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Player: @DZPlayer122
Biographical Data
Real Name: "Turando"
Known Aliases:
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf Manimal
Ethnicity: N/A
Place of Birth: N/A
Base of Operations: Global operator
Relatives: N/A
Age: N/A
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 157 lb.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark gray fur
Complexion: Vanilla fur tips
Physical Build: Average
Physical Features: None
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Chaotic Good

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Identity: Public
Years Active: 9
Citizenship: Global operating passport provided by UNTIL, no citizenship.
Occupation: Mercenary, Scientist, Medic
Education: No known diploma, assumed to be well beyond college graduate.
Marital Status: Married
Known Powers and Abilities
Hyper-regeneration via nanites
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Two pistols, various gadgets based on nanotechnology.
ReldinBoxMini Template

-Author's Note: Page is outdated, will spruce it up later... maybe. -@DZPlayer122