Understanding Gods and Mechas
These images are raw temporary references and not meant to be how they look in exact entirety.
Examples of world used mechs and their similarities to Angels. The animal shaped ones are Angels. For humans these machines ranged for war vehicles to day to day industrial.
Angels and some gods use these same mech bodies but with their spirit as pilot. Humans learn how to build this by leaked military documents that were handed down in secrecy by Angels. The Angels copied their mechanical shape from humans and animals of this Earth.
Examples of Legion used mecha. Each faction has their own color scheme. Black with blue light are Legion colors.
Though Mechs are not the main focus of this 'anime'. Their large presence should always be recognized in the background.
Examples of Mega Carriers. The share size were brought about to transport various large mechs.
At some point before humanity got supers. These vehicles were seized by the Robots. Humanity almost lost because of their dependance on these machines.
Examples of smaller military used vehicles.
The regularity of gigantic style machines are a unique aspect of The RaveVerse. It show a poetic contrast to the human ability to build something godlike we all should be proud of.
The Axis Powers were the first to invent giant mech technologies due to discovery of Angel bodies. The Allies used slower smaller Tanks. Yet they prevailed with the earliest form of Super Soldier serum which was a gift from Angels.
WW2 The Central Powers came up with even bigger mechs. The Allies adopted mech technologies but still smaller than the Germans who had more raw resources to build them. Angels intervened in later fighting putting and end to the war. The Angels was the only ones to match the German Mechas size. The Robots begin to gain sentience from witnessing mankind and Angels.
After the Sentient Robots saw the Angels form they began several anti-human revolutions from 1987-2006. From that time they stopped because they believed mankind were the key to the next step in their evolution as they lacked creativity. They oppressed mankind up till 2018. After learning the software is the ultimate form the Robots plotted with biological weapons. The Angels intervened again but this time changing the Robots Biological weapons into Super Powers containing mutagen.
After the Fall of Sentient Robot Powers and Super humans protecting the globe, Megas are designed for luxury purposes. These are freshing to see where as most cities were previously oppressed and bombed to crap city.
Humans were able to build these structures by building large robots then piloting the large robots to build even bigger robots. The building patterns resembles mazes.