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Skin Tone:
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Natural Weapons:
Capabilities (Average)
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Reaction Time:
Hearing Range:
Eyesight: 20/6
Identity: Known
Years Active:
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Known Powers and Abilities
Equipment and Paraphernalia
ReldinBox Template

The Carinae Alliance is a federation of sentient species spanning several systems within the Carina Nebula, currently comprised of the Solvians, Droleq, and Vakari.


The Solvians are an amphibious race from the marsh planet of Ardahn. They were the first of the Carinae species to achieve interstellar flight, and possess highly advanced starships capable of traveling up to one light year per hour. Solvians are shorter and frailer than humans, averaging about 5'3 and 100 lbs. Their hands possess only three digits, leading them to develop several types of robotic 'limbs' that are typically built into their suits. Solvians are among the few sentient species that hatch from eggs, and their males and females look virtually identical.

Solvian society is heavily focused on education and technological advancement, with prominent scientists and engineers effectively holding more power than the elected officials that oversee them. Although they at times appear cold and unemotional to other species, Solvians maintain a strict code of ethics. They are loathe to interfere with natural ecologies or a species development, unless they're certain it will yield positive results in the long term. The majority of Solvian art takes the form of stylized devices, typically designed to create soothing or dazzling imagery while leaving the viewer confounded how they function.

The Solvians use automatons to accomplish nearly every 'mundane' task, including warfare. The relatively few live personnel that operate in combat zones are versatile commandos, utilizing advanced cloaking technology to perform recon, demolition, and assassination on high value targets. Their navy functions similarly, with small crews assisted by advanced computers piloting a vast array of warships.

Relationship With Other Species