Character Sheet:Jovian Knight
Character Information
Codename: Jovian Knight
Identites: Keelah Tirivoi
Player: @BlackWolfe042
Height: 8' Weight: 1200 lbs
Hair Color: Red Eye Color: Lavender (glowing)
Brief Description: A massive, heavily muscled purple alien with metallic skin, Tirivoi stands out in a crowd. A lot.
Primary Characteristics
Strength: 55 -- HTH 11d6, HKA 3d6
Dexterity: 35
Constitution: 40
Intelligence: 15
Ego: 35
Presence: 35
Combat Values
Offensive CV: 8
Defensive CV: 5
Offensive Mental CV: 3
Defensive Mental CV: 3
Speed: 6
Physical Defense: 25
Energy Defense: 30
Recovery: 10
Endurance: 80
Body: 40
Stun: 90
Vital Information
Hand-to-Hand Damage: 11d6
Lift: 50 tons
Base OCV: 8 DCV: 5
Base OCMV: 3 DCMV: 3
Running: 30m
Leaping: 25m
Swimming: 15m
Note: Resistant values are Normal/Armored values, depending on whether Jovian Knight is in her armor.
Normal PD: 25
Resistant PD: 10/30
Normal ED: 30
Resistant ED: 0/30
Mental Defense: 0
Power Defense: 0
Flash Defense: 0
Vision: Normal Human
Smell: Normal Human
Hearing: Normal Human
Powers and Equipment
Innate Powers
- Safe Environment (High Pressure)
- Inherent
- Super Strength (see characteristics)
- Inherent
- Resistant Damage Reduction
- 25% Physical, Always On
- 50% Energy, Always On
- Inherent
- Flight
- Note: While flight is an inherent racial ability, Tirivoi has yet to achieve the physical metamorphosis that will allow unassisted flight. Though she has a jetpack, her Flight ability is listed here, as the jetpack acts as "training wheels".
- Inherent (see note above)
- Running (see Movement)
- Inherent
- Leaping (see Movement)
- Inherent
- Swimming (see Movement)
- Inherent
Special Equipment
Note: All equipment (with the exception of the wrist computer/communicator) has been stored using the communicator's Quantum Storage function and may be teleported to Jovian Knight if within range.
Keelahnaru (Sword)
Keelahnaru is a massive, nigh indestructible sword made of a mixture of iron, carbon, and a relatively small amount of neutronium. It has a sharp edge, a dull edge, and a high albedo and can act as a shared OAF for the following powers:
- Hand-to-Hand Attack - Dull Edge: Designed to turn killing blows into survivable crippling blows.
- +5d6
- Split Damage
- Hand-to-Hand Attack - Flat: Swatting with the flat of the blade does less direct damage but can send foes flying.
- +2d6 STUN
- Double Knockback
- Killing Attack (HKA) - Sharp Edge: Keelahnaru's blade is as sharp as only the hardest metals can be.
- +3d6
- High Albedo - Reflection (Energy)
Atmospheric Compressor
J.K. needs this for any physical exertion beyond normal activity levels in Earth's relatively thin atmosphere.
- Life Support: Safe Environment (Low-Normal Pressure)
Wrist Communicator
The Europan wrist communicator/computer has multiple useful functions as follows:
- Quantum Storage - Extradimensional Movement
- Inanimate Objects Only
- Range: Touch
- Gestures
- Either sword draw/sheathe motion (Keelahnaru) or
- Selecting the object in question on the wristcomm's touchscreen.
- Quantum Retrieval - Teleportation
- Only objects that have previously been stored using Quantum Storage
- Range: 50m
- Fixed Target: Self (as suitable -- e.g.: worn, held in hand, etc.)
- Gestures
- Either sword draw/sheathe motion (Keelahnaru) or
- Selecting the object in question on the wristcomm's touchscreen.
- Quantum Storage Tracker - Detect
- Items that have previously been stored using Quantum Storage. -- gives range and direction of non-stored objects within 5km
- Communications: The primary intended function of the wrist communicator.
- Detect: Radio Perception/Transmission, HRRP
- Tangled Pair Communications - Telepathy (Special): Theoretically unjammable, untraceable, non-relativistic communication with linked devices (currently all in Europan care). Actually a form of audio communication, not real telepathy, so user must speak aloud.
- Heuristic Translation - The communicator can analyze languages it is exposed to and build a dictionary for those languages on the fly with enough exposure. This function is speech-to-text only -- it displays the translation on her wristcomm's screen.
- Separate Power Supply - Endurance Reserve (24 END, 6 REC)
While wearing her armor, Tirivoi's wrist communicator is embedded in the armor's bracer. If the armor is removed by any method other than the wrist communicator's storage function, the communicator remains with the armor.
Keelah Champion's Armor
House Keelah's armor is available only to the House Champion (Jovian Knight). It is highly durable armor made of a similar material to Keelahnaru.
- Resistant Protection (20 PD/30 ED)
- Perceivable
- Body Only
- Reflection (Energy)
- Damage Reduction
- 25% Physical
- Body Only
- Nanite Infusion - Regeneration
- 1 per 1 minute
- Body 60 for purposes of damaging the armor itself.
Skills, Perks, & Talents
Agility Skills
- Climbing (Proficient)
- Combat Piloting (Familiar)
Background Skills
- Area Knowledge: Europan satellite subregolithic city-stations (Competent)
- Knowledge: Space Station Maintenance (Proficient)
- Language: Europan (Idiomatic, Literate -- Native Language)
- Language: English (Fluent Conversation, Literate)
- Professional Skill: Europan Politics (Skilled)
Combat Skills
- Weapon Familiarity: Melee Weapons (Skilled)
- Weapon Familiarity: Improvised Weapons (Competent)
- Weapon Familiarity: Keelahnaru (Very Skilled)
- Weapon Familiarity: Small Arms (Familiar)
- Combat Skill: All Hand to Hand (Proficient)
- Fast Draw (Skilled)
- Defense Maneuver (Competent)
- Martial Arts
- Martial Throw
- Legsweep
- Choke Hold
- Transport Familiarity: Intra-system spaceships
Intellect Skills
- Computer Programming (Familiar)
- Europan Computers (Proficient)
- Cryptography (Proficient)
- Electronics (Proficient)
- Security Systems (Familiar)
- Tactics (Familiar)
Interaction Skills
- Acting (Competent)
- Bureaucratics (Skilled)
- Charm (Proficient)
- Conversation (Proficient)
- Contact: Europan Ambassador
- Contact: Primus of Keelah House
- Fringe Benefit: Diplomatic Immunity
- Fringe Beneft: Head of State (heir)
- Currently 37th in line, but afforded Visiting Head of State status by UN member nations as the only member of the Europan royal family on Earth.
- Money: "Filthy Rich"
- Base: Europan Embassy, Millennium City
- Positive Reputation (Special)
- Everyone in the Jovian Empire knows of Keelah Tirivoi, but the number of Europans on Earth is extremely limited by her people's unwillingness to travel beyond their world.
- Combat Sense (9+INT/5)
- Deadly Blow
- Keelahnaru only
- In Midair (flying or leaping)
- From Behind
- Committed: If Deadly Blow is declared, cannot fall back to a defensive action.
- Striking Appearance: Intimidating Size
- Weaponmaster: Great Swords
- Environmental Movement: High Gravity (up to 8g)
- Dependence: Chromium - As a Europan, Tirivoi must supplement her diet with chromium or suffer malnutrition.
- Daily
- Weakness
- Uncommon
- Distinctive Features
- Tirivoi's appearance is distinctive even between Europans - she is larger and clearly marked with her House symbol tattoo over one eye.
- Physical Complication: Dense Atmosphere Requirement
- Europans become short of breath in environments less than 5 atmospheres of pressure.
- Incapable of physical exertion without life support.
- Hunted: Europan Embassy - Tirivoi suspects (correctly) that her actions are being reported to her progenitor.
- Motivation: Observe and Report (Watched)
- Frequency: Very Frequently (She lives there.)
- Scope: Extensive Non-Combat Influence - Should they desire it, the embassy could successfully have Tirivoi sent back to Europa.
- Very Easy to Find (See above)
- Hunted: Unknown Europan - An unknown Europan acting on rumors about Tirivoi. (Upcoming RP)
- Capabilities: Less Powerful - Both physically and in Europan social status.
- Frequency: Infrequently - Limited resources limit his actions.
- Motivation: Seeks to iprison/experiment on character
- Rivalry: Unknown Conspirator (Europan) - Someone in House Keelah is seeking to shorten the chain of inheritance, and either because of her place in the chain or because of her unwavering support of her progenitor, Tirivoi is in the way of that.
- Rival is in an Inferior Position - Socially, Tirivoi outranks pretty much everyone but the Primus himself.
- Professional Rival - A member of House Keelah seeking to seize the Primusship.
- Seeks to Kill - The only way to eliminate those who would stop him becoming Primus.
- Negative Reputation: Aggressive Vigilante
- Infrequent
- Believed by a limited group (heroes with a strict attitude towards violence)
- Extreme Reputation - Tirivoi's supposed "blood lust" is highly exaggerated in some circles.