Helen Damnation

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Revision as of 07:19, 14 September 2013 by Helen Damnation (Talk | contribs)

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"Helen Damnation is basically who I came up with the day I decided to give RP a try, after formerly being a total hater. I had one day witnessed an event being played out in Westside, and found myself immersed in the story. Mainly because I hadn't encountered anything else besides users acting like mewling baby animals or perverts looking for slaves. One walk through Club Caprice one and a half years ago, and I felt ashamed to have done so. But this was different, I was intrigued, and I had just joined an SG that Rp'd. Sure enough, after awhile Helen started forming in the back of my mind, and here is the physical end result, if nothing else.

Helen isn't from this world and has contact with only a select few humans, so she is somewhat socially awkward. She devours knowledge of the world but finds she is uncomfortable in it, mainly because her appearance is vastly different and she has only had 4 years since her birth to become acquainted to it. She has a primal hunting instinct and has only stayed that instinct to hunt humans due to the people she has encountered that have taken her in and showed her kindness and offered her refuge from the world. Her official entry into the world above and interaction with that world interests me. Will she acquaint herself with it? Can she? I can't wait to see how she develops!
Of course, this page is and always will be under construction, as I'll be adding on as I go along. As the story progresses and as my knowledge of all this tag and href and padding and borders, and bodies and headers an all that hawt mess becomes less daunting!

Oh yes, I'm keeping a list of people who'd I'd like to eventually thank for helping me with in this endeavor." --L



Real Name: Registered with PRIMUS as Helen Damnation
Alias: Listed on public record as Sarah Williams
Age: Aged 4 by human standards with a standard Terran yearly cycle of 365 days. Theoretically based on intellect in her early to mid twenties.
Gender: Female
Species: Intel salvaged from the downed Qularr Mothership (see Files of the Qularr Invasion September 1, 2009) suggest Ms. Damnation to be of a race known only as the Hyttaren. Due to the limited information we managed to decode, they were used for genetic purposes. Bred aboard similar ships, their DNA seems to have been of particular interest, as the few logs pertaining to their study suggest. However,no further details were attainable.
Ethnicity: Unknown; It should be noted that during Ms. Damnation's current public appearances she has been outfitted with an advanced image inducer, giving her the appearance of a human female with tanned olive skin, green eyes, and black hair. All anatomy which differs from the human genetic makeup, however, remains as it would be otherwise.
Place of Birth: Qularr Mothership, Millenium City Harbor
Relatives: There is currently no information available, suffice to say that upon Ms. Damnation's apparent escape from the burning vessel, she had been fostered by a group of nomadic homeless citizens calling themselves The Refuge. In particular Jaymar Williams, who is listed publicly as Ms. Damnation's foster son.
Occupation: Primus Trainee
