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Player: @UruzSix
'Pick on the wings one more time, Mr. Purple.' HONK.png
Character Build
Class Focus: Munitions
Power Level: 38
Research & Development: Arms
Biographical Data
Real Name: Foxfire
Known Aliases: none
Gender: Female
Species: Fairy
Ethnicity: Fairy
Place of Birth: Babylon, The City Of Man
Base of Operations: Millenium City, Michigan
Relatives: none
Age: 28
Height: 4'6"
Weight: 90 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Bright Auburn
Complexion: Fair
Physical Build: Slight
Physical Features: Pointy ears, butterfly wings, preference for bright orange clothing
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Chaotic Good

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Identity: Public
Years Active: 28 in Babylon, none here
Citizenship: Undocumented Mystical Immigrant
Occupation: Fairy
Education: None
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Mystical shielding, Channeled physical and psyche healing, Supernatural aim and agility
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Twin enchanted .45 pistols available from her personal hammerspace
ReldinBox Template

Foxfire is a new hero currently settling in Millenium City. Her uncanny resemblance to a mid-'80s cartoon character of the same name has caused a small stir among the media and internet. Her tendency to cause significant amounts of collateral damage when in action, however, seems par for the course. She currently is in a working relationship with UNTIL's bottom rung unit Epsilon Squad.


She Was Gonna Be An Actress, She Was Gonna Be A Star

Once upon a time, the year 1984 to be exact, there was an enchanted meadow where the sun always shined, the flowers always bloomed in magnificent colors, and all the woodland creatures were furry friends. This perfect place was home to a bevy of fantasy creatures, none more important than five attractive and color coded fairies with butterfly wings: The inspiring Goldenrod, the bookish Morningdew, the artistic Cherrywood, the athletic Blueberry, and the feisty Foxfire. Alas, it seemed that, every Saturday morning, the grumpy imp Gloomblack and his not-so-friendly furry pals in the desolate gulch next door would unveil yet another plan to corrupt a pure heart and make the majestic meadow as bleak as their home.

Unfortunately for them, the fairies were all endowed with the amazing power of Fairy Magic. Not only could they stream sparkly rainbows across the sky, they also had the power to concentrate their magic and beat back the powers of darkness! With enough Fairy Magic, they could heal all but the darkest of hearts and brighten even the most dismal of days. A grand adventure was always had, and in the end there was always an important life lesson to learn as well.

Alas, toy sales were never that good and The Fairies Of Butterfly Meadow never made it beyond one season and the motion picture. The show gradually vanished from the public consciousness, save for a few dedicated collectors, bootleg tapes, and the fading memories of childhood.

In the realm of Babylon, however, that is all that is needed to keep a toon alive.

We're Gonna Die As Hard As We Can

Foxfire's memories begin with her story as told through the series. She is the mystical incarnation of the Foxfire from The Fairies Of Butterfly Meadow, born to a higher realm where mankind's accumulated culture and imagination has created the greatest city ever to behold: Babylon. Though perhaps born is not the proper word to use, in as much as one day in 1984 she and her friends simply were, their memories shaped by the series they had been born from. Five fairies, their friends, their antagonists, their meadow and the gulch next door, all now surrounded by a massive infinite cityscape. Needless to say, it came something as a shock to the woodland sprites from an all-natural setting.

Worse was yet to come as the denizens of Butterfly Meadow began to meet their new neighbors. They were now in a place affectionately called 'Tinseltown', a conglomerate district made up of the collective pop culture dating back to the earliest Greek plays. Their new neighborhood wasn't too bad, here in the general vicinity there were all the other Saturday morning cartoons living alongside slapstick icons, Japanese immigrants, and the singing heroes and heroines who migrated over from the Grimm Kingdoms in the '40s. But here were also evil queens, terrorist organizations determined to rule the world, and Old Man Withers too. The Emperor's protection was broad, but it couldn't always be counted on. As the five friends soon learned, fairy magic could do great wonders but it was really lousy at stopping bombs and bullets. They needed help.

Foxfire was always the most energetic and headstrong of the fairies. More than a few of their series misadventures came with her leaping headlong into disaster while trying to show Gloomblack just who he's messing with, or to show Goldenrod that she could be just as good a leader too. So when it seemed that the fairies were far more helpless now than they had been, she wasn't going to have any of that. It was time to not only make new friends but to learn what they knew in order to protect the meadow. It was her turn to take the lead.

'Yi-pi-ki-yay, Mister Falcon!'
Her first stop wound up being her only stop as she caught up with a band of real American heroes. Foxfire's zeal to learn how their 'magic wands' worked caused a bit of worry at first, but her energy and spirit quickly endeared her to them. They took the sprite under their wing, where she stunned her tutors with how easily she was able to nail her targets at range. It turned out the accuracy of fairy magic was a direct correlation to the accuracy of wielding a .45. In time, she was ready to help take on anyone who challenged the peace of the meadow.

Her return, however, was met with mixed results. Morningdew had already disappeared in search of one called Merlin, likewise Blueberry was flying in and out while training at Master Lee's dojo. Goldenrod was trying to keep the fraying community together as best she could, which wasn't helped when Foxfire came fluttering in to start showing off the wonders of modern firepower. A heated discussion over the power of fairy magic versus American military muscle came to an abrupt halt when Gloomblack blitzed the village with new weapons and new friends of his own. It turns out the terrorist organizations had already taken their own initiative in making allies, and the imp and his manimals were the immediate beneficiaries. What they had not expected, however, was Foxfire's new arsenal, Blueberry's keet june do, and the return of Morningdew in a shower of magic missiles. A rapid retreat was ordered before Byzantium could send in the troops, and the meadow was saved.

The fairies were subsequently appointed by the Emperor himself as Butterfly Meadow's constabulary. It was a role Foxfire eagerly enjoyed for twenty-eight great years. Bandits, thieves, terrorists, and Gloomblack all tested the winged cowboy cop and her friends, and every time they kept them at bay - though often with notable collateral damage. Nobody was ever seriously hurt, however, not even the really bad guys.

Gloomblack, however, was not to be denied. It took him years, but finally he found the power he could use to not only decisively defeat the fairies but repay them for all the decades of torment he experienced at their hands. Sneaking in to the village, he caught the sprites by surprise and brought them to the center of town to show off his fiendish trap: Opening a gigantic portal that would send the entire meadow to a place where there was no sparkles, no woods, and no happily ever after.

In his gloating, however, he missed Cherrywood using one of her rings to cut Foxfire free. It was too late, after all, his portal was open and it was a matter of time before it swallowed the meadow itself. With no time to think, Foxfire went with her fiery instinct. She shoulder blocked the imp straight into his own portal. With its caster gone, the portal dissipated, and the fairies quickly freed themselves to celebrate their good fortune. A celebration that suddenly turned to stunned silence. In his last gasp, the evil imp had grabbed onto his fluttering attacker as he fell. Foxfire was gone.

There's An Ordinary World, Somehow I Have To Find

Bringing justice and rainbows to Westside!

Millenium City, shortly after Labor Day. A branch of the First National Bank is being held up by mafia goons when a tiny winged figure clad in orange falls from the ceiling. What happens next is a mass of confusion from witnesses' tales, but surviving security footage would show a sparkly chaos of rainbows, bullets, and flying thugs. Within minutes, the MCPD secured the situation, finding a bewildered Foxfire standing atop of a shot up bank counter. This didn't seem too far from Babylon, and yet...

It was when the likewise befuddled police informed her that this was Millenium City that everything starting falling apart. In an instant, she was off and flying searching desperately for a Butterfly Meadow that was worlds away. When she discovered the the view from atop of the Ren Cen was nowhere near as infinite as Babylon, she broke down in tears. She was far from home, with no friends, and nowhere she could turn to. And worst of all, that imp behind it all was out there somewhere.

It was while she dejectedly fluttered along the large screens above the plaza that she found her inspiration. One screen showed Julie Morgan reporting on how the bank job had been fortunately foiled by one the city's newest heroine. Foxfire stopped dead in flight, looking up with widening eyes.

They were calling her a hero.

It all fell into place. This town was full of costumed heroes, but it sure looked like it needed more of them. It needed someone who could dive headlong into trouble and show everyone the power of friendship and superior firepower. Until she could beat the key to getting back home out of Gloomblack, she was going to have to make the best of this world.

Well, she always was complaining about needing a vacation.

In short order, Foxfire went public and made herself official by registering. The media and internet were immediately ablaze with rumors of viral marketing for a Fairies reboot. Those that knew of Babylon merely nodded knowingly to themselves. UNTIL, for their part, examined the collateral carnage left in the wake of Foxfire's antics and politely encouraged her into aiding their newly re-activated Epsilon Squad. Hopefully Diamondskin could temper the fairy's more innocently destructive tendencies, or at least it could be put out of the frontlines.

Detailed Information


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Foxfire's as fiery as the bright orange that she's been color coded with since her creation. She's headstrong and impulsive, willing to throw herself headlong into any challenges she might face - major or minor. Her firm belief is that there's nothing that can stop her if she puts her mind to it. Her usual course of action, however, is not always the correct one. The curse of being a cartoon character means that while she does learn her lessons, she just doesn't often remember.

Her fire likewise extends to her outward personality. The fairies always valued friendship above all, and Foxfire was far from an exception. Being alone in this new world has only accelerated her desire to make as many new friends as possible. She's outgoing, outspoken, very protective, and more than willing to lend a hand, an ear, a wing, and a pistol or two whenever needed. She has no reservations in opening her heart to her friends, and strangers are merely friends she hasn't met yet. And those that oppose her, most can be healed with some good old Fairy Magic. If she can't heal them, well, she can be angry but mostly she'll be disappointed. Foxfire's a firm believer in happy endings, after all.


Foxfire can use Fairy Magic just like she used to on the show. The power of fairy friendship gives her the ability to heal wounds both of the body and of the heart, her record is littered with arrests that subsequently made a jail cell redemption. However, her power isn't strong enough for the toughest hearts, nor those that are missing or never existed to begin with. For those, she has Mr. Smith & Mr. Wesson.

Her twin pistols are of Tinseltown manufacture, armed with unlimited ammo that's able to pierce the toughest of armors. Foxfire is very nimble both on her feet and in flight, and her aim over the years has always been impeccable. Nobody is ever seriously injured by her gunfire. Bullets have to land somewhere, however. Woe be anything destructible in her path.


  • Foxfire began as a concept at City of Heroes named Death Wish Upon A Star, but I never could get her powerset, archetype, or background right where I wanted it. Between Munitions and Babylon here, however, I was finally able to hit her sweet spot.
  • As a G-rated cartoon character, Foxfire's behavior is limited to G-rated actions. Other people swear, she goes 'Golly' or 'Acorns!'
  • Somehow she's picked up a secret crush on Steve Perry.
