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klunB punches, named "Beatrice" by the police B-471E [She didn't want to be "Big Bertha"]<BR>
klunB punches, named "Beatrice" by the police B-471E [She didn't want to be "Big Bertha"]<BR>
Nightbringer@Heartshaker: now you need to actually make that clone be named T-somenumber, then take Thot as her name. "THOT"<BR>
Nightbringer@Heartshaker: now you need to actually make that clone be named T-somenumber, then take Thot as her name. "THOT"<BR>
name a cloneJP went to mars, BG is astronaut mars<BR>

Revision as of 03:11, 3 May 2019

Yay Snookii! ^_^ --FrozenViolet (talk) 06:11, 18 September 2013 (MST)


843 clones:
-80 in Lemuria
-60 in Alaskan fae enclave
-50 in Jedi class at base
-40 on primus work release/physical labour
-40 working on humanitarian projects in Africa
-35 on Red's spaceship as crew/marines
-70 working security/loading jobs in Detroit area
-60 working construction/mechanic jobs in Detroit area
-40 in school[others are taking video classes]
-50 are traveling around at any given time
-25 in the bunker near Detroit
-05 moved out various reasons [1a/W/M/B/etc.]
=555 off doing "things"

-Q-@Pariba: so Gingham is silver-blue dollfaced persian?

Fleabelly@Nimashet: <nods>

-Q-@Pariba: i can find a picture of that... :D

W's babies are Wednesday, Winter, and Wyoming [or 1,2,3]
clones aquire hover transport from warlord, paint it carebears.
G-437, I will call you, Galrihad. g-5 is "Gloria" named by red
S-880A: smartass
Q-384?- tattle tale clone
S-288B- is?
X-842P- is?
J-336C is punchy clone: Fleabelly@Nimashet: if she enjoys punching people, perhaps she should be Jolly or Joy ... or Jab
X-446k is demonic pact clone/got possessed by Nightbringer
B-549R- likes knives, stabby clone
F-018T is a ditz- but a very happy one.
L & a J went to jail for selling stolen zaltor-insribed bracelents on ebay. the J is the smarter one.

Devai@LordWisp: O is for obsessive
Secondary Kclone: "Kareen."- named by Pooter
I was Model C-558R, but now I am Xil Hari. But everyone still calls me Computer.
Clone Name: "P-3021, Penelope"
Kierdan bodyguard named "Juniper" jan27.
red ship captured clones: Right" Q-942N, LeftF-678K and First:C-227B
klunB punches, named "Beatrice" by the police B-471E [She didn't want to be "Big Bertha"]
Nightbringer@Heartshaker: now you need to actually make that clone be named T-somenumber, then take Thot as her name. "THOT"
name a cloneJP went to mars, BG is astronaut mars

Arganov Species Name: Icarus: "They are both "Clones of our species" the Tylakxians, but they are of different "Blood lines" as the Caretakers do that."
"original savior machine was" XS-0001-001
Pooters real name: Republic First Lieutenant Xhil-Har Homar
Enforcer Unit, G3-Tetra-0582- named by Piffle "Gerry", decided its male
Maffi cleansing drone is " E7-Uner-591"
-Queen-@LordWisp: Riodan, Save that for me the name of the disk world XD
Venna for the horse, Caria for the horse, both female. Luiz horse & Dog.
Hol-den's emperor: Spirit Warrior@LordWisp: Hol-Den: "Ven-To, of Imperial House Tin of Lineage clan Qou. So Ven-To Tin-Quo." --Hol den's lineage. [F loves her Pancake]

Jason picked green seaturtle, pink llama and striped coati plush for W's babies, he has a floating brown puppy, the "Buppy"

Miss Mental@Jaxora: BTW in case it ever comes up: it's the HIVEMIND that hurts her, not mental contact in general. So if a clone is ever separated from the hivemind and tries to telepathy her, let me know the detail she's acting "Alone"

Chevalier@shaelos: heard a description that you can apply to the clones... ADOS... "attention deficit ooooooh shiny!"

Pipsqueek@Nimashet: I kinda now wanna see a group of clones fight in the forum malvan ... at the start of the first fight, they would all do 'paper/rocks/scissors', the winner would trounce the whole lot of them ... at the end of the ironclad/Duratok fight, both would be on the ground in a little stack, Ironclad going "I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING"

Wonderbolt@atgnat#9172: (( Snookward is a real word that means "towards the nearest Snooklone." ))

Eoghainin@LordWisp: ((But he gave her a name, as she's a very loyal minion, helps witht he gang and sat by his bed side all night, he was touched, and just calling her C-343 felt so poor after that)) ((So he gave her a name)

Tsonoqua@Pariba: why do I keep thinking the clones, going through life have a semi-surreal thing where people [them] randomly break out into song and dance like a Bollywood musical?
Stalwart Sentinel@SeekerOfRedemption: The magic of musicals.

1a, [B] C D F G H J K L M N P Q R S T V W X Z. Linden, Natasha, cousin country, cousin goth.

W's other song is "Don't Stop me Now"-- Queen

july14.2016: BIRTHDAY! Fleabelly:843 plastic mice! Piffle:900 rainbow toe socks [ extras in case the dryer earts some]+ music cds. Temper@lillysaturn: Umh. You got the Animee DVD collection I send you? Tidal Force@aiurdae: Cat Trick gave them an enchanted stick that sprays colourful yet harmless lights and makes a firework noises. You know, to annoy and terrify the staff with!

Wonderbolt@atgnat#9172: I'm giving it to the clones.Or "Shenanigan" for one clone, I guess.
1-A@Pariba: "we are designation:Shenanigans!" "what am shenanigan mean?" "i dunno." "sounds badass." "good enough!" maybe that should be their until project name?

  • Clone Decanting day is JULY14!!
  • R is scared of iggy cause she thinks hes a vampire, she doesnt mind atlus, and likes Exitus cause she feels "normal" when hes around. R looses it ont he slightest provocation- until that happens shes pretty cool.
  • H has a respect for Chev and Atlus, K is her enforcer type follows her orders. shes very social, with people other then the clones, which is unusual

[ConChat] Jalisa@Pariba: K has a General Lee [repainted] and Q just got a junker '59 eldorado. [caddilac]
[ConChat] Gardain Battlefate@shaelos: '68 Dodge Charger for the general lee Clones run "OOBUR" service

Tavar@shaelos: "This is RYAN SANTANA with the WCOC News Team! TONIGHT I bring video evidence of the MCPD"s newest recruit: Molly the crime finding Mastodon!" *video shows Molly's "enclosure"* "Housed in a state of the facility with highly trained attendants" *Z and several other clones are shown waving to the camera* "Molly has shown a veritable NOSE finding crime." "So, criminals beware, the MCPD has a new addition to its crime fighting team, and she's wants to STAMP" *video of Molly jumping up and down on what used to be an illegally parked car* "out crime. "This has been RYAN SANTANA, for WCOC. Back to you Rob." *Rob Mahogany looks to the camera* "Hohoho, well I better move my caddie from that no-parking zone, pretty quickly."

Until project designation:SHENANIGANS clones will call safe room "Designation: Wuss" because... well.
Clones will now call Black jack@Soulstar "Potato man" ... because the potato goes in the front.
Clones will call Angus@mauler00 "Mister Cow"/mister moo because black angus = cattle.
Clones will call Snowtalon@Dabbs3352 "Snowy Dargon" Dargon is R's way of saying dragon. Snowy sometimes guest lectures at EBI.
Clones will call Veil@DragonKnightX "Fluffy Dogcat" bumming this lil gem, didn't think of it myself :)
Clones will call Light Lancer@aiurdae "Zippo" because his name is "light" and he broke the sound barrier. [optional: zipper]
Clones will call Doc Giger@Jaxora "Doc GiGi". he didn't like "Ginger" or "Geiger" :P
artifist is now "Designation: Designated Adult" to the clones. Wondy, look what you've done!
Clones give Ephrael Designation "Auntie Ephi"
Captain Hornet is now "Captain Horny"
Hieratic is forever "Kittyman, purveyor of fine jelly beans"
Noriceptor is "Designation: Criminal Scum"
Protectoid@sylinator <-- clones have dubbed "Binky-bot" Mind Hive@jahavasaud: "Clones, seriously, Buzz Buzz is one of the cutest things I've been called. Thanks."

Wheelman@epelesker: So. I like F-777.
Aehallh@jaybee37: 777, code name "lucky" :p

-Molly/Z kidnapped Xmas from petting zoo by hunter-patriot. he takes them to Canada, but is recued by daring Mountie. They are given timbits and returned to Detroit. -Linden/lira crushed by hero-thrown dumptruck in winter,linden fne, lira broken legs. Liira cousin lyra tells Chev embaresing stories of her youth. Lirra is fine. -Purple alien rescued from Russia in spring. evades assassin sent by tamerlane. Sentanced to public service 200 years in Antarctica. Telios crashes the plane, alien runs trough jungle, rescued by the champs, returns to Detroit. -Snookums voluntarily unpowered in may, Atlus resigns. Snookums/molly kidnapped to Abu dhabi to shiek's prehistoric zoo. Snookums is found, Chev rescues Molly. Hallaby eaten by ereyops.

-H is used as bait for a deathtrap by the Humanitarian, captures Chev. He takes out Humantarain's eye, who escapes. H is missing an arm, leg and liver, but recovers soon enough. -Chev givesliira pink vespa, clones try to borrow, and are foiled. Clones help lira's training by stelthing and shoting nerf darts at her. -Acyth gets depowered in September, clones make sure she survives trip home, fiend off alien attack. Once Acyth is out of hospital hide her/boytoy in Linden hiddyhole. -Molly wanders off in November, the alien "Priest" comes to keep Z company, and an eye on the clones. He gives them useful advice over the UNTIL comm-line.

-Snookums is kidnapped with 2 visitors to Happy valley, Gil goes to EBI, gets Chevalier. Clones drive out his car and his travel bags. Chev discovers viper base in AuTrain POW/CCC camp. Snookums is under farm 5 miles out of Traunik.

-Priest discovers clones buy their toys [and lamps and blankets] from Goodwill, and buys a Barbie for each of them, sends to the school/westside. Clones squee over brand new barbies & don't take them out of the box for days!