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"I bring Summer's light and Winter's blight."

Brought to this realm against her will, Solstice is a benevolent spirit of nature and sworn enemy of the Sanctum Ordinem

Player: @chibillama
Solstice sure does love nature.
Character Build
Class Focus: DPS
Power Level: 16
Research & Development: Mystic
Biographical Data
Real Name: Sidhe (Unknown last name)
Known Aliases: Solstice
Gender: Female
Species: Nature Spirit
Ethnicity: N/A
Place of Birth: "The Forest"
Base of Operations: Unknown
Relatives: An unknown amount of "sisters"
Age: Roughly 4 billion years
Height: 5'5"
Weight: As light as a feather
Eyes: Pure white
Hair: Pure white
Complexion: Smooth
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: Several pure white tattoos cover her skin, criss-crossing like barbed wire across her skin, she also has a long bushy tail as well as ears that resemble those of a fox.
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Identity: Publicly Known (What is there to hide?)
Years Active: 2
Citizenship: Unknown
Occupation: Uh, nature spirit?
Education: Only what her sisters taught her
Marital Status: Doesn't understand the concept
Known Powers and Abilities
Being a spirit not from this world, Solstice has a tenuous relationship with the physical world. At a thought, she can phase out, becoming immune to anything physical. Solstice is formed of two seasons, Summer and Winter. Her powers grow and change according to which form she is in. As one would expect, Summer commands complete control over the growth and flowering of plants, which bend to the will of the spirit. Plants spring from the ground, completing their entire life cycle in mere seconds. Whereas Winter brings the decay and end to life, powers that have not been fully documented yet other than through her control of the cold. Her powers cannot be fully documented yet, given that she has been bound with restricting tattoos. Await further details.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Solstice is always seen wearing her armour, which includes a breastplate and armour, as well as the helmet. Although the limits of the armour has not been fully explored yet, they appear to be a part of her, very difficult to damage significantly and can repair themselves much like a human can heal a wound, meaning that they can never truly be broken. She also used to have a backpack, full of books which contained drawings, although this has been stolen.
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From the first traces of life on our planet, their goddess was born. And from her image, the spirits were crafted.

As our world experienced the first blossoms of life so did theirs. It fed itself on the growth of our planet, on the tiny microscopic creatures that inhabited the world. And as our life grew in size, their world grew in power.

The spirits would ensure that the world was looked after, that the spark of nature would never be erased. They would carry hope with them and also the power to destroy.

Because Nature is beautiful. But it is also brutal.


But let us not go that far back, as this was not the Sidhe that we know today.

For the name Sidhe does not change, although the body and mind which carries it does. The Sidhe today is completely different from the Sidhe from (roughly) four billion years ago.

So, the Sidhe, the one that would become Solstice, the one that we know probably began several thousand years before the agricultural revolution. Before there would be any resemblance of civilisation as we know it. Her rebirth was both a sombre affair and a joyous one, as it is simultaneously loss and birth. Decay and Growth. Summer and Winter.