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Liath Ebony backhier.jpg
Liath Ebony backhier.jpg
Liath Ebony backhier.jpg
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Liath Ebony backhier.jpg
Liath Ebony Icon.jpg
(Daughter of Re)
Relatives: Confidential
Occupation: Confidential
Base: Confidential
Physical Traits:
Gender: Confidential
Age: Confidential
Height: Confidential
Weight: Confidential
Physique: Confidential
Hair: Confidential
Eyes: Confidential
Skin: Confidential
Other: Confidential
Powers & Abilities:
Powers: Confidential
Abilities: Confidential
Equipment: Confidential
Liath SODLAG 130130.png
Group:Society of Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen
Other: Confidential
Liath KnotLarge.png
Liath Ebony backhier.jpg
Liath Ebony backhier.jpg
Liath Ebony backhier.jpg
Liath Ebony backhier.jpg
Liath Ebony backhier.jpg
Liath Ebony backhier.jpg
Liath Ebony backhier.jpg
Liath Ebony backhier.jpg
Liath Ebony backhier.jpg
Liath Ebony backhier.jpg
Liath Ebony Logo.png

Liath Ebony History.png

Born in 1503 BCE, Maatkare was the widow of Thutmosis II and was Egyptian Pharaoh during the 18th Dynasty (~1472-1458 BCE). History notes her sudden disappearance (presumed murder) and her step son ordering the destruction of her images and mentions of her rule upon his own rise to Pharaoh.

Unknown to historians or the new Pharoah, Maatkare's organs were removed from their canopic jars and placed within a carved wooden effigy by loyal priests. This effigy was hidden deep within the temple at Deir el-Bahri near Thebes where it survived untouched until discovered and brought back to England by a late 18th Century explorer.

While being moved to the explorer's country estate, the statue was stolen and inadvertantly brought to life by an old gypsy woman. Finding herself in a strange land with no memory of how she came to be there Maatkare joined the gypsies. Her natural abilities soon elevated her to leadership of the group and she became a notorious highwaywoman. Maatkare eventually fled to the American West continuing her criminal career but an incident with an Apache shaman caused her to revert to a statue.

Reawakened early in the 20th century in Prussia, she was indoctrinated into the imperial guard where she remained during WW1. Escaping the control of the guard, Maatkare went underground as the vigilante Ebony, ranging across '20s and '30s Europe before joining the Russian Black Guard at the onset of WW2. The Black Guard were extraordinary people formed into a team to protect the Russian front from German incursions.

In the 50s Ebony returned to the USA. Since that time she has continued to work for the cause of good, assisting MCPD and associated authorities to keep the peace.

When Professor Zack Zapperoni was reforming S.H.A.F.T he invited Ebony to join as the team's powerhouse.

Liath Ebony Look.png

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