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[[Blackshroud]]: Guess that depends on which 'shroud' youre talking about.
[[Blackshroud]]: Guess that depends on which 'shroud' youre talking about.
Renny Two Hand: murmurs, "New one on me."
[[Renny Two-Hand]]: murmurs, "New one on me."
Detective: *doesn't seem to wait for questions* "Well, around the department, we always just thought it was an easy way to blame unsolvable  
Detective: *doesn't seem to wait for questions* "Well, around the department, we always just thought it was an easy way to blame unsolvable  
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''Divael discovered that there was a large concentration of some kind of material in West Side... and that this material gave off the same kind of aura as the residue the heroes discovered at the crime scene. A team ventured to investigate the dilapidated apartment structure. What they found was a large crevice in the ground. At the bottom was what looked like some kind of living quarters... And there they found the man they ran into at the crime scene.''
''Divael discovered that there was a large concentration of some kind of material in West Side... and that this material gave off the same kind of aura as the residue the heroes discovered at the crime scene. A team ventured to investigate the dilapidated apartment structure. What they found was a large crevice in the ground. At the bottom was what looked like some kind of living quarters... And there they found the man they ran into at the crime scene.''
''Not much else is known. The heroes have not told much else to reporters, or the authorities. What is known can be found here ([[Shroud]]), as this was what [[Jason Miller]] has agreed to tell us upon examining the man the heroes recovered from the scene. It is unknown if the Shroud remains a threat, or if it is now under control.''
''Not much else is known. The heroes have not told much else to reporters, or the authorities. What is known can be found here ([[Shroud]]), as this was what [[Oracle (Jason Miller)|Jason Miller]] has agreed to tell us upon examining the man the heroes recovered from the scene. It is unknown if the Shroud remains a threat, or if it is now under control.''

Latest revision as of 15:27, 21 March 2014

Part I:

Jason Miller (via comms): "All available heroes, I need some help with a crime scene in the West Side area. It's... pretty grisly. Sending you the coordinates now."

Anarchy: "En route."

Divael: On my way.

Zenithboy: On my way.

Konani: Doc on the comms if medical attention is needed.

The alleyway is full of officers and parked squad car. The area underneath the overpass nearby is cordoned off, making it clear that it's the scene of the crime. A few detectives are standing around, looking befuddled. Oracle is in the back of the group of officers, playing crowd control; Assuring civilians everything's alright, ushering them past the scene, etc.

Anarchy would have arrived on "Rebel" to park it near the patrol car slowly. She kills the engine before swinging her steel-toe boot down to place the kickstand on the ground to prevent her bike from toppling over. She reaches into her jacket as she starts approaching the crime scene, nodding to the officers who regarded her presence and then proceeded to light a clove. She tucks her zippo away and stops just short of the crime scene. Zenithboy appears around the corner, mixing in the crowd of civilians. Renny Two Hand rolls up near the alley, parking the Nova and stepping out. Not feeling the need for tact, he shoulders through any in-the-way civilians without a word, closing in on the crime scene. Blackshroud drops down into the alleyway, keeping towards the shadows for the moment as he surveys the area. Divael arrives on the scene rather calmly, walking up to the scene. It's safe to assume she's parked her vehicle in an out-of-the-way spot before making the rest on foot, hands in her pocket, her Aegis in her back.

Then Renny, Divael, and Anarchy (the heroes who aren't lurking at a distance at the moment) are approached by a man who is clearly a detective. "I suppose you're the ones Oracle called in. He's busy keeping folks from panicking, but we could use some of your insight with this. Follow me while I give you the lay of the land."

Divael gives the detective a simple nod in acknowledgement to his words. Renny Two Hand would follow, keeping quiet, just taking in the details. He's had his share of investigations already, but this wasn't quite his schtick. Anarchy follows behind, glancing back and around the alleyway for a moment before speaking up... "Right". Blackshroud finally steps out into the open trailing behind the group only a few steps.

Detective: "Not sure if you've heard the legends or not, but the Shroud has kinda been a local favorite in the urban legends department."

Zenithboy listens to the conversation from the crowd.

Blackshroud: Guess that depends on which 'shroud' youre talking about.

Renny Two-Hand: murmurs, "New one on me."

Detective: *doesn't seem to wait for questions* "Well, around the department, we always just thought it was an easy way to blame unsolvable crimes that we can't solve... But we started taking it seriously a few months ago. What we noticed, pattern-wise, was pretty disturbing. Maulings, dismemberments, and altogether disappearances are the kind of crimes usually blamed on this thing. Then some lucky clown got this pic" *he holds out a file with the picture seen on the Shroud PDB page*

Renny Two Hand: spares a glance. "..."

Detective: "Clearly, we've got next to nothing on this thing. But this time... It's different." *he and the heroes arrive at the crime scene tape* "Hope you guys aren't too squeamish. This is one of the messier scenes we've seen linked to this guy. But this time, there's some residue we've never seen before. It looks like the same 'goop' in this picture. Feel free to take a look. I'd join you... But I've been in that alley enough for one night..." *he walks away, leaving the heroes to check the scene out*

Blackshroud: I've heard the name a few times. People kept getting me confused with him. Blaming me for stuff that happened when I was halfway across town. *glances at the picture*

Divael: It's a pile of goop. {She comments deadpannely}

Blackshroud: Goop? Is that your professional opinion?

Anarchy: {She keeps following, periodically taking a drag of her clove and hands in her pockets. She steps under the crime scene tape} "Nat, see if there's anything out of the mundane with the residue." {And checks the body}

Divael: Of course. {She replies to Anarchy, then shrugs to Blackshroud} No. That's just me, playing Captain Obvious.

Renny Two Hand: stands off to teh side of things. Not out of aversion; these scenes aren't anything he's unfamiliar with.

Divael: {Would go on the scene beyond those tapes}

What they find behind the tape are three bodies... Two of the bodies look like a younger couple, and the other one seems to be a member of the Maniacs, of all things. The bodies are sprawled in unnaturally, clearly ripped apart by something. Blood covers the ground and walls... And in the back, they can see the residue the Detective was reffering to.

Renny Two Hand: bears a numb expression, taking in the details.

Blackshroud: *steps a little closer to examine the scene.* ...Yeah. Definitely not my handywork.

Anarchy: {Would probably know the Maniac if he was identifiable before making note of the younger couple.} "An identified supposed suspect in the form of a 'goop', but capable of rendering lacerations and injuries to this extent. If its the goop, we're dealing with something obviously able to manipulate its shape. My turn to be Captain Obvious."

Divael: {As she was asked to do, Nat closes up to one of the bodies, squatting down to take a closer look at the residues, and see if he senses pick up anything supernatural/magical}

Renny Two Hand: finally murmurs: "The wounds consistent across all the bodies?"

Anarchy: "With these three, it seems so. I haven't been to the previous crime scenes, but I'm sure we can get that information later."

The wounds all appear to be the same. If you had a good eye for forensics, you would know they're claw marks.

Renny Two Hand: grumbles: "Why do we get all the weird shit."

Divael: {She narrows her eyes a little} Well, from my point of view, looks supernatural. Though... {Pauses, running her fingers through her hair} Seems to me like those residues aren't as they used to be, though. As if somebody, or something, affected it in some way.

Anarchy: "Because Millennium City, Renny. Is it showing signs of life, Divael?"

Blackshroud: Why would something tear apart two young people and a maniac? Practice?

Divael: {She stands up, turning to Veronica} Well, it looks organic. As of now, not alive. But I'm inclined to believe it was very much alive once. Maybe this "Shroud" got injured, bit splattered -- dead bits

Blackshroud: Good. If we can hurt it, we can stop it.

Divael: Only suppositions, so far.

Anarchy: {She nods before gesturing to one of the victims.} "I should really figure out how that guy did what he did Monday. Would make these scenes easier sometimes."

Divael: I could do it, my own way, but it's often something that the majority would frown upon.

Blackshroud: Why's that?

Anarchy: "Alright, well, if that's a piece of deadened organic material, lets get a sample. There's ways to figure out what it belongs to in the science department."

Divael: {Looks over to Blackshroud} Talking to the dead.

Divael: {Looks over to Veronica} Ask the detective for vial, or such, to collect samples?

Anarchy: "Whatever it takes. Just get me that sample." {She then kneels next to the Maniac to closer inspect the wounds.}

Renny Two Hand: tilts his mask, rubbing at the corner of an eye. If that meant burning through more thermite shells, he'd have to make cost-cuts somewhere.

Blackshroud: By they way, name is Blackshroud. No relation to this monster we're looking for. Seems you're all familiar with eachother already.

Divael: Kinda asked if you wanted to get those, buuut- {Bamf. Vanishes in trails of blue, purple and pink smoke as she reappears in a similar manner over to where the detective most likely is} Hi. Do you happen to have stuff to collect samples -- small vials and the likes?

The detective is standing, smoking a cigarette when Divael appears. "Yup, ask one of the forensics guys over there."

Anarchy: {She stands and takes a few steps back to glance at Blackshroud} "Anarchy, Citadel's leader."

Divael: Thanks. {Nods to the detective and heads over ot the forensics guys, basically repeating her question to them}

Renny Two Hand: nods to Blackshroud. "Reynold Graves; Two-Hand."

Blackshroud: Citadel? Is that your group?

Anarchy: {Then goes to the young couple to repeat the same process, taking note then getting away from the bodies.} "Yes."

There are 3 investigators, all working on various field experiments. One of them hands Divael a vial. "Good luck. We still can't figure out what that stuff is."

Divael: Thanks. And likewise really. Doesn't matter who finds more about it, as long as it helps to solve this case. {Bamfs back to her previous position} Belated hi's. I'm Divael, The MAsked Healer, part of the Citadel. Hello, Blackshroud.

Anarchy: {She then holds her hands out towards the three bodies and focuses to try and sense anything magical in nature, or out of the mundane, twirling her right wrist lightly as she does so.}

Divael: {Kneels to carefully secure a sample of the goop}

Blackshroud: *nods to all three and watches as Divael scoops up the goop* Be nice to work with decent people on this.

Besides the goop, nothing really seems out of the ordinary about the victims' deaths. Whatever kind of supernatural trail the Shroud leaves behind, it's purely in the goop.

Divael: {She stands up with her sample, nodding her head}

Anarchy: {Drops her hand and nods} "I've gotten about all I can out of this. Thoughts, Renny?"

Renny Two Hand: not having much to add, he starts swapping the shells he had loaded in the shotgun, after pulling it out from under his jacket. "Thoughts. Not a damn thing to do till it hits again. Or until the samples are analyzed. Track it, trap it, burn it."

suddenly, the heroes hear a moan of pain from down the alley... Especially odd, since it's all cordoned off.

Anarchy: "Well. . .let's get out of here th-. . ." {turns to the sound of the moan}

Divael: Not my fault. Didn't do it.

Renny Two Hand: had launched into action after loading the last shell, shotgun still in hand as he closes the distance with a few, long bound; augmented via motion assist suit.

What they find down the alley is a lone man, who appears to be homeless. He's wearing dark colored jeans and a black leather jacket; all of his clothing is tattered from years of wear. He has a hood which covers his face, but you can see some deep scars on the parts of it that are visible. He's nursing a wound on his arm and is clearly in pain.

Renny Two Hand: approaches, pistolgrip pump cradled at his hip. "...Say somethin'."

Divael: {Blinks, then would approach over to the homeless man with hands raised placatingly} Hey, hey. You okay? We can help you. {She said softly}

Anarchy: {Stays where she is, hand hovering over Esperance, her sidearm, passively, and watching}

The man is mumbling softly to himself, facing the wall and lying on his side. He doesn't acknowledge the heros' advances at all.

Divael: {She looks over to Renny, saying quietly to him} Gimme some space to work with him, alright?

Renny Two Hand: turns away, taking a few steps to distance himself without a word.

Divael: {She nods to Renny, then would step over, softly saying to the homeless guy as she would crouch down} Hey, you okay? Can I see your injuries? I'm a medic.

Blackshroud: *stays back so as to not startle the man*

The man turns slowly to face Divael, shivering. "N-no... Get... Away. You d-d-don't want to be here... Not a good man."

Anarchy: {She steps closer slowly, hand still hovering over her sidearm passively.}

Divael: {She decides to give the man some space, stand to take a few steps back} You don't seem bad to me, sir... Are you sure you don't want me to see what's happened to you?

He continues to ramble as though he doesn't hear/understand her. "Clown man... Sh-shot his gun. I was... inside... My arm. T-t-those people. Dead..."

Blackshroud: The Maniac? Guess it's my turn to be captain obvious.

"Couldn't stop it... this time..." *he passes out from exhaustion*

Divael: {She blinked a few times, turning her attention to the others} I'm guessing we have a survivor out of all this...?

Anarchy: {She steps forward afterwards and kneels beside him, trying to roll him over unceremoniously to see what was wrong with him.}

Divael: {Looks over to see what Anarchy was doing}

Oddly, Anarchy notices that he's still shivering an unnatural amount despite being unconcious.

Divael: {... Then turns her head elsewhere, eyes darting about. She quietly says} Stay on your guards. There's -something- near.

There's a bullet wound on his arm.

Divael: {Pauses} Around us... Like draping us. {Looks back to the others} ... Much like a shroud.

Renny Two Hand: having already turned his attention from the homeless, it's safe to assume his attention is everywhere else. He hasn't dropped his guard.

Anarchy: {She places her palm flat against the ground while trying to sense anything around them as well, despite Nat saying something, for her own paranoia}

Blackshroud: Terrific...*his hand hovering over his belt as he looks around* Is he gonna be okay?

Anarchy: "Nat. Bullet wound. Careful with extraction, he's still shivering."

Divael: ... Right. {She moves bakc to the homeless man, and nods, slipping a want from her coat} No worries. I came prepared.

The heroes saw a slight build-up of... some kind of substance around the homeless man now. It looks all too familiar...

Divael: Shit...! {Tries to grab the homeless man, and pull away from the goop}

Anarchy: {She continues kneeling there, with her palm against the ground, hand still hovering over her sidearm.}

The goop seems to react to Divael's actions, and envelops the man even faster, encasing him in a black "cocoon"

Blackshroud: *grabs a few throwing darts* Oh hell...

In a flash, the goop disperses, leaving the form of the man... But he's now gone!

Renny Two Hand: glances over his shoulder. "...Well shit."

Divael: {She tumbles backward on that, her face in a frown. She slips the wand back into her coat}Fuh-... How?

Blackshroud: Well this is just getting better and better.

Divael: No kidding. Just to make things worse, whatever I was feeling before, it's gone.

Oracle and the police then rushed to the scene to see what the commotion was about. With no discernible way to track whatever took the man away, the heroes were left empty-handed. Divael agreed to take a look at the residue she took samples of and see what she could discover.

Part II:

Divael discovered that there was a large concentration of some kind of material in West Side... and that this material gave off the same kind of aura as the residue the heroes discovered at the crime scene. A team ventured to investigate the dilapidated apartment structure. What they found was a large crevice in the ground. At the bottom was what looked like some kind of living quarters... And there they found the man they ran into at the crime scene.

Not much else is known. The heroes have not told much else to reporters, or the authorities. What is known can be found here (Shroud), as this was what Jason Miller has agreed to tell us upon examining the man the heroes recovered from the scene. It is unknown if the Shroud remains a threat, or if it is now under control.