Wraith (Hannibal Fischer)

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Player: @Cyberwraith
You Run With Wolves, I Hunt With Hounds!
Class Focus: Confidential
Power Level: 25
Research & Development: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Lt Col. Hannibal Fischer
Known Aliases: Commander
Species: Awakened Human
Ethnicity: Confidential
Age: 32
Height: 6'2
Weight: 220 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Tactical Commander of Ghost Hound
Place of Birth: Fort Worth, Texas
Base of Operations: Millennium City, MI
Marital Status:
Known Relatives: The Corp!
Known Powers
Chaos Tradition Full Mage
Known Abilities
US Marine Force Recon Training, Cyber-Doc, Decking, Technomage.
Assault Rifle: Ares Omega Kinetic Energy Railgun, Side Arm: Malorian Arms MXP Heavy Borg Pistol

"I think its tahm you meet mah weapon.... this is Vera."

Running In The Shadows

Some say that you should just laydown and let the beasts have the world, Let the corrupt fat cats lord over all.... I say FRAG that, I run in the shadows, I take jobs from the fat cats for now, using their table scraps to eventually take back the world for the people. FRAG THE MAN!


Wraith, is a rather straight forward no bull kind of guy. He dose what is necessary to get the job done, and what ever it takes to meet his end goal. Some say he has no morals, some say hes a monster. They maybe right, but when it comes to his Hounds he would march to the gates of hell, smack Satan in the face and force him by gun point to release any he held.

Being a marine officer he wants things done fast and efficient, and has little patience for dilly dallying.

Aside from when he is with Ghost Hound, Wraith is a quiet man always observing whats going on.

Being a professional Shadowrunner, Wraith is very Adaptive to many situations. He is able to think on his feet and use what ever means physical or metaphysical to get the job done.

Powers and Abilities

Chaos Mage

Chaos Magic is all about hacking the hidden operating system of the world. The signs and language used are means of rewriting the “machine code” that underlies reality. Ultimately, one’s tradition is merely a mental tool to focus one’s will to bring change in conformity—and like any good tool, it can be amply customized.

Chaos magic began as an occult movement designed to distill a “pure” magical system, devoid of dogma or credo, from the many different paths of power offered by myriad traditions, a system that would frame any belief system and transcend them all. The result was a highly eclectic and postmodern style, incorporating many symbols and ideas from different cultures and belief systems. Chaos magic is a unique hybrid that seeks the inherent power and underlying potential of the symbols and trappings used by other traditions. Chaos mages usually favor a methodical quasi-hermetic foundation to their personal styles and beliefs, though their practice incorporates symbols and concepts from many different sources and often interacts with different mentor spirits and totems on astral quests.

By nature, this magic system is a hodgepodge of styles and trappings that drinks from numerous sources. A chaos ritual circle might include qabbalistic, runic, and even shamanic design elements, and their lodges range from hermetic-style libraries to stone circles to cavernous basements decked in elaborate Aboriginal drawings. Chaos magic’s popularity among young magicians has come to influence even the hermetic paradigm, prompting the development of the Unified Magical Theory. While it aspires to be universal, chaos magic shows clear signs of its hermetic heritage in regard to its understanding of the spirit world. Chaos mages subscribe to the belief that spirits are manifestations of the basic universal elements spontaneously drawn from the fabric of astral space by the magician’s own will(hence their myriad guises). These entities can be summoned, controlled, and bound through the appropriate preparations and thaumaturgic rituals.

Chaos mages are the unabashed technophiles of the Awakened community, and commonly use technology in their magic to complement traditional ritual materials and resources: AROs to represent formulae, mediaplayers for music, holographic symbols for warding, digital storage for their mystical libraries, and so on.

Wraith being a full mage is able to channel raw magical forces into many different manifestations.

Black Ops Military

Hannibal began his military career in the United States Marine Corp. He became a squad commander of a Force Recon unit, eventually seeing action in every US military action since Desert Storm. Eventually taken into Black Ops, he was trained in various tactics including: Delta Force, SAS, and Spetsnaz to name a few.

Neural Boosted

Wraith has had his brain artificially enhanced with bioengineering to make him smarter. This allows him to process information at an astonishing rate. Hannibal holds a Medical Degree, with a specialization in cybernetics. He also has a PhD in military tactics. Wraith of course has many other skills but these are his most notable.



Ares Omega Kinetic Energy Railgun

Ares Omega Kinetic Energy Railgun

Type : Light Railgun | Concealability : Non concealable | Magazine : 25 | Rate of fire : 2/3/10 |Cartridge :15-gram U-Round | Range : 500 meters | Length : 1.5 meters

A man-portable electromagnetic accelerator, the coilgun launches projectiles at many times the speed of sound. The pack and 1.5 meter (5 foot) long barrel makes this gun very bulky, but orbital materials make it the lightest weapon of its class in the world. It is impossible to move around quickly while firing this gun, and if the recoil reduction system should fail, the user's arms and ribs will be shattered.

The coilgun delivers a nickel-ferrous jacketed slug with a depleted uranium core at hypersonic velocity to a target up to 500m away. This electro-magnetic gun (or EMG) uses superconducting coils to launch a special 15-gram Mylar-coated metal projectile with a muzzle velocity at 8,000 meters per second! This projectile is not only utterly lethal to the (meta)human body, but it can also punch through all but the toughest vehicular armor. The weapon has a built-in magazine with 5 superconductor power loops and a 5 round projectile pack (1kg and 5,800Y). Comes standard with a 1-3x variable optical mag system. Wraith has made several upgrades to this weapon including a larger magazine as well as full auto fire with advanced cooling and charging.

File:Ares Predator GZ.jpg
Ares Omega Kinetic Energy Railgun

Ares Predator

Type : Very heavy automatic pistol | Concealability : Jacket | Magazine : 18 | Rate of fire : 2 |Cartridge : 12 mm C | Range : 50 meters | Length : 25 cm

The Shadowrunner's best friend. The Ares Predator is a tough reliable pistol that fires 12mm ammo. Wraith carries about 4 of these heavy pistols with him. They feature Smartlink systems when paired with the contact lenses what wraith wears allow him to see were his bullets are going to go as well as how much ammo is left in a clip.


Wraith is a human, there fore he can be killed, and takes great pains to make sure he has a tactical advantage.


How heavy the sins of our fathers truly are.

Spoiler Warning
The following details are about a player-created storyline, or is information currently unrevealed about a character.
Please do not use this information ICly unless given permission to do so.

In the Shadow of His Father

One of The Few, The Proud

Ghost Hound

Ghost Hound PMC Uniform Patch.

Through the Looking Glass

REALITY can be viewed as a giant multi-dimensional matrix, in which each level of the matrix represents a level of perception or existence. Quintessence is the energy which flows through this matrix and keeps it connected and in existence. Most humans operate only at the level of mundane existence. An awakened individual has learned to access data from the other levels.

Friends and Allies

Acquaintances of Note


(Work in progress)