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Player: historiphile
Stunner Main.png
Costumed crime fighter. Hunted by VoidWorks.
Biographical Data
Real Name: Janine Mercer
Known Aliases: N/A
Gender: F
Species: Human mutate
Ethnicity: American of European descent
Place of Birth: Chicago, IL
Base of Operations: Millennium City, MI
Relatives: Francis "Frank" Mercer (father)
Erica Meunier (mother; estranged)
Age: 16
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 129 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Auburn
Complexion: Light/Medium
Physical Build: Hourglass
Physical Features: Glasses
Short hair
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Identity: Secret
Years Active: 2
Citizenship: USA
Occupation: Student
Education: Some high school
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Super strength
Enhanced durability
Super leaping
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Full-body Stunner costume
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Stunner is a superhero from Millennium City.

Stunner Banner.png


Early Life

Born in Chicago Illinois, Janine's parents separated when she was 5 years old. Her mother left with her lover to live in Florida, while her father moved to Millennium City to seek work. Janine was often with sitters or day cares, and missed out on having involved parents - which developed her into an independent person, but someone longing for guidance and validation.

Chemical Spill

Janine was coated in a blend of chemicals following the spill at the VoidWorks yard. This led to her gaining super powers.

Janine attended Westside High School in Millennium City. She lived in walking distance, and often shortcutted through the industrial waste yard maintained by VoidWorks Inc. One time, she climbed up a stack of barrels to get over a fence at the edge of the property, and the barrels gave out on her. Janine was knocked out briefly after she fell to the ground, and found herself covered in slimy waste from various barrels. Worried she would be in trouble from VoidWorks and from her dad if anyone knew, so she ran for it.

At school, Janine sneaked into the gym showers and washed off, then switched into her gym clothes to get through the day. She felt a little ill from the chemical mix affecting her at a cellular level, as she was slowly being given her new super powers.

VoidWorks was aware that a spill had occurred on their property within hours, and the grounds obviously showed signs that a person had been in the spill, and walked away from it. Facing stiff Federal fines and litigation, VoidWorks covered up the evidence of a living victim, and reported the spill to the EPA as a near-miss. This came with penalties, but less severe ones than if it had been known there was a human casualty. Meanwhile, the chairman of VoidWorks's board quietly arranged for a private eye to investigate clues to the victim's identity.

Within days, Janine realized she had gained super powers, but it took her weeks to understand their extent. Her father's frequent absences from home gave Janine the room she needed to practice and train.

Becoming Stunner

Stunner carefully maintains a dual identity.

Seven weeks after the incident, Janine began to look into the incident, and realized that VoidWorks had covered it up. Her inquisitive mind led her to want to discover what she had been exposed to. To that end, she made a custom costume with a mask, and used it for her first attempt to infiltrate VoidWorks offices after hours.

The first attempt was a failure; she had underestimated the difficulty of accessing corporate records onsite, and was chased off by security.

She made other attempts, a few weeks apart, but again, had difficulty finding information she needed. Worse, VoidWorks and its private eye deduced that the mysterious masked female was probably their anonymous victim - a super powered person who was coming back to learn what happened to her. They began to increase security, anticipating their opportunity to capture her for study. Janine knew she had to back off.

Realizing she had gifts, enjoying her escapades against VoidWorks security, and also realizing her powers, while still somewhat mysterious to her, were at least under command, Janine realized she could join the ranks of the city's masked crime fighters. She began night-time patrols, often sneaking out as soon as she heard her father snoring in his bedroom.

Hunted by VoidWorks

VoidWorks stepped up activities to discover Stunner's identity, or capture her. Occasionally, street toughs would be paid by VoidWorks operators to try to draw out Stunner by committing crimes in her part of town, and being prepared to try to seize her if she showed up. Stunner proved capable of being able to outwit these attempts to ensnare her.

After her vigilante ally Outsider warned her that VoidWorks might be on the verge of narrowing down her secret identity, given available clues that might point to the mysterious spill victim being a student at nearby Westside High School, Janine pressed her father to let her transfer to Detroit Memorial High School.



  • Francis "Frank" Mercer - Father of Janine. Unaware of her superhero status. Works as a public defender in the Millennium City court system, providing legal counsel to those who cannot afford it. His lack of ambition has caused him to stay in his low-paying role rather than strike out into private practice. Long hours means he seldom sees Janine except at breakfast, and just before bed.
  • Erica Meunier - Mother of Janine. Estranged from Janine since her separation and divorce from Frank when Janine was five years old. Stopped sending birthday cards to Janine when she was 13 years old. Has remarried and has two children with her new husband.


  • Outsider - Masked vigilante, Adventurer member, and sometimes crime-fighting partner. Also a confidante for Stunner. Does not know her secret identity.
  • Battery - AKA Dani Lefevre, a fellow student at Detroit Memorial High, and another bio-electrically powered superhero.
  • Rin Okada - One of Janine's best friends, and fellow student. Has playfully accused Janine of being Stunner, though without much basis.
  • Adrian Douglas - One of Janine's best friends, part of a friend trio with Rin. Seems to have a crush on Janine. Also a student.


  • VoidWorks - This company sells services in storing, breaking down, and recycling toxic waste, which has many unique forms in Millennium City. They covered up the accident that caused Stunner to gain her powers, making it seem like a victimless near-miss to avoid crushing federal fines, lawsuits, and bad publicity. Having since deduced that the troublesome hero 'Stunner' who keeps milling around their offices was the mysterious victim, they want to capture her and learn what mix of chemicals in their possession can grant people powers. They are continually seeking clues to Stunner's secret identity, and hiring agents to bring her in.
  • Blastar - a minor supervillain who has an innate power to use force blasts as attacks, as well as for traversal. Stunner has fought him on at least two occasions, defeating him each time.
  • Croaker - Frog-themed bounty hunter. Given equipment and chemicals in an under-the-table arrangement with Void Works, he uses toxic chemicals and particle weapons to try to incapacitate his targets. VoidWorks has given him a directive to find and capture Stunner if he can, and provided him with a chemical agent they believe can neutralize her powers temporarily.


Super Strength Super Leaping Bio-electricity Durability

Stunner Super Strength.png

Stunner Super Leap.png

Stunner Bioelectricity.png

Stunner Endurance.png

Stunner can lift perhaps as much as 3 tons with exertion, or 1 ton with some ease. She often has to pull her punches when fighting human adversaries. Stunner can bound upward of 7 storeys high, and often traverses the city leaping from roof to roof. This power is one Stunner has difficulty controlling. Especially in battle, she discharges electricity - enough to stun enemies, sometimes. Her bioelectricity passively increases her coordination and motor skill speed to something above-human, though she often suppresses this out of costume. Most blunt damage can be shrugged off thanks to musculoskeletal enhancement. This also helps Stunner to not shatter her legs while super leaping. She is still susceptible to piercing and slashing.

Out-of-Character Notes

  • Stunner has been retconned from a college student to a high school student so she can be played as a teen hero.
  • As of now, she is intended to eventually join A-Plus.
  • For the time being, she will not age in real time, so that she can remain in the teen hero genre alongside A-Plus characters.