Walker Grau
Designed and built as part of the RGB Project - a set of color-coded expendable machines that could be deployed in hopelessly dangerous conditions in place of human beings - Grau was one of the few products that WALKS ever built to completion. As part of the G series models, Grau was intended for use in military combat zones to rush enemy forces and draw their fire, allowing friendly units to take advantage of the chaos.
It's AI was designed to understand and exploit human emotions to cause as much fear and confusion on the battlefield as possible, but it also turned out to be quite good at casual interaction with those it labeled as "friendly". Grau never saw combat before WALKS went under, but it got a lot of attention from the employees who worked on it - participating in workplace banter, holiday celebrations, and even it's own birthday party.
After the company closed, it's patents and existing machines were bought up in a whirlwind of investment, with most of the RGB Project ending up in the hands of an anonymous buyer who modified Grau into a nonlethal engine of vigilante justice.