Psion (@gijoespouse2)

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"You will learn more from the mistakes you make in life than you ever will from the things you've done right."
The Unleashed
Player: Playerpage-global header.png
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Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Audrey Pepler
Psioni-Gal (previously registered hero name), Audrey Evans (maiden name)
1 September 1982
Paragon City, RI
US Citizenship
Grand Rapids, MI
Millennium City
Owner of Super Latte in City Center
Legal Status
Registered with DOSPA and UNTIL
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
William Pepler (husband), Brianna Pepler (daughter); State Representative Corbin Evans (father) and Alana Evans (mother)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
136 lbs
Body Type
Lithe, well-toned physique
Brown with red highlights
Light brown
· Distinguishing Features ·
Small scar between her naval and right hip
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
telekinesis, telepathy, and empathic abilities
· Equipment ·
Eskrima sticks and utility belt
· Other Abilities ·
Martial arts, coffee snobbery

Psion personality header.pngPersonality

Audrey can be a bit intimidating at first. She's not exactly open with most people, and while she may give information about herself in conversation, it's usually not anything very deep. While she's never been one to completely trust another right off the bat, her experience with Teen Wardens toward the end has made it even more difficult to trust others openly. She's can be a bit quick to judge at times, though more often such thoughts are kept to herself. She's never downright unfriendly to folks, no matter what her thoughts are, unless pushed to act otherwise. She's confident, but not to the point of being cocky, and rarely if ever seeks reassurances in most matters.

To those that do enter her trust, they will find a woman that can be fiercely protective. There are few things in life that push her buttons more than harming her friends and family. She can be flat out vindictive in meting out punishment. As for those that break her trust, it can pretty much be expected that she'll write such individuals off. Chances of regaining her trust once more are almost non-existent. If that breach of trust somehow endangers people she cares about, any chance of regaining that trust goes right out the window.

It's probably hard to believe, but Audrey is downright soft when it comes to Will and Brianna. While few people could cause Audrey to question her actions, her husband and daughter have caused her to do so on more than one occasion. Those two are the light of her life. She'd sooner rip off a limb than disappoint either of them. While she's confident in her abilities as a business woman and sure of herself as a hero, she finds that she lacks that confidence in the domestic arena. She tends to question if she's doing right by Will and Brianna, especially when it comes to motherhood. Given how poor relations were with her own parents, she often questions if she's doing a good enough as a mother.

It should be noted that there's a definite shift in personality when Audrey dons the mask and costume of Psion. It's not so much a split personality so much as it is putting her game face on. While Audrey might on occasion question herself, Psion is the mask of total confidence in everything she does. She's very focused, analyzing her opponents and her environment so that she can take full advantage of the scenario in question. She's not one to utterly dominate anyone with excess force. Sure, she's certainly capable of doing a lot of damage (to both her opponent and the collateral type damage), she tends to go for focused attacks on vital spots and weak points. She'll be quicker to incapacitate a man than she would be to totally beat the living crap out of him.

Psion abilities header.pngAbilities

As her hero name implies, Psion possesses psychic powers. She has the ability to communicate telepathically with others, and can create a communication network among several individuals in this manner. She is capable of mental persuasion, and generally uses this when she needs to remain unseen (ie mental broadcasting that she's simply not there). She has a minor empathic abilities, allowing her to sense particularly strong emotions from others.

Psion has very fine control over her telekinetic abilities, using it to help boost her martial arts skills, as well as to simulate flight. Doing so allows her to react faster than most people, since it lets her move her body react to attacks at the speed of thought.

As mentioned above, Psion is a martial artist. She's not a grand master or anything of the sort, but she's skilled and competent. Couple that with her telekinetic cheating, and you have a force to be reckoned with.

Psion weaknesses header.pngWeaknesses

Psion's biggest weakness comes from being confronted with someone with a mind too strong for her telepathy and mental persuasion to take hold. Much of her stealth prowess comes from being able to convince people she's just not there. If she can't do that, then she's sort of up a creek without a paddle.

Psion equipment header.pngEquipment

Psion has a utility belt with holsters for her eskrima sticks. She carries mostly standard things: smoke pellets, cable ties, etc etc.

Psion backstory header.pngBackstory

Audrey Evans was born into a well-to-do family in Grand Rapids, MI on September 1st, 1982. She was born with psychic abilities that began to surface when she was three. Her parents grew concerned as their daughter claimed to hear voices. For the next couple of years, she saw many many specialists, all claiming she had one condition, and then another. At one point she was diagnosed as a schizophrenic. It wasn't until she was about six or seven that a doctor finally suggested she might have some sort of super powers. He arranged for a consult with someone form Angelstone Laboratories, a for profit organization that studied superhumans and superhuman technologies. After a battery of tests, it was determined that Audrey was not schizophrenic: she was psychic. The voices she was hearing were the thoughts of other people around her. Arrangements were made for Audrey to move to Millennium City, so she that the folks at an Angelstone Lab there could guide and study her.

Her time at the laboratory was not a bad one. While it was certainly scary at first, the people at the lab believed she wasn't crazy. That certainly made these people better than her parents and their doctors. AND THIS IS THE POINT WHERE TUMBLR ATE MY LIFE AND I GOT DISTRACTED PICK THIS BACK UP AT THIS PART HERE OKAY

Psion backstory subheader01.pngThe Teen Wardens

Stuff from during Teen Wardens years: Originally, Audrey relied mostly on her telepathy as opposed to her telekinesis. She was pretty rough around the edges with her martial arts and telekinesis is a tricky thing to master fine control over. She was more commonly tasked by Patrioteer to help coordinate what members were doing on operations, using a mind-link to keep everybody in touch with one another (if you've seen Ms Martian in action on Young Justice, then you have an idea of how the mind-link was used). He also tended to use her to mind dive into the brains of criminals if Patrioteer suspected something else was going on.

Audrey left the group after Patrioteer forced her to mind dive into the head of a criminal (undecided who at this point) who actually didn't have further knowledge on something the Teen Wardens were investigating. The continued pressure to pry into his mind put the guy into a catatonic state. The poor schmuck is still in that state. The event left her more than a bit angry with Patrioteer, and shaken by the fact that she'd sort of just melted the guy's brain for no reason. She walked out on the Teen Wardens after that.

Psion backstory subheader02.pngThe Fallout

Stuff that happened after: Audrey pursued a solo career in hero work under the name Psion for a few years, juggling that with college classes and continued training with her martial arts and refining her telekinesis. She really shied away from using her telepathy, after the catatonic guy incident.

- Met Will (Noble) again while in college. They dated for a few years.
- Married shortly after the Qularr Invasion
- Brianna was born a year later
- Retired from active hero work to raise Brianna, while Will did part time duties with UNTIL
- Bought her coffee shop, which caters to capes

Psion backstory subheader03.pngPresent Day

- Has gone back to semi-active duty in last couple of years

Psion affiliations header.pngAffiliations

Black Swan Project:

Eternals, Inc:

Teen Wardens:

Psion friends header.pngFriends



Psion foes header.pngFoes

Null Hunter

"Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad with power."
- Charles A. Beard

Name: Unknown
Abilities: Power nullification field generation, martial arts training, bladed weapons training
Occupation: Assassin
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

There isn't much information readily available about the man international agencies have dubbed Null Hunter. He's been implicated in the murders of 13 psychics since 1998. While it is apparent he targets those with psionic abilities, his motives and choice of targets remains unclear. Psion clashed with the assassin 5 years ago, while working with Noble on an UNTIL operation in Eastern Europe, and barely escaped with her life.

Status: At Large

Psion soundtrack header.pngSoundtrack

Liath MusicPink.png
Battle Theme
"Lightning Returns" - Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns OST
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Psion/Audrey's Theme
"Lightning's Theme" - Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns OST
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Will and Audrey's Theme
"The Promise" - Final Fantasy XIII OST
Liath MusicPink.png
Noble/Will's Theme
"Unforgotten" - Halo Legends OST
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Little Bri's Theme
"In The Sky That Night" - Final Fantasy XIII OST
Liath MusicPink.png
Thinking About the Past
"The Pulse Fal'Cie" - Final Fantasy XIII OST

Psion gallery header.pngGallery

Psion rp hooks header.pngRP Hooks

• In her teenage years, she operated under the name of Psioni-Gal, and was member of a fairly famous teen group called the Teen Wardens. The group was active from 1997 until 2002. While the former members have never publicly commented as to why they broke up, it is speculated that it was the death of founding member Hard Wire that may have played a part. If you operated as a hero during that time, chances are you may have worked with Psion or her teammates at one point in time!

• Psion and Noble are known as a bit of a power couple within the superhero community, though there maybe some rumors flying about that this is only for the cameras. It's speculated that in real life they aren't actually together. It's possible your character may know some (inaccurate) information about these two!

• If you work for UNTIL, than more than likely you would know either Psion or Noble. Noble uses his immense super strength and meta-human level constitution to help test UNTIL's fancy prototypes. The couple have also worked both together and solo alongside some of the organization's best and brightest.

• There are rumors floating all around UNTIL about an infamous op. in Budapest involving Sparrowhawk, Noble, and Psion. Those rumors range from single handedly laying waste to an army of mercenaries to stopping a cosmic level threat. No one seems to have the gumption to clear the air as to what actually happened in Budapest. Chances are your UNTIL affiliated character may have heard some wild, unsubstantiated rumors as to what happened - ie feel free to make something up.

• Psion has worked in the past to counsel and mentor teen heroes, not so much providing powers training but providing help from someone who has been in their shoes before. She hopes to continue this work as part of COMPASS. If you have a teen hero in need of some guidance and advice, feel free to contact me via ingame email @gijoespouse2 or a PM to TheOsp over on the CORP forums.

• If your hero loves coffee and is looking for a discount, they may have stopped in a time or two at Super Latte in City Center. It's run by Audrey Pepler, who offers a free coffee to heroes that step in while in costume. Most, if not all, of her staff is rumored to be meta-humans themselves.

Psion miscellaneous header.pngMiscellaneous

• Psion's casting choice is Olivia Wilde.

Psion comments header.pngComments

Have you worked with Psion before? Leave a comment below!

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