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The innocent corruptor

Physical Attributes
Magical Attributes
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Chaotic Neutral
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Biographical Data
Real Name: Penelope Cooper (Not publicly known) Marital Status: Single
Known Aliases: HellBane Occupation: None
Gender Female (usually. Limited shapeshifting powers from the HellBane can allow her to temporarily alter this) Base of Operations: Millennium City
Species: Cursed Human/Eldrich Entity symbiote Education: Limited due to when she was born.
Ethnicity: Caucasian Date of Birth: 05/01/1628
Sexual Orientation: Omnisexual. Extremely deviant. Relatives: None living
Age: 385 (appears around 15-17) Complexion: Pale
Height 5'9" Physical Build: Curvy
Weight: 122 Physical Features:
Accent: Sultry and slightly discordant. Sometimes sounds like two or more voices speaking at once. Equipment: The HellBane. A semi-sentient weapon forged from the flesh and bone of an Eldrich Entity that resided in what would eventually be Hell
Eyes: Blue iris on a black sclera. Known Abilities: Hellfire control. Rapid Healing. Sin Eating. Corruptive Aura.
Hair: Black Weaponry: The HellBane
Standing: Antihero Allies: None
SuperGroup: None Enemies: None
Sidekicks: None Pets: Nearly any weak-minded individual she meets.
Minions: none IC Deaths: Immortal
OOC Data
OOC Name: N/A Combat Style: Ranged Hellfire/Mystic mental control
Level: 15 Previous SG's: N/A
Gender: N/A Access to VIP Club: yes
RP Type: All RP. Toon's nature will tend more toward dark/mature/erotic Access to VB: Not Yet
Started CO: 2012 # Costume Slots: lots
RP Aptitude: Long Time Roleplayer Alternative Characters: Too many to list
KittenmelBox Template

The Innocent Cursed

New England 1641: A small and isolated Puritan colony becomes obsessed with the End of Days. Due in large part to their highly fanatical and charismatic Church leader, the townspeople come to believe that Judgement Day is upon them and that the weight of their Sins will find them wanting. Desperate to clean their souls of Sin, they turn to an ancient and nearly forgotten Rite, which can imbue an innocent with the powers of a Sin Eater.

During a hushed meeting, the Town Elders decide that young Penelope Cooper would be the best candidate. At 13 she is on the cusp of womanhood, yet retained the bright innocence of childhood still, a rarity in the harsh and unforgiving world of the colonists. In the cover of darkness the townsfolk drug the terrified young woman from her bed, performing the ritual and pouring all of their Sins into her. She became a vessel for all of their wrath, lust, greed, envy. Every corruption petty or great poured into her. With the ritual done, the Church Elder performed a second right and cast the young woman into Hell, taking their Sins with her.

Hell 1641-1882: Young Penelope became a favored pet of the denizens of Hell, though this status brought her no comfort. It was quickly discovered by the demons, demi-Gods, and deviants of the Infernal Realm that the girl could not be corrupted. No matter what sickening act she was forced to partake in, what cruel perversion she was forced to witness, the girl's innocence remained. The curse cast on her by her fellow townsfolk meant that she drank down the corruption of every evil act into her, it's power fueling her body. As the centuries past her spiritflesh adapted, becoming reliant on the consumption of Sin the way that the living need food and water. Her captors delighted in tormenting her, driving to the point of starvation and then loosing her on new arrivals to Hell to have her way with.

Eventually she escaped the castle she was held in, sneaking through little known passages and secret caverns. Her stealthy route brought her into a hidden, long-forgotten vault, in which was contained The Hell Bane. A weapon of phenominal power, forged from the flesh and bones of the Eldrich Creatures that had resided in the ream prior to the fall of Lucifer. The Morningstar's forces were eventually able to subdue and destroy them, using their flesh to create weapons for their eventual retaking of Heaven. The weapon bonded to her, it's essence fusing with hers and creating a symbiotic entity.

Hell 1883-2013: Now known throughout the Wastes as HellBane, the girl