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Chlorella logo.png
Silver medal T.png
Player: @FrozenViolet
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Chloe, Algae Girl
Arctic Circle
Detroit River
Millennium City
Legal Status
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
Appears in early 20s
135 lbs.
Body Type
Purple and black
One red, one blue
Chlorine green
· Distinguishing Features ·
Lip piercing
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Algae Pheremones and Toxins, Regeneration
· Equipment ·
· Other Abilities ·



Over the eons of Earth, algae was one of the constants. During the Cambrian period, the abundance of algae, specifically cyanobacteria, contributed to the creation of our modern oxygenated atmosphere. The colonies of algae have thrived over time, surviving impact events and global warming and cooling. But how long will they last with the introduction of humanity?

In 2006, ACI (Advanced Concepts Industries), a chief rival of ARGENT, explored a massive algal bloom in the Arctic circle. There was something different about this one though. Floating on top, were nearly a dozen blue-green pods, looking like buoys among the many-miles long bloom. The researchers harvested the pods and algal bloom materials, and noticed this cyanobacteria bloom was particularly virulent to the marine life around it.

The pods were discovered to be similar to eggs, encasing something growing inside. ACI researchers set to work preparing an incubation area for them. They tested and cultivated the pods in a sunlight rich environment within their laboratories and eventually six of the pods hatched. The creatures that crawled out were small, humanoid babies, covered in layers of cyanobacteria slime.

Over the next few months, the podlings grew rapidly, as ACI created a facility to study them. The children, both male and female had mismatched eyes, slender ears, and even hair, yet their skin shimmered with bacteria like a living colony. Their organs even appeared to mimic human ones. Their bone structure and tissues were formed by complex bacterial lattices that allowed compression and elasticity.

The children were extremely toxic to the touch and all interactions had to be done within a hazmat chamber in a controlled environment. After several researchers were killed in an accident with one of the podlings, all the children were separated into a variety of holding areas.

The children were given names relating to algal genuses:

  • Chlorella - Chloe
  • Viridiella - Vera
  • Marvania - Marvin
  • Trentepohlia - Trent
  • Pandorina - Pandora
  • Nannochloris - Nancy

Over the next few years, the children matured into adults and stopped aging as their regeneration properties inhibited their aging. Their skin was now smooth and human in appearance. The podlings were able to learn, read, solve problems and in all senses were sentient. They craved learning, began to show signs of advanced creativity and even art. The toxicity of the children also decreased. Scientists were baffled at how an algal bloom could produce such entities, and continued their search for more pods, but none were found at other bloom sites.

Sometime in 2011, the decision was made to dissect Pandora and harvest her organs for research purposes. The remaining podlings appeared to have some telepathic link and understood what had happened. This resulted in a riot by the remaining 5 podlings. The podlings were isolated and given no amenities while in lockdown.


Chlorella gets her marching orders from Killshot

The commotion eventually attracted the attention of ARGENT agents, and a mission was undertaken to raid the lab. In autumn of 2012, an ARGENT team infiltrated the base, and stole a wide variety of research a firefight broke out between ACI and ARGENT agents, with the ACI team eventually able to seal off some of the facility and retreat with their research and burn whatever else they couldn't take with them. They were able to secure and load the containers of Vera, Trent and Nancy before they attempted to destroy the remaining cells of Marvin and Chloe. ARGENT was too late to rescue Marvin's cell, but managed to put out the fire in Chloe's container. She tried to get free, using her toxins to paralyze two of the ARGENT soldiers before she was put down.

She reawakened in an ARGENT facility. ARGENT was unable to figure out if her or Marvin were prisoners or how they came to be since all research logs regarding them had been wiped. Either way, she was treated as a non-hostile and housed at ARGENT for interrogation. Chloe was found to not have any actionable knowledge even about herself. After many tests, it was determined that Chloe would be a valuable member of ARGENT. Chloe's powers coincided well with some of their goals and she expressed interest in at least working with her rescuers.


All the podlings were created for the express interest of finding a better way to deal with humanity. Each were given tools to evaluate the human race. In a fundamental way, her goal is to find a way to help humanity create more algal blooms by raising the levels of global warming. Ultimately, though, she also wants to reduce human population levels as well so that algae will thrive again on the Earth and beyond. Interestingly, both of these goals coincide quite well.


Chlorella training to shoot manimals

ACI researchers discovered that the podlings are mutant based lifeforms that appear to be an evolutionary step for algal organisms. The podlings, and Chloe specifically, have several algae related abilities:

  • Toxic Bloom - All podlings can release airborne cyanotoxins that will cause immediate respiratory damage. Prolonged exposure can cause damaging side effects include rashes, memory impairment, epilepsy and dementia.
  • Paralytic Bloom - Podlings can release a paralyzing neurotoxin which inhibits all nerve motors. Subjects in the ACI test lab were paralyzed for up to five minutes with airborne and contact exposure, while those injected with the toxins could be paralyzed for several hours.
  • Algal Pheremones - The podlings emit pheromones which signal other podlings with environmental factors. Some of the pheromones may appear to be interesting scents to those who can detect them.
  • Regeneration - Chloe's anatomy allows her rapid regeneration as her cellular structure is always working as a colony. She can bleed, but it is almost immediately clotted and repaired, and limbs can be fully regrown.


  • Darkness - Podlings need UV light to live, though they can store some light for energy. Prolonged darkness will kill a podling after a couple days.
  • Algaecide - Certain chemicals are designed to kill algae and cause immediate harm or death to podlings.
  • Fire - All podlings are weak to fire and any fire damage is extremely slow to regenerate.
  • Water Dependant - Podlings require double the water intake of a human. Without the required whater, they will enter a dormant state until rejuvenated.


  • Talks to Plants - She's able to communicate with plants due to her pheromones. Sadly, most plants tend to be pretty boring and this particular ability has more meaning with sentient plants and other podlings.
  • Plant Person - She is an evolutionary step between the plant and animal kingdoms.
  • Not Good with People - Chloe doesn't understand humanity, even though she is supposed to be evaluating them.
  • Plucky Girl - She is strangely optimistic and happy when doing anything. Nothing seems to get her down, at lesat yet.

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