Olivia Tide

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Silver medal T.png
The Shrewd and Beautiful
Olivia Tide
Player: @ph0toncann0n (Photon Cannon)
Super Group
FinnCo Seafood Shipping and Storage
Loan Shark
· Other Affiliations ·
The Calling
Real Name
Ms. Tide, Olive
Claims July 19th (true date unknown)
Millennium City (Westside)
Millennium City
The Codfather
Legal Status
FinnCo Supervisor, Undercover Agent
Marital Status
Shock's cooking
· Known Relatives ·
Physical Traits
Human/nurse shark hybrid
Originally caucasian
Apparent Age
Body Type
Curvy and fair with athletic tendencies
Pure black
Light blue
· Distinguishing Features ·
Wave tattoos covering biceps, collarbone, upper back, and thighs, gill slits on throat, webbed claws,
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Heightened senses
· Equipment ·
1'6" switchblade, two cellphones, limitless cash
· Other Abilities ·
Trained blade user

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"All I Can Remember Is..."

"...that one day I woke up in The Calling's Headquarters, and I couldn't remember how I had become...this, in the first place. I couldn't remember my past, my life, my home, my own name. So I had to give myself a new one.

...Olivia just seemed to have a nice ring to it."

Hey im super sorry o.o only way to get in contact is to violate your page x.x anyways its Dominic from COH O.o "Lich Master" with "Skull" blah blah blah lol anywho i wanted to get back in touch because we used to be super besties i used to think D: http://primusdatabase.com/index.php?title=User:Dstark im still looking forward to seeing you make those movies you talked about:P

The Backstory

Spoiler Warning
The following details are about a player-created storyline, or is information currently unrevealed about a character.
Please do not use this information ICly unless given permission to do so.

Riley. Just Riley. She didn't go by any other name before she lost her memories. Riley had run away from home when she was twelve, because the smoke in the house and the fighting between her parents had become too much. She left behind the only thing she cared about--her baby brother--and took to living on the streets. There was no news broadcast, or posters, or a face on milk cartons. No one went looking for her. But to Riley, that was just fine.

Riley tried to keep to herself on the streets in Westside, but the various gangs found the pre-teen to be too obvious. After receiving a couple of bruises and being chased off by The Cobra Lords, Riley knew that she would have to start defending herself, and smuggled a switchblade from a local gas station. It's likely the switchblade, luck, and wits that allowed for Riley to survive until she was seventeen. But a life of homelessness, loneliness, and petty theft couldn't last forever.

Riley was down on her luck in mid-July of 2006. She had attracted too much attention when trying to smuggle some lunch at a more common gas station. While running from the cops, Riley decided that the only way out was to take shelter in an area of Westside she had never been in before. This area just so happened to be one of the most dangerous areas for Riley to stumble into. After hiding out in an abandoned building, the MCPD had to give up in their search and take care of more important matters. Riley dozed off for a few hours before being woken up by the sound of a sonic boom.

A few blocks from the abandoned building, a group of heroes were closing a massive rift which had been open for only the briefest of seconds. Riley watched the catastrophe in awe, completely unaware that she had been infected by something from the other side of that rift. There was little understanding of the event, however, and Riley could only figure that the deed had been done--but by the lack of enthusiasm the heroes had, the job must have had casualties. But Riley was safe, and that was good enough for her.

Only a couple of days after witnessing the rift, Riley became a little more forgetful of the things she did. For a young lady who had such wits and vigor, she was becoming a bit more clumsy. When she began to change physically, Riley became worried for herself, and tried to stay calm. But as gills formed, and her skin tone faltered, and her teeth sharpened, and her cranium began to expand, Riley more and more began to forget her past. One memory at a time, each day, she began to forget the smoke in her old home and the particular fights her parents would have. Before a hero came to her rescue, the last memory for Riley to lose of her home was the face of her smiling baby brother.

A hero by the name of Nile came to find Riley one day, where she was hanging out in her usual spot on the edges of the Escaped Prisoners' territory. Nile explained that he had come to help Riley, and offered vague tales of how he could help her. "I've been watching you, Riley," he had said, "and I've come to help you understand this change you've been faced with. You don't deserve to live on the streets like this. Come; it's time you found your way."

The Calling

"Come; the truth beckons you."

"And I have heard my calling."

A psychic supervillain by the alias of "The Master" took young Riley into his organization, and Riley vanished from the face of the Earth. The more Riley began to mutate into a nurse shark, and the more memories she lost, the harsher her training became. Espionage, swindling, assassinating, skill with the blade--Riley was trained for a greater evil, and received love and praise from her corrupted fatherly figure only if she was able to please him with her progress. Riley was thrown into torment over the next few months, until that heart-wrenching pain in her chest and sorrow in her mind was numbed by the last remnants of her memories being forgotten by the virus she had received from the rift. Riley had been eradicated, and by the age of twenty-one, the sculpting of a beautiful, mature shark woman was complete. The young woman chose the name Olivia Tide for herself, and was placed inside of various organizations to do her Master's bidding.


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Friends and Foes

NOTE: Section coming soon.



First Impressions

NOTE: If your character has met Olivia in Club Caprice or Millennium City, you are allowed to post an in-character comment regarding her here. Please do not assume that you know her ICly simply by reading this page. Feel free to link yourself via your name to your own PRIMUS page, if you own one.

Positive (Friends/Acquaintances)

"Tide's a good kid. It'd be a lie to say I don't owe her a favor or two after what she's done." - M'ma the Restless, Co-worker

"She isn't very friendly, but I think she just needs to be given the chance to show that she can be!" - Lisivia, Co-worker

"Sure, don't trust her far as I can throw her, but she ain't done wrong by me. Yet." - Finn, Superior

Negative (Enemies)

Olivia Caprice.png

NOTE: Section coming soon.

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