Deacon Summers
Player: @KopperGolyathe
Biographical Data
Real Name:
Deacon Summers
Known Aliases:
Lucky, Fortune's Friend
Place of Birth:
Unknown, even to him
Base of Operations:
Las Vegas, NV
201 lbs
lightly tanned
Physical Build:
lean muscle
Physical Features:
heavily tattooed
Years Active:
Drifter, Gambler
High School Dropout
Marital Status:
Known Powers and Abilities
- Extreme Luck
- Martial Arts
Equipment and Paraphernalia
- Electric Guitar
- "Lucky" Dice
- 1956 Ford Thunderbird
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada
Background and Origin
Deacon Summers was born... somewhere, to... well, it's assumed to a man and a woman. He bounced around from foster home to foster home so many times that he's not even really sure where he came from, or who his parents are. Whoever they are, they were not responsible for raising him, and as a result, Deacon spent all of his childhood and the majority of his adolescence in foster care. To their credit, his foster families were all extremely kind and loving people, but even they could not contain Deacon's free spirit.
Deacon knew from a young age that he was lucky; he always seemed to win board games, he commonly found money on the sidewalk, and he always seemed to be in the right place at the right time. As he grew older, his luck simply continued to show. In his adolescence, this started to take form as a gambling addiction. Unfortunately, this also made him many enemies, as he was constantly accused of cheating. At 16, Deacon left his foster home one morning, and never returned. Hitchhiking across the US, Deacon made many friends in many different places, finally coming to rest in the gambling Mecca, Las Vegas.
His arrival in Las Vegas at 17 signaled a change in Deacon's behavior, as well. Not only was he taking chances in back alleys playing craps, but he started to take chances in his every day life. Drugs and sex became the order of the day, and Deacon devolved into hedonism and debauchery. After going to the hospital after a particularly potent speedball, Deacon realized that even the luckiest man in the world can't game the system forever.
Nowadays, Deacon spends his time training in jeet kune do (which allows him to react to his surroundings in a fight, relying heavily on his unconscious manipulation of probability), playing his guitar while pretending to work at his friend's auto-body shop, gambling at the various casinos on the Strip, and accidentally finding himself in situations where he is called on to save the world (again).
Powers, Skills, and Attributes
Superhuman Luck - Simply put, Deacon is the luckiest man in the world. In reality, an unconscious psionic field around him manipulates probability to his advantage. The traffic light always turns green as he approaches the intersection. He never stubs his toe. In fact, this field makes it so if there is a chance that he could succeed at something (say, jumping from one building to another), then it will happen. This does not give him superhuman strength, speed, or dexterity, but it does give him enough confidence to attempt things that others might be unwilling to try.
Enhanced Reflexes - As a result of his luck, Deacon can react extremely quickly, almost preternaturally, to oncoming stimuli. For example, a gun fired at him will miss because he dove out of the way. In a way, it takes the Heisenberg uncertainty principle to the extreme: his action locks an event with multiple possible outcomes into the one that works best for him. This can, sometimes, make it seem like cause and effect have switched places.
Jeet Kune Do - While not a master, Deacon has been studying jeet kune do since arriving in Las Vegas. The style is very friendly to his particular talents, and he seems to win fights more often than not. His luck effect certainly plays a role in his success.
Obsessive Gambler - Deacon has an obvious advantage at games of luck, but he is no slouch at games of skill, either. Deacon spends most of his off-time in the casino, and has a working knowledge of nearly every casino game known to man. In particular, his skills at blackjack, Texas hold 'em poker, and baccarat are world-class.
Guitar - Deacon has been playing the guitar for years, and has done some performing. While he's no Joe Satriani, he can hold his own with most classic rock and alternative music.
Healthy Immune System - Given the amount of foreign substances he has put into his body (biological, chemical, or otherwise), Deacon is extremely hard to infect or poison. His tolerances for alcohol and most common drugs are also extremely high.
Exceptional Acrobat - While not superhuman, Deacon is extremely acrobatic, due in no small part to the probability field.
Gear and Equipment
"Lucky" Dice - Deacon keeps a pair of loaded dice in his pocket at all times. He believes the dice are lucky, but the likelihood is that they have no inherent magical qualities.
1956 Ford Thunderbird - Deacon won this baby blue T-bird with white leather interior from his friend Blacktooth in a poker game, and it is quite literally the only object he will never gamble away. When not living in a (comped) hotel room in one of the many casinos he frequents, the T-bird acts as a mobile base of operations for him.
Tattoos - Deacon's torso is covered in tattoos, from his neck down. The pieces include: a nude, prostrate Lady Luck in a roulette wheel on his chest, complete with martini glass; a pinup devil girl in a miniskirt on his right biceps, wreathed in flame, with the slogan "The Devil's Chasing Me"; a reaper with a pair of dice on his right forearm, continuing the flame pattern from the pinup (the flames continue onto the back of his hand); an angel in a school-girl outfit, standing in front of a waterfall on his left biceps, with the words "Only the Good Die Young"; the waterfall continuing to his forearm as the background for a Japanese traditional koi; the word "LUCK" across his left knuckles, and "FATE" across his right.
Deacon met Maureen while she was waiting tables at the Tropicana, and he instantly fell for her. She seemed to be the one woman he couldn't pick up immediately, and it intrigued him. Maureen currently works at the Luxor, although she has an open invitation to the Mustang Ranch, one of her previous employers. Maureen has a 6-year-old son, Alexander, with autism. Deacon has nicknamed him "Wings," due to the flapping movements he makes when he's excited. Alexander seems to approve.
- Blacktooth: Deacon's best friend, owner of the Phoenix Automobile Restoration shop (specializing in classics), and part of an Apache shaman lineage. Blacktooth is gruff and surly, but deep down, he really cares for Deacon, and when push comes to shove, he is willing to bring the strength of all of his ancestors to bear should anyone hurt him.
- Coyote: Blacktooth's motorcycle expert, Coyote is a friendly, if slightly imposing, Hispanic man. Coyote is not his real name, but he refuses to go by anything else. He doesn't talk much about his past, but Deacon is fairly sure it involves street gangs in Los Angeles.
- April Baker: A down-home country girl, April is a recent transplant to Vegas, and just started working for Blacktooth. She likes cars, but the job is more of a secondary hobby: April has two doctorates in mechanical and electrical engineering, and helps Blacktooth when a client wants an... "aftermarket enhancement" on their vehicle. Her expertise is best shown by her cybernetic arm, capable both of exceptional strength and fine motor coordination.
- Mr. Las Vegas: Wayne Newton hasn't been himself recently. In fact, he's been possessed: a demon has entered his body, and has his sights set on destroying the world, starting with none other than Sin City. Deacon, however, is proving to be quite the thorn in his side. For his part, Deacon has no clue how many times he's thwarted Mr. Las Vegas' plans.
General Perception
Most people would just see Deacon as a drifter. Heavily tattooed, and seemingly without a care in the world, he doesn't fit the description most people think of when it comes to hero. But be that as it may, Deacon will never back down from a fight, and is more than willing to do whatever he has to in order to defend the innocent or protect the weak.