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The Empyreans are a powerful race, related to humanity but diverging from it many hundreds of thousands of years ago. They’re the result of genetic experiments and manipulation performed by the Progenitors, alien scientists who visited Earth several times between 2 million and 500,000 years ago. (According to the Empyreans, other Progenitor experiments caused Homo sapiens to become the dominant species of man, eliminating australopithicines, Homo erectus, and Homo habilis.) The few Empyreans interbred, but because of their immortal nature they chose to have few offspring.
At different times in history the Empyreans have interacted with humanity in various ways, occasionally appearing as rulers, gods, wizards, or devils depending on the whims of the individuals involved. Many of the folktales and legends about the heroes of different cultures actually refer to Empyreans, although certainly not all of them. (The same is true of legitimate accounts of certain Human historical figures.) Since the decline of magic on Earth, the Empyreans have largely chosen either to live among humans without revealing their true natures, or to withdraw from humanity entirely (like those who follow the teachings of the great philosopher Shaderon, who tired of immortality over three thousand years ago and became Silent).
Although he looks like an ordinary (if handsome) human, a typical Empyrean has impressive physical attributes, near-complete control over his bodily processes, and vast and varying mental abilities. Since most Empyreans are centuries old, and some have even survived the passage of millennia, they know much, and can do much. After a few centuries of gathering broad experiences, an Empyrean typically specializes in a certain area of study and becomes its true, undisputed master. Examples include the Builder Zadin or Musician Jubal, who have advanced knowledge of their subjects beyond human ken. (Hidden Lands, Hero-System sourcebook)
As a Model, Manon looks pretty good, she has everything where it needs to be. In her professional life, Manon is very Quiet, just speaking when it's needed, giving her the looks of an overconfident girl. She is. She can do modeling with every type of clothes, Swimsuits, Formal, Lingerie and even bridal. her regular clothes are made of jeans, jackets, T-shirts, and Knit stuff. She is someone very confident, lives happily, enjoying life. She was good at school, enough to get her diploma, but prefers the life of modeling. She got a superior Diplom of Beaux-Arts.
When she wears Quintessence costume, she became a Paragon of Justice, fearless and overconfident.
- Likes: Fashion, Clothes, Being at Top, Seeing her face on Covers, Friends, Party, Cooking, Perfum
- Dislikes: Being harrassed by her popularity(heh), Terrorists, Low-cost Lipstick, Interrogatoires
- Fears: Nothing Known.
Child of the DDASS(French Orphenage system), Manon was adopted when she was 2 years old.
Manon was raised in Paris, By Jean-Claude and Marie Tessier, Both Lawyers, in a luxurious setting in the 16th district of Paris. Good at school, she was the modele student,
always good grades and always were appreciated by her professors. In her spare time, she practises the equitation, the swimming the cello and the acoustic guitar. She was even awarded a diploma by the academy of Paris. She excels at all that
she begins, and rarely gives up before having succeeded.
Manon became a spoilt child quickly, and there was nobody to stop her when she threw tantrums.
It was the same to college and to high school, taking advantage of her beauty to make boys of real slaves, she took advantage of her growing fame over the years, Such as she
was named school president of pupils. Being a good Student, she obtained a diploma in fine arts but preferred to dedicate to become a figure of fashion, posing for youth and clothes magazines.
When she had her nineteen years, her parents were killed during a bomb attack in the subway station Saint Michel orchestrated by terrorists. She was then adopted by her Nurse,
Therese Maure.
In the death of her parents, her hatred to the terrorists grows, her anger got the upper hand over every decision.
During her spare time, Manon built up to herself a heroic identity: The Swallow. She took lessons of Martial-Arts, of Muay-Thai, and French Boxing. She went for crusade against
the bandits, the villains and the murderers, masked and armed, such the justice of the Darkest Parisian Alleys.
A Day when things turned out badly, The Swallow was forced in an ambush and was attacked by the gang of "Le Dueliste", a maniac of bladed weapons, who carried her a deathblow
in the mortal outcome. This is the way her first powers appeared. She gave an incredible Punch, sending "Le Dueliste" fly from several meters.
In several weeks she learnt to masterise her human superiority recently acquired. Super strength, endurance and resistance... She put her news powers to
contribution, assuming a new identity: Quintessence, An obvious name for a girl too much trusting herself.
During a rescue at the top of the Eiffel Tower, she confided powers of flight, she could travel from now on Paris by air.
Nowadays, The powers of Quintessence evolved in a remarkable way, to such a point that she became quickly an icon in the world of the fashion, becoming the first top-model
Frenchwoman superheroine.
True Origins
CAUTION !!!: thoses Informations are strictly secret.
Manon is born into Arcadia, the Empyrean City of Gold based deep in the frozen mountains of Antarctica.
Located in a valley between two small mountains about 900 miles (1600 km) from the South Pole, at roughly 74 degrees South latitude and 55 degrees East longitude, Arcadia lies in a largely unexplored inland territory officially claimed by Australia. The valley that Arcadia occupies is approximately twenty miles in length and varies from four to ten miles wide; the far end of the valley forms a sort of cul-de-sac fifteen miles across. The mountains on all four sides rise up from the valley floor to about four thousand feet above sea level, and remain encrusted with ice and snow despite the warmth of the valley below. The city sits at the far northwestern end of the valley, where the ground slopes gently upward for the last two miles or so before the rock wall begins. Through the length of the valley runs a small river, emerging from the mountain range in the south and ending in a lake to the east of the city proper.
The “invisibility field” (more accurately, camoufl age field) projected around the valley by Progenitor devices buried in the ground throughout the area begin at the actual boundaries marked on the accompanying map. Anyone looking at the field from the outside (even with satellites, telescopes, or other technological devices) sees only a pure, featureless snowfield. As soon as an observer steps inside the valley’s “boundary line,” he sees things as they truly are.
The city itself is approximately 100 square miles, roughly laid out in an oval and about 8.5 miles across. Inside the city walls are hundreds of vast buildings, most of them residences for the Empyreans. Most are only a few stories tall, and are made from various advanced materials that resemble gold or brass and refl ect the light of the sun during the summers or the intricate network of light structures that illuminate the city during the months-long winter night. There are extensive gardens and parks inside as well, keeping the overall feel of the city open and airy despite the impressive buildings. The wide “streets,” lined with dozens of varieties of trees, frequently open into small plazas featuring sculptures, murals, or fountains. The largest building inside the city is the Temple of Silence, a golden ziggurat 200 feet high. This is where the Empyreans who have “gone Silent” sleep. Shaderon’s body reposes in the first of these cases, near the entrance.
In the center of the city sits the Royal Palace, home to King Hazor and his entourage. Apart from the living quarters, which are large and luxurious, the sprawling complex of the Palace includes multiple great halls used for meetings and celebrations, several large museums dedicated to the work of various Empyreans, and areas for recreation, relaxation, and entertainment. The few humans who have visited the Palace are invariably astonished to see original works by artists famous in the outside world whose Empyrean heritage remains a secret.
(Hidden Lands, Hero-System sourcebook)
Empyrean Laws
Empyrean laws (really more like customs that have assumed the force of law over millennia) boil down to a few basic commandments... though of course there are entire books debating the finer points and specific cases. First, an Empyrean must maintain the facade. This means not allowing humanity to know that Empyreans as a race and society exist. No Empyrean may “go public” with his true origins. Those who reveal the existence of their unusual powers (whether as god, wizard, or superhero, depending on the place and time) must claim publicly that their powers come from some other source as a part of their false identity. There are specific exceptions — individual humans Hazor deems trustworthy are permitted to know about the Empyreans, but they too must promise to maintain the facade in general. (Humans who currently know about the Empyreans include the Sentinels and the Justice Squadron, among others.) Second, when necessary, Empyreans should provide for each other to the best of their ability. There’s a complicated network of assistance between Empyreans, including training, teaching, and even financial help where necessary. Several Empyreans are among the world’s wealthiest individuals, some because they enjoy making money for its own sake and others as a natural outgrowth of whatever it is they do. Whatever areas of expertise an Empyrean has mastered, custom dictates he put his skills at the disposal of his people whenever he’s called upon. This network springs into action most frequently when an Empyrean’s false identity ends (either by choice or accident). Half a dozen different Empyreans combine their business and legal wiles, generally under the direction of Brax, to provide forged documents and whatever else is required to create another identity. King Hazor himself frequently coordinates the activities of the “social network” with the assistance of Garon and his massive database.
Third, Empyreans are responsible for bringing any new Empyreans they sire into society. While most children of Empyrean and human pairings are ordinary humans (though they frequently are remarkably attractive, healthy, and intelligent), a tiny fraction of them are Empyreans, immortal and possessing superhuman powers. The Empyrean parent is responsible for any such “illuminated” children. He must teach them about their nature and heritage, instruct them in the other laws of Empyrean life, and induct them into Empyrean society. Empyreans whose parents are somehow unknown or unavailable become the responsibility of Enforcer Ashima, completely devoted to King Hazor and her role as his Enforcer and advisor. She’s consistently at his side, and he has come to rely on her wise and cautious counsel. She concentrates solely on ensuring that the city of Arcadia remains safe and that the social network of Empyreans around the world stays secure and healthy. She takes her role very seriously and publicly tries to present an image that is calm, rational, and without bias. Of course, this also makes her seem somewhat cold and humorless.
(Hidden Lands, Hero-System sourcebook) .
- Super strength:
- Enhanced durability:
- Enhanced reflexes:
- Enhanced speed:
- Flight:
- Acting:
- Fighter:She is really good at French Boxing, and Muay Thai. She have some good basis in Martial Arts.
- Model:She is quite a poser: Deal with it.
- Aura:She's capable of showing her Quintessencial Power in a outlined Aura.
- Spandex clothing:
- Viperium corset:
- Kendrium Energy gloves:
- Comlink NetBug 54E: Electronic Communicator Earrings, that give access to many radio channels & Frequencies. She can have a HUD in front of her eyes. Major Software and Hardware were fixed by Black Knight
Giving her access to Web, Database and Agenda.
- Magic:She dislikes Magic. Her total misunderstanding of magic makes her a good target for Hexes and Spells.
- Overconfident:Celebrity, Well-known heroine, Top-Model. It's hard to be modest.
- Psionic:She's able to loop her mind to hid some inner thoughs, but she's not protected against Mental assaults.
Nightsight, The Conqueror
Name: Pteron Nytexx
Nationality: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Venoxia, Follower of the Medusa
Name: Venoxia Desadros
Nationality: Greek
Age: Unknown
- Her favorite dinner in Millenium-City is the Anne's Italian Dinner and Coffeehouse
- Is not fond of Magic.
- know a lot about Technology and Antiques.
- Love Shoes, she got a total collection of 257 Shoes.
- Is not shy in front of cameras, Used to do many photoshoots: Swimsuit, Lingerie, Sportwear.
- She got a building in Westside, the Odyssey Building, at the underground there is a nightclub, the Ninety Nine Club, used to be a Charity Place for Mutants.
- Beauty Equals Goodness
- Inhumanly Beautiful Race
- Rich Bitch
- Femme Fatale
- Spoiled Sweet
- Everything Sounds Sexier In French
- Gamer Chick
- Heroic Build
- Samaritan Syndrome
- Superheroes Wear Tights
- Pride
- Big Ego Hidden Depths
- Awesome Ego
Feel free to post something, i'll return the favor. :)
"Quint and I share a common enemy, and I look forward to helpin' her honor the memory of her folks. Croire en votre Justice!" - Citizen 13
"Quintessence has a lot going for her and has a lot to offer those she protects, especially with the abilities she wields. There's a saying that someone is 'more than just a pretty face'... that could very well apply to her." - Sparrowhawk
"Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to know Manny all that much but from the bits and pieces I've gathered she's clearly somebody who's made a name for herself all on her own in another country altogether. That alone deserves some merit right? But from the time I did spend with her she is a very down to Earth kinda chicka. Always carries herself professionally and clearly genuinely wants to do good. Far as I'm concerned I would love to live in a world with more people like this. Shit she's earned that code name of hers in my book. Work it girl." - SoulStar
"What can I say? Manon has style that's only beat by her personality. She's professional - but passionate about helping others. Not to mention she has more than enough power to do good with." - Black Sigil
"Quintessence is one of those people you instantly take a liking to. Smart, passionate, competent and experienced, I always look forward to working with her, knowing there is someone whom I can trust on every level." - Black Knight
"Quin struts down the walkway like she owns it, being much more of a model then I could ever be. I'm not jealous -- rather, I'm happy she's doing so good in this career of hers. And what more, she's struting down the criminal filled streets of Millennium City the same way she does on the fashion scene. In other words, as far as I know it, she's good at both. I don't know her as much as I should but I'm glad to know her a friend." - Natasha Roy