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Player: @DigitalShaman
"I swear you people -like- getting shot."
Class Focus: Magic, Healing / Defensive Arts
Power Level: 40
Personal Data
Real Name: Kayleigh Ellis
Known Aliases: Sylph
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Age: 21 (27 Jan 1989)
Height: 6ft, 0 inches / 1.83 metres
Weight: 146lbs / 66.22 kg
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: English
Occupation: Nothing permanent
Place of Birth: Bristol, England
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None (orphan)
Known Powers
Known Abilities


Kayleigh has no solid memories of her early childhood, being moved from different childrens' homes and foster carers. Her youth was troubled as a result and by her early teens she more often than not found herself living on the streets. As a pretty, young girl she learnt the ugly side of life as a matter of survival until finally her magic awakened. While she practiced and learned her powers she also built up a network of allies & friends, all with similar powers. Over the years their friendship grew and they ran together as a cabal, their collective magic affording them all manner of privileges in London's dark underworld. The name 'Rapture' was one earned during her more 'liberated' late teens.



Kayleigh has a lean, trim physique with soft muscle definitions in places. Some suggest she uses her magic to augment her appearance to its near perfect state. Even if that were true, few would argue it's wasted magic.

Powers and Abilities

Rapture's magic is not something she has consciously learned. Her magic is of a more primal, instinct driven nature. Save for a few offensive abilities, her spells are all healing and defensive and have even been known to fend off death.


Kayleigh is a hedonistic person with an edge. She strives to enjoy all that she does but often finds her mood marred by circumstance, or some niggling complaint she can't keep her mouth shut over. Friends (the few she has) often describe her as a bit of a paradox, with all of the caring consideration of a saint hidden under her sardonic and unforgiving exterior.

Her hatred of vampires is quite well known.


Has a friend in Eric Deringer, who she used to serve with in Ghost Hound.

Recently split from long-term boyfriend Spiritward.

Has friends and colleagues in Willem Wendel and Powerglove.

DigitalShaman's Characters

Avalanche Rapture