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(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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! Meta Focus:
| {{{R&D|Mysticism}}}
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! Player:
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| colspan="2" style="text-align:center; color: #ffffff; background:#0082A1" | '''Personal Data'''
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center; color: #ffffff; background:#0082A1" | '''Personal Data'''
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The information in this file '''DOES NOT''' pertain to the demon of mythological record.  While the subject calls her race, and herself, Lilim there is no connection between the two.  It is thought to be a coincidence that the name was 'made' for a creature believed to be myth, and one that an actual creature that had yet to be recorded.
The information in this file '''DOES NOT''' pertain to the demon of mythological record.  While the subject calls her race, and herself, Lilim there is no connection between the two.  It is thought to be a coincidence that the name was 'made' for a creature believed to be myth, and one of an actual creature that had yet to be recorded.

Latest revision as of 00:54, 7 December 2014

OOC In-game Info
Combat Focus: Support/DPS
Power Level: Below 40
Meta Focus: Mysticism
Personal Data
Real Name: Refuses to share
Known Aliases: None
Species: Lilim
Ethnicity: N/A
Age: +9500yrs (based on statements)
Height: 137cm
Weight: Not measurable
Eye Color: Glowing pink
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: N/A
Occupation: None
Place of Birth: Çatalhöyük
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Marital Status: Single shows no interest
Known Relatives: None
Known Meta Abilities
Known Skills and Training
Known Assets

PRIMUS Heading.png



The information in this file DOES NOT pertain to the demon of mythological record. While the subject calls her race, and herself, Lilim there is no connection between the two. It is thought to be a coincidence that the name was 'made' for a creature believed to be myth, and one of an actual creature that had yet to be recorded.

Personal Information

First appeared in Millennium City during the Qularr attack. She was discovered unconscious near The Champions HQ. After the Qularr were driven off, she spent several weeks in the PRIMUS Millennium City Medical Laboratory.

At first thought to be a unidentified type of demon, it was quickly found that, while she is closely related to the Succubus type, she was almost pure mental energy given solid form. Dr. Silverback, was asked to examine the records PRIMUS had gathered, and he then took over her care and recovery.

After his own interviews and less 'impersonal' tests, he determined, the Qularr shield and the ultra sonic signal used to instigate the attack, combined to cause a change in her normal incorporeal nature when she came into contact with it. Arrangements have since been made through Dr. Silverback's contacts within The Champions, for her to stay with an unnamed confidant of Witchcraft.

When asked questions during our initial interviews, replies were almost always the same to most questions. A sample of which follow, note that Dr. Silverback also received most of the same answers. Even when rewording the questions.

  • AGE or BIRTH: "I began when Çatalhöyük was founded."
    Research as shown Çatalhöyük was founded around 7500BC, if true, the subject's age is over 9500 years of age. ((see OOC info 1))
  • NAME: "Lilim."
    Even after establishing Lilim as the name of her race, the subject continually stated Lilim was also her name. It is believed this is because of the 'knowing a demon's true name' mythos.
  • DIET: "I do not feel the need to feed."
    After seeing the subject not eating the supplied food, she replied as such. When asked further, she did tell of her race's diet. (See below)
  • OTHERS OF HER KIND: "I no longer see them, but they are here."
    We theorize that 'The Change,' as the subject has started calling the encounter that has caused her current state. Has also caused her inability to directly interact with others of her race.
  • LANGUAGE: Though the subject seemed to have no trouble understanding English, she showed a habit of speaking in a language we could not identify. By chance a visiting researcher from Finland, heard and recognized the language as a very old Norse variant known as Dökkálfr. ((See OOC info 2))

Racial Information

Following is a summary list of racial traits derived from our studies of the subject and the information she supplied.

  • Lilims 'eat' the energy produced by the dreams of sentient beings, this is stated as non-fatal. ((see OOC info 3))
  • Find the energy produced by humans more appealing, due to the variety of the 'types.'
    • Find dragon energy 'distasteful,' because of the complex nature of dragons.
  • Are seekers of knowledge, will generally lair in arcane, or extensive old libraries.
    • Are very territorial, and will defend their home and surrounding area. Usually causing severe mental discomfort to those they consider trespassers.
  • Are normally incorporeal to other species.
    • Scans to try and locate 'normal' members of the species have been inconclusive. We believe this is because of the changed nature of the base subject.
  • Have a severe dislike of servant hood or captivity. Until Dr. Silverback convinced the subject she was not a prisoner, she would become violent with anyone entering her room.
    • A system of protection by <REDACTED AT THE REQUEST OF DR. SILVERBACK. This information was determined to be endangering to the subject upon her recovery and discharge should this document be 'leaked' to the public or other individuals.> ((see OOC info 4))

OOC Character / Hook Info

  1. I include this note only so people will know where my idea is coming from. I won't discuss it IC in game if you ask, because Lilims do not talk about how they are 'born.'
    In my idea, Lilims are born when a large group with the same 'dream' come together, like when founding a city.
  2. The Dökkálfr are from Norse legend, the 'language' I use for them, is the fictitious Ilythiiri (Drow) language. I have a few sentences written down to use most. There is a reason for this, but I am not yet sure if I will add to this record.
  3. The effect I'm hinting at, is the feeling of 'waking up tired.' Basically if a Lilim 'feeds' on you, you get no benefit from that night's rest, hence it's not directly fatal. Falling asleep while driving/flying/teleporting is a different story. <grin>
  4. This info is merely for color, any group would of course try to find a way to keep their staff safe from a violent subject during 'care.'
  • Anyone with a science affiliation with PRIMUS might have access to this file, or might have heard of Lilim.
    • A military affiliation might have heard of her, but not have the file.
  • Someone with a mystical connection with Witchcraft, or the Trismegistus Council might have heard of Lilim, but without a PRIMUS connection would not have this file.

OOC Document Info

This Dossier template has been adapted by Jedermann from the AntiheroBox template, originally edited for the PRIMUS Database by Scarlet using a template by Eisregen on VirtueVerse. Thanks to everyone involved in the process. For the InfoBox alone, use Template:DossierBox.

(( I recolored this only because I like the blue more than the yellow/green. All other credit goes to the people stated above, and in the links.))