Private Meltdown

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Played by @Fransens

Remember those glowing skeletons lying around in the Desert Crisis? Well, one of those got back up, picked up his old assault rifle, fatigues and just went back to get orders from his -quite shocked- superiors.

Private Frank Sikes was just another one of those fatalities of the Disaster in the Burning Sands. The thing that set him apart from the other sickly glowing skeletons there is that he just got back up. He carries himself with the confidence that he cheated death once already. Other than that he is still just a grunt.

A grunt with some radioactive powers, but still just a soldier. He doesn't see himself as a superhero.

Meltdown gives of deadly radiation but suppresses it when he is around others. He still kicks off geiger-counters but it's barely above the background radiation when he actively suppresses it.