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Supergroup name
founded: Confidential
base of Operations
Web Site

The PriceBox is an infobox template created by Virtueverse expert User:AlwaysAPrice. This template is a modification of that one, working with the PRIMUS Database and designed to be a Supergroup infobox. The fields used are for the most part duplicated from the general SupergroupBox template, so changing from that template to this one causes minimal problems. (Footnotes were not included in this template.)

A complete example is displayed to the right.

List of Parameters

Styling Parameters

  • border - Sets color for the outermost border of the box, the lightest gray in the example. Defaults to #9b9b9b. Values accepted include: standard HTML Color names, any hexadecimal color value, or transparent to show the background of the page.
  • midborder - Sets color for the inner border of the box, the medium gray in the example, which borders the data modules. Defaults to #6f6f6f. Values accepted include: standard HTML Color names, any hexadecimal color value, or transparent to hide the inner borders and use the next lowest layer (border or page background if border is also transparent).
  • background - Sets color for the background of the data modules, the darkest gray in the example. Defaults to #444444. Values accepted include: standard HTML Color names, any hexadecimal color value, or transparent to hide the inner borders and use the next lowest layer (midborder, border, or page background depending on other transparencies set.
  • text - Sets color for all text in the PriceBox. Defaults to #e8e8e8. Values accepted include: standard HTML Color names, any hexadecimal color value, or transparent to hide the inner borders and use the next lowest layer (border or page background if border is also transparent).
  • font - Sets the font used for the majority of the Main Data module and the headers of all other modules. Defaults to Red Circle (a/k/a the City of Heroes font) Values recommended include: Web Safe fonts and font families (serif, sans-serif, monospace)

Informational Parameters

  • name - Your group's name. This will appear in big bold letters. Defaults to 'Supergroup name' if not further specified.
  • motto - Your group's tag or motto. If you don't include this parameter, there will be no text in the block above the image.
  • image - Logo or SG screenshot. Should not be wider than 300 pixels. If it's too wide (or too small) it will be automatically shrunken (or expanded) to the appropriate size (but clicking on the image will display the actual image rather than the adjusted version). If you have no image, don't include this parameter and it will default to a placeholder image instead.
  • caption - text that goes right beneath the image, if you think the image requires further commentary. If not, don't include this parameter and there will be no text in the block below the image.

  • leaders - Founders and leaders of the group. Defaults to 'Confidential' if not further specified.
  • base - Where your group's base of operations is located, whether it be an abandoned factory or on an island. Defaults to 'Confidential' if not further specified.

  • concept - What your group can be summarized as. Examples: Registered Heroes, Intergalactic, Vigilantes, International Corporation, Cultists. Defaults to 'Confidential' if not further specified.
  • founded - When your group was founded. Defaults to 'Confidential' if not further specified.
  • website - The URL to your group's website. Defaults to http://PRIMUSDatabase.com if not further specified.
  • members - The amount of members in the group. Defaults to 'Confidential' if not further specified.

SupergroupBox Cheatsheet

Copy the following onto your page and fill out the appropriate information.

| background = 
| border = 
| text = 
| midborder = 
| font = 
| name = 
| motto = 
| image = 
| caption = 
| leaders = 
| base = 
| concept = 
| founded = 
| website = 
| members = 