In-depth info about Nightress' home universe

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Voidrana, Voidran System, Alternate Universe
Voidrana, Voidran System, Alternate Universe
Government Type:
Corrupt Aristocratic Anarchist Society
Homeworld of Voidrana, Voidran System, Alternate Universe
Intentions Toward Humanity:
Propulsion Tech Level:
Interplanetary to Nearest Neighboring System, though founded on/in magic.
Military Tech Level:
Depends on Financial Level of Person, no Official Military.
Medical Tech Level:
Somewhat close to CO Universe Level(Albeit a bit lower), though founded on/in magic, mainly through magical healing procedures.
Computer Tech Level:
Poor, due to low financial level of everyone but a select few.
Superpowered Population Level:
Nonexistent, since all have the capability for magic.
Physical Description:
Lightrana, Lightran System, Alternate Universe
Lightrana, Lightran System, Alternate Universe
Government Type:
Monarchist Republic
Homeworld of Lightrana, Lightran System, Alternate Universe
Intentions Toward Humanity:
Propulsion Tech Level:
Interplanetary to Nearest Neighboring System, though founded on/in magic.
Military Tech Level:
Magic-Founded CO Level, with Royal Army and Standard and Special Crimes Departments.
Medical Tech Level:
Somewhat close to CO Universe Level(Albeit a bit lower), though founded on/in magic, mainly through magical healing procedures.
Computer Tech Level:
CO Universe Level, though founded on/in magic.
Superpowered Population Level:
Nonexistent, since all have the capability for magic.
Physical Description:

Info about Nightress' home universe

Basic Info

Nightress' home universe (what is known of it by the residents anyways) is two solar systems, each with one planet. the two solar systems are the Lightron system, and the Voidran system.

Voidran System

The world in the Voidran system is Voidrana, which revolves around a gigantic planet and is in actuality the planet's moon. Voidrana is a world of dark jungles and eternal night, due to the way Voidrana orbits it's planet, and the way the planet orbits their star, a yellow star about the size of our sun.

The planet Voidrana orbits is about Jupiter's size and is uninhabitable, with an atmosphere similar to our Venus, and is named Deathona, a pun on the fact that it's atmosphere kills any living being who visits it.

Life on Voidrana is harsh and poor, with very few rich Voidranians.

those that are rich are the richest on the planet, with enough combined money to feed the entire planet and have some left over if they chose to, though they never do.

The only sentient species on Voidrana is the Voidranians, or by their scientific name; Homo-Demonius-Autharna-Dragonis, or, Homo-Demonic-Dark-Dragon, a species of humanoid black-skinned dragons with demonic tails.

Other species on Voidrana consist of Harsh Carnivorous Draconic Animals such as

Natural Abilities of Voidranians are enhanced strength and resistance, magical skills, enhanced vision, sharp claws, and their tail is controllable but not prehensile, with the triangular tip able to be used like a thin hammer.