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Player: @DarkFenrir112
Class Focus: DPS
Power Level: 25
Research & Development:
Personal Data
Real Name:
Known Aliases: Shinedown
Species: Human (Meta)
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Place of Birth:
Base of Operations:
Marital Status:
Known Relatives:
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Skilled dancer
MP3 Player

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The Basics

Shinedown is a happy-go-lucky, driven young man with a heart of gold and a shining disposition. He grooves and jives his way through the rhythm of life, but, as one might expect, everything wasn't always sunshine and roses for him. Some people cover up their past, while others use it to propel them forward, and in his case, it was a rocket into his current days.

Background and Origin

Early Years

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Dancing with Death

Present Times


General Appearance

Powers, Skills, and Attributes

Skills and Powers

Photokinetic Manipulation - Shinedown has the power to "bend" light, changing its source, intensity, and other qualities. He can also use this to become technically invisible, but he's a very flashy guy, far more likely to make a light show than to hide himself.

Dancing - He's an amazing dancer and sometimes will use this to his advantage, even in combat. While he has no real hand-to-hand training, his sense of rhythm and smooth moves can help keep him out of trouble when applied correctly.

Roleplay Hooks and Other Info

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