with his level of strenght, this body would be uncontrollable. While Haywire seems to be indesctructible, it's far from truth. He suffers the same limitations as humans protected by heavy armor - hits delivered by superhumans with comparable strenght or prolonged barrages of heavy artillery fire can cause enough concussion to damage his internal systems.


Haywire can go for roughly two weeks at his maximum combat performance before depleting fuel from his built-in reactor. He can go for months or even years if he can rest.

HaywireHeaderAlttech.pngAlternate Mode:

Because he's unable to fly in his robotic form (due to his weight it's impossible to build reasonably sized jet pack strong enough to grant him prolonged flight), Haywire devised technology allowing him to transform into vehicle and fly with combined use of full sized jet engines and his antigravity generator. His hover tank form can fly at maximum speed of 450 kmh/ 279 mph. This gunship mode is covered with the same armor as Haywire's robotic form.

HaywireHeaderReactor.pngPower Source:

Standard power cores and batteries employed in power armor designs are not efficient enough to power Haywire's hulking body - energy levels needed for his superstrength and personal antigravity field are simply too high. He's powered by small synthesis reactor built with use of alien technology. Compared to original alien design this thing is only a cheap knock-off, primitive and crude, but it's still small enough to fit inside Haywire's chest.

HaywireHeaderTechGenius.pngTechnological Expertise:

Despite his look and brutal personality, Haywire is actually quite smart. Since he's unable to forget anything, due to qualities of his synthetic brain, he's a very fast learner. This allowed him to became a very adept roboticist and engineer. While he lacks true spark of genius, he's very good at reverse-engineering stolen technology and from time to time can even go with his own inventions - like using captured technology to develop syntronium composite.


Haywire's armaments can vary from body to body, but usually it's a combinantion of rocket pods, heavy cannon, and a heavy melee weapon to fight in his robot form.
His latest primary body is armed with one 100 mm short barrel auto cannon and four 25 mm rocket pods - everything usable in both robot and tank forms. His syntronium heavy mace is not hand-held, but replaces his left hand, making disarming him a rather difficult task (considering that his wrist and arm structure are also either covered by syntronium, or made of it).
In his primary body he can carry roughly thirty shells for his cannon and enough ammo for roughly twenty full salvos from his rocket pods.

HaywireHeaderArmBot.pngRobot Mode:

1 x 100 mm auto-loading howitzer gun (rocket-accelerated caseless shells)
4 x 15x25 mm rocket pod
1 x heavy mace

HaywireHeaderArmTank.pngTank Mode:

1 x 100 mm auto-loading howitzer gun (rocket-accelerated caseless shells)
2 x .50 caliber machine gun (caseless cartridge)
4 x 15x25 mm rocket pod


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