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Player: @Shaelos
I am Chevalier, that is all that need be said.
Biographical Data
Real Name: Classified
Known Aliases: Classified
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Human
Place of Birth: Rumored to be Orleans, France
Base of Operations: Currently residing in Millenium City, Michigan, United States of America.
Relatives: Mother, Father
Age: Appears to be in his late 20's to early 30's
Height: 1.9 meters
Weight: 100 kg.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Complexion: Tanned
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: Ruggedly Handsome
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Chaotic Good

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Identity: Classifed
Years Active: Classified
Citizenship: French
Occupation: Prior employment records sealed by French Government. Currently teaching Home Economics and Advanced Fencing at the East Briar Institute, as well as running it's Student Dining Facility.
Education: Graduate Ecole du Cordon Bleu and Sorbonne Universites. All further training classified.
Marital Status: Divorced
Known Powers and Abilities
Powers are the crutch of the weak and can be taken away. Thus, I do not rely upon them. I employee skill. Even if I did have any, telling others what they are would be the mark of a fool.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
I use whatever weapons the situation require. However, I prefer to use blades, especially the rapier.
ReldinBoxMini Template


In a darkened, smoke filled room, three figures in shadow watch a monitor.

"Bonjour, I am Chevalier. Yes, I am better than you but it is not your fault that I am. I am better not just for my skill with a blade, my impeccable sense of style, my herculean physique or even the fact that I am French. I am better than you, because I am humble.

You may now bask in the glory that is France.</p> <p> Now that you are done basking and have soaked in the awesome humility with which I endeavour to share with the world, you may ponder and in the pondering you may ask yourself, "Self, how can I become such an awesome , yet humble, representative of my people, like the incredibly handsome Chevalier?"

Allow me to answer... You cannot. Fear not, mon ami, for there is always room for second place and you are it.

Bonne Chance."

With a click, the monitor is turned off.

"That, as he so helpfully told us is Chevalier. So far he has managed to thwart several of our more lucrative operations in Millennium City, not to mention that fiasco in Africa. I told you to gather all pertinent data that you had on the man."

A folder is opened and one of the figures reads from it's contents. "This is what we can verify: He was born in Orleans, France. He does not register on any scanning device, that we possess, as a meta-human of any kind. He has no cybernetics that can be detected. To all appearances, he is a normal unpowered human. He works at the East Briar Institute as a teacher and runs their dining facility. He teaches Home Economics and an 'advanced' fencing class, whatever that means. He likes to use swords, with a preference for the rapier. He has been seen using firearms, usually ones he's picked up from those he fights. As far as we can determine, his suits are actually custom body armor. They are made from a resistant fabric of some kind that seems to provide some protection from kinetic and energy weaponry."

The other figure then speaks, "Sir, our deep cover operative at East Briar has given us an interesting picture of the man as well. He appears fluent in not just French and English but German, Latin, Portugese, Mandarin and what was tentatively identified as Basque. Chevalier, or "Chev" as his friends seem to call him, acts as moral support to the clones of Brutum that reside there. That may be an avenue to exploit."

"Our experts have studied Chevalier's fighting styles. While he does utilize Savate in his unarmed combat style, he seems to use an amalgamation of Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Kali and Hap Ki Do with it. It was described as 'Inelegant, but brutally efficient.' He uses French and Hungarian fencing styles primarily but has shown skill with Japanese and Chinese styles. He uses a combination of dual and single blade attacks when fighting. His combat skills have no obvious weaknesses."

"The man himself however, does."

"Please, do elaborate."