Young Protectors

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Young Protectors
Protectors Unite!
We are the Young Protectors. We fight to inspire teens like us to stay off the path to corruption and evil.
Leader(s): Magpie
Base of Operations:
Concept: Teenage Superheroes
Website: Click Here
Members: Solargirl, Mighty Amazon, Gearhead, Revolver Witch Remy, Red Bullet, Johnny Nitro, Strikes Twice
Currently Inactive for the time being

"So many, so often look upon us as wild youth who care only for the next coolest thing. They see undisciplined children pretending at adulthood.

They are wrong.

As Young Protectors, we take responsibility for our actions. We pride ourselves on facing adversity with dignity and grace. We excel at showing others that we are individuals worthy of admiration and aspiration. We guide by example. We bravely face our fears. And most importantly, we are the ideals of our forefathers made manifest.

We are the Young Protectors.