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'''''And seem a saint, when most I play the devil."'''''</center></div>
'''''And seem a saint, when most I play the devil."'''''</center></div>
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<P ALIGN="center">If one should encounter the nightly hero out of costume, they will likely not know it. '''Inquisitor's identity is quite secret'''. Though he remains debonair and laid back as ever, he makes even less cause for attention in "plain clothes". At times, his dress is behind trends by a decade or more, so he usually opts for timeless ensembles. '''One can never describe as anything but well-dressed''', but he's taken great strides in finding a more casual appearance that will balance with his taste. It took him years to adopt sneakers, and the pair of spectacles he wears seem out of place.</P>
<P ALIGN="center">If one should encounter the nightly hero out of costume, they will likely not know it. '''Inquisitor's identity is quite secret'''. Though he remains debonair and laid back as ever, he makes even less cause for attention in "plain clothes". At times, his dress is behind trends by a decade or more, so he usually opts for timeless ensembles. '''One can never describe as anything but well-dressed''', but he's taken great strides in finding a more casual appearance that will balance with his taste. It took him years to adopt sneakers.</P>

Revision as of 00:14, 4 April 2015



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"When the fox hears the rabbit scream, he comes running - but not to help."

Certainly, behind the impeccable grooming and exceptional manners, there is a dark side, like everyone else's. No doubt his charm, his wit, and that Spaniard's inflection clothe and cloak his other qualities. One's senses alone may not be enough to know.

As the stories go, this man is inhumanly strong. Human bones and iron alike bend and break in his hands, should he wish it. People claim he can teleport, and he can definitely fly. Word of mouth sometimes says he only wears the veneer of a comely gentleman, and hides a true form beneath. Heresay would have you believe Inquisitor can control minds, and that no weapon can harm him.

Inquisitor is a new force on the scene, his origins a mystery, his limits unknown. He speaks of helping others, and his implied "Inquisition" appears to be set on the evils of the city. But this figure is becoming notorious for avoiding the limelight, and the questions that follow. People tend to make up their own narratives when the author is absent.

So will you believe the stories? Perhaps you're better off not knowing. Or will you chance asking the man yourself?




Real Name



Legal Status

Marital Status


Apparent Age





Nicolas de Castilla



Illegal Superhero


Homo sapiens nosferatu


Nigh-Immortality, Super Strength, Super Speed, Flight, Shapeshifting, Hypnosis



"And thus I clothe my naked villany

With odd old ends stol'n out of holy writ,

And seem a saint, when most I play the devil."


Inquisitor goes right for the throat when it comes to his public appearance. He brings a cool, Old World masculinity to the superhero game, and is unflinchingly well-mannered. His costume is simple, refraining from bright colors and seeking a more elegant, evening-friendly palate. It is perhaps less memorable or camera-friendly than his peers' dress, but Inquisitor doesn't appear interested in standing out.

To call him "dedicated" to grooming may be an understatement. There's rarely a hair on his head out of place, even while flying through the night sky or hounding the criminals of Millennium City. And Inquisitor would be caught dead before sporting five o' clock shadow. It may be obsession, but the caped crusader wears it like a crown, and walks as if it were featherweight.

His cool, collected demeanor follows him into danger. He chases his goals with impossible swiftness, all the while calm as the void. There are no battle cries or heated exclamations. Although, his dapper exterior gives way to a fierce, upsetting presence as he taps into his power. His teeth are bared and the canines elongate; his hands now brandish terrible claws. Truly, in the heat of battle, Inquisitor is a fearsome sight, if he wishes it.

Yet even then, he remains in control. Any ferocity he may show is gone as quickly as it came. This one makes short work of his enemies, and prefers to leave as quietly as he came, departing from his more feral appearance in much the same way. But Inquisitor is not above theater, infrequently revealing his wit, or making a dramatic entrance by flight or shadow, even while in his darker form.

If one should encounter the nightly hero out of costume, they will likely not know it. Inquisitor's identity is quite secret. Though he remains debonair and laid back as ever, he makes even less cause for attention in "plain clothes". At times, his dress is behind trends by a decade or more, so he usually opts for timeless ensembles. One can never describe as anything but well-dressed, but he's taken great strides in finding a more casual appearance that will balance with his taste. It took him years to adopt sneakers.

Out-of-costume, Inquisitor introduces himself simply as "Nicolas". He makes light conversation when he must, though again, it is always polite and jovial. Without fail, he's accompanied by a camera, slung around his neck, for Nicolas is an obsessed, and amateur, freelance photographer. So enamored is he with the art form that he finds himself spending hours on one subject before moving on. He may even be transfixed by another's work, soaking in even mediocre work, for hours. As per his sleep schedule, Nicolas prefers night photography.



"...denn die Toten reiten schnell."



"And then there stole into my fancy, like a rich musical note, the thought of what sweet rest there must be in the grave."

Exerpt from Metahuman Monthly, a modest, local independent magazine.

Interviewer: So you only work nights. Why is that?

Inquisitor: (he chuckles) I have already answered this question.

Interviewer: In another publication. I'd like to have it, from the man himself. There's a little speculation going on about it.

Inquisitor: Yes, I know. You would like me to set the record straight?

Interviewer: That's right.

Inquisitor: (he shrugs) I have nothing new to say. The worst of criminals will rise as the sun sets.

Interviewer: That's poetic. But most statistics in Millennium City suggest crime peaks during the afternoon.

Inquisitor: Ah, I must correct you. I do not seek wrongdoers "in bulk". I pursue the very worst of the city's underbelly, as I said.

Interviewer: Fair enough. Expand then, on the "worst", please.

Inquisitor: I prize this country's justice system. It is - broad - in its ability to prosecute the malcontent. But it must wait for - what is the expression - the smoking gun?

Interviewer: So your approach is more pro-active, I take it? Are you certain you don't cross legal boundaries?

Inquisitor: You are - diligent - to ask. Yes I take the utmost care not to go where I do not belong. (He leans forward) Yet my experience says to me that the most diabolical of elements meet in the dark, where they will not be found.

Inquisitor (cont'd): And should they be found, they cannot be detained, because, according to the law's letter, they do nothing wrong. So this is why I take to the evening shift. And I say to you, it is a horrid sleep schedule, I won't recommend it.

Interviewer: Oh, I'm a reporter, I know it all too well.

Inquisitor: (he leans back in his chair) I am certain that you do. Your profession is admirable in its sleeplessness.

Interviewer: Well thank you. So you'll dispel all the rumors about you? Can you get into more detail about your powers? That is one question you haven't answered, in any publication.

Inquisitor: I fear not. You know my kind must keep those secrets, at times. I will say this much: I forget who speaks these words, but "the Truth is always less interesting than the fiction." People like their stories.

Interviewer: Mark Twain said “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.”

Inquisitor: Perhaps he is the more insightful one. But I have nothing more to say on the subject, you must forgive me.

Interviewer: If we speak again, you know I'll have to ask again. We love our mysteries.

Inquisitor: Who does? Reporters? Or women, like yourself?

Interviewer: Both.

Inquisitor: If we enjoy another moonlight interview, señora, people may begin to ask questions of an altogether different sort.







"'Alone'...'Murder' doesn't hold a candle to it, and 'Hell' is a poor synonym."


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  • Coming soon...
  • Coming soon...



"Virtue is persecuted by the wicked more than it is loved by the good."


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Coming soon...



"Carpe nocturna..."

Pavana de Alexandre | Alonso Mudarra | 1546

O Magnum Mysterium | Tomás Luis de Victoria | 1572

Solo es querer (Tono humano) | Juan Hidalgo de Polanco | 1660

A Lovely Way To Spend An Evening | The Ink Spots | 1944

Enjoy Yourself (It's Later Than You Think) | Louis Prima | 1949

Hound Dog | Elvis Presley | 1956

'Round Midnight | Miles Davis Quintet | 1958

Paint It Black | The Rolling Stones | 1966

Spooky | Dusty Springfield | 1968

I'm Your Boogie Man | KC & the Sunshine Band | 1976

Only The Good Die Young | Billy Joel | 1977

Hungry Like The Wolf | Duran Duran | 1982

Kiss From A Rose | Seal | 1994

Livin' La Vida Loca (Spanish Version) | Ricky Martin | 1999

Shadow On The Sun | Audioslave | 2002

Locked Out Of Heaven | Bruno Mars | 2012

Murder | Justin Timberlake | 2013



"The world changes, we do not, there lies the irony that finally kills us."

  • The Ageless - Inquisitor wears the burden of years on his shoulders. He's worldly, well-read, and seems to possess the wisdom of an older gentleman. The only problem is that he looks to be in his thirties.
  • Animal Motifs - Animals almost always reject and fear Inquisitor. Dogs will bark and howl when he is nearby. Cats hiss and flee. Birds will fall silent. That is, unless, he turns his gaze upon them. Like people, and even more so, animals are susceptible to his hypnotic gaze.
  • Beat It By Compulsion - The nature of his curse, and his age, leaves Inquisitor with a few powerful compulsions. He is a creature of habit, and is hard pressed to break or change them. Such obsessions can be used against him.
  • Blood Lust & The Power Of Blood - Blood is the center of Inquisitor's desires, as much as he hates to admit it. There is no food or activity that pleases him more on such a visceral, encompassing level. The mere sight or scent of it can distract him from conversation. In battle, it can lead to frenzy. The hungrier he is, the more difficult it is to ignore, even when it flows through the veins of an ally or innocent.
  • Camera Fiend - Inquisitor is obsessed with photography. His most common alter ego is that of a freelance photographer, and he keeps many of his photos as a sort of journal. But it goes beyond that; he will often take hours to finish a shoot, seemingly unable to turn away until he captures exactly what he desires.
  • The Cowl - Though he is charming, Inquisitor knows his strengths. He is suited to darkness and terror more than hope. So he blends his pleasing personality with his monstrous skills, puzzling his enemies and allies alike, even as he may terrify them.
  • Cultured Badass - His background and his age have enabled a great deal of tasting (un)life's finer elements. Though a bit lacking in culinary skill, Inquisitor is terribly well-read, and knowledgeable of the world and its ways, though there are a few holes in his cultured corpus.
  • Cursed With Awesome - Though it seems a curse to him, its boons are absolutely seductive to everyone else. Immortality, superhuman strength, etc. And Inquisitor has used his dark gifts for great things lately. If only they knew what horrors offset his great power.
  • Exposition Of Immortality - Occasionally, in speech, Inquisitor will let slip a little clue to his true age. Or he'll make a mistake that betrays how out of touch he is with the modern day. His home, however, screams of another time, and he hides very little when alone.
  • The Fog of Ages - Inquisitor commands a great deal of knowledge and wisdom due to his age. But his ability to recall it with precision isn't always reliable. The sheer force of centuries on his mind makes him occasionally forgettable or confused as to the order of events. It can distress Inquisitor to no end, and he worries that it may be getting worse. Such is, in part, the reason for his taking to photography.
  • I Do Not Drink Wine - Inquisitor is notorious for always having eaten before events, and appears to abstain entirely from alcohol and tobacco. Most simply believe he is a health nut, or that he is diabetic.
  • Kryptonite Factor - The curse Inquisitor bears has many side effects. Fire and sunlight are agents that can distress, harm, and even destroy the caped crusader.
  • Our Vampires Are Different - Even learning Inquisitor's secret is only the beginning, for the details of his curse differ from the varying legends of his kind.
  • Secret Identity - Inquisitor goes to some lengths to preserve distance between his hero alter ego, and his many "plain clothes" identities. They all have their place in his schemes of obsession, pleasure, redemption, and survival.
  • Secret Keeper - As one might expect, Inquisitor is a creature of secrets. They protect him, and though he may dare revelation every night he dons a cape, he is still concerned with controlling information regarding his nature.
  • Stronger With Age - His great, centuries-long sleep delayed the process, but Inquisitor, like most of his kind, is growing stronger as he survives year after year.


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