Nox Aeterna

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Nox 1 Inked.jpg
"No one is worthy of living."
Player: NekoKairi2.png
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Aeterna Staroux
Nox, The Eternal Darkness
September 8th, 1877
Apartment complex
Freelance Mercenary
Legal Status
No criminal record
Marital Status
In a relationship
· Known Relatives ·
Family in Amarath
Physical Traits
Dark Elf
Apparent Age
80lbs (extremely underweight)
Body Type
Light Purple
· Distinguishing Features ·
Cat eyes
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Lightning spells

Wind spells

Stealth spells
· Equipment ·
Armor & Spellbook
· Other Abilities ·


"The drow frowned. She watched as the guards advanced on her younger brother. Their swords were raised. Blood lust gleamed in their eyes. They had been found out. Exposed. She couldn't let it happen. She raised her hand, closing her eyes as power rose into her body. She felt unbelievable strength. She felt invincible. She let the power continue to expel from her body. Screams. Pain. Death. And it was her fault.

Her eyes opened. The power took its toll. As she collapsed, she looked around. Red. Lifeless bodies. Her family huddled into a corner, terrified. Of her. And guards rushing towards her. Crying in the distance. She didn't dare look. Her eyes closed, and she let them take her."

Past Endeavors.png

Aeterna Staroux was born into a cultist group that studied the dark arts. They stayed hidden the best to their abilities from the otherwise celestial kingdom. The fear of being found out was too much. They were a cowardice group from this. Aeterna excelled in her studies, quickly advancing in her classes against her siblings and the other adolescents. She loved learning the offensive magic. She never left home, fearing that she herself might somehow expose the group. She never met people outside of the kingdom they taken up residence in.

She herself came from a large family. She was related to a vast majority of the cult; cousins, brothers, aunts, uncles, sisters. She was close to multiple of her family members, treating them with extreme care. The cult was close knit; there was hardly any arguments throughout it, due to the mutual love of the dark and constantly exploring it. She became exceptionally close to her younger brother. She had been youngest for quite some time, and she quickly took the job of having someone to watch over very seriously. She was much like a bodyguard to him, defending him from the usual sibling quarrels.

The day of her betrayal was something that haunts her mind. At the age of thirteen, her younger brother had accidentally exposed the group. The kingdom immediately fought against them. Their numbers were no match, and they quickly diminished in size. Aeterna and her family were some of the last survivors. They ran from the battle, hoping to escape and travel. He tripped. She turned and watched her brother stumble and fall over. She went to help him. The guards were faster. He was nearly surrounded, weaponry raised.

Power. That's all Aeterna remembers from that day. Unbelievable, wonderful, power. And death. The bloodied streets and lifeless bodies often echos in her mind. She was banished from her kingdom. Death sentence was debated, but decided against as they feared she would excel such power again. She was left to die by her own people. A hatred stirred in her heart as she struggled to survive.

Aeterna eventually took up petty jobs for money. She'd go after criminals primarily for the local law enforcement, getting a decent sum of money. However, due to her excess traveling, she never had enough to support herself properly. She became known in some criminal circles as Nox Aeterna- Latin for eternal darkness due to her magic capabilities. She followed this career for nearly two hundred years, but never expanded her occupation enough to become known for it, save for the petty gangs that learned of her existence when she was sent after multiple targets.


She was called to America for one of her customers. She tracked down her target, and successfully killed them. However, she had never been to America, and quickly became lost. She eventually stumbled across a city called Millennium City and was recruited by law enforcers to help clear out some of the gang problems. She quickly advanced and was sent to other various places. However, she was still being paid very little, and had to often loot the bodies of her victims for things to sell. Her magic and traveling took a large toll on her body, and she became malnourished without proper care.

She had an unlikely friendship with an UNTIL agent named Python. The two briefly dated, but his old VIPER affiliations caused the two to drift. Briefly living in UNTIL headquarters, she has become tolerated there. Her and Python had made a brief trip back to Amarath, where she had checked on her family. She quickly found herself to still be hated by some. The two left on neutral grounds, but she made no plans of revisiting after the rather hostile attitude towards her.

Upon coming back to America, VIPER attacked the UNTIL base in search of Python. She eventually found herself at the hospital from the attacks, staying with Python upon the first attack on him. Much to her dismay, she quickly found this to be a trap when one of the VIPER higher ups rigged the hospital with draysha. She hid in an alley way, terrified of the monsters coming from the hospital, when Phantom made his approach on her.

After the illusion took place, Aeterna became a ruthless and careless being. She hated the existence of everyone in her life, and for a time, dreamed of nothing but killing herself and effectively getting rid of these thoughts. Before the dream became a reality, she found out Phantom's illusion was fake. Now filled with hate towards this being, she made it a goal to track him down and exact her revenge.

For a time, this seemed like it was going to become possible. Phantom began making attacks across Millennium City. She managed to confront him once, where he disappeared off and left her and a group to deal with an enraged worker at PSI, one of the notable people from this group being Arohn. After a failed attempt of tracking down Phantom, she fled the scene, not wanting to cause draw any unnecessary attention towards her deteriorated state of mind.

She was eventually called to Canada and the Project Awakening for another job. Upon arriving, there was a snake woman, silent man, and a rather young and enthusiastic man to apparently aid her in this job. Entering Project Awakening immediately proved that this was going to be a challenge. The group was met with a series of riddles, in which Aeterna had to replay the illusion Phantom set in her mind to get past, showing a true fear of death at the time.

Getting past the entrances, she confirmed her fears as Phantom seemed to be the final obstacle in this mission. The younger male seemed to know Phantom as well. She later learned this man's name was Lucas. The group attacked Phantom. Mid fight, the snake woman and silent man disappeared off, leaving her and Lucas alone to battle Phantom for awhile. The two managed what they could fighting Phantom, but the fight seemed to be going south for awhile.

Eventually, Lucas was impale by Phantom, and rendered useless. Another being appeared in the base to aid the now lone Aeterna in battling Phantom as well. This woman seemed to be an energy user. As an attempt of teamwork, she threw the dark elf at Phantom. They missed, but this confused him enough that the two could manage to drive him off. Aeterna doesn't consider this a success and still wishes to find Phantom and finish him off, once and for all.


Aeterna was never meant to be cold hearted, but from her past events, she slowly grew ill tempered with people. They were either targets or giving her money; she didn't think much aside from that. Despite her natural cold personality, she's flirtatious and extremely clingy to the people she cares for. She's not a brave person; she'd rather make herself look terrifying and scare people off instead of actually fight. If someone came after a loved one, however, she would have difficulty trying not to interfere. She's stubborn as well, convinced what she says should go most of the time. She'll admit to being wrong as a last resort if anything, making her an easy target to argue with, and quick to dislike. She'll back down fast if it's a loved one, though, terrified of losing someone over an argument.

Due to her past, it's extremely hard to earn her trust. She's quick to judge, and quick to fake an attack and leave before someone could harm her. Few people have had a chance to speak to her outside of business, and most conversations ended poorly due to her guarded nature. She doesn't believe in needing friends, always putting herself ahead of others. Kage loosened up her initial shell enough that she had managed to make a few friends, though she still tends to stay guarded around new faces.


Aeterna has a natural honing to sorcery. She uses lightning arcs as a signature power, being more of an elementalist dark arts user than anything else. She also uses wind to her will when needed to take out multiple enemies. Aside from her magic, she doesn't have any other powers; she's as vulnerable as anyone else, just powerful.

Nox 4 Inked.jpgLightning - Aeterna has aquired a powerful usage of lightning. She summons this from her palm, or occasionally uses it as a ward on her hands; almost as if she was trying to make herself look threatening; something animals often do in the wild. This lightning has the ability to stun foes, as well as singe their hair. This consumes her energy quickly, and she can't prolong the uses, so she has a few defense mechanisms set up.

Nox 5 Inked.jpgWind - Aeterna has the ability to summon storms equivalent to that of a hurricane. This is one of her strongest spells, and it devastates most around her. She's skilled at controlling it, taking the storm with her at her own will. It knocks backs opponents with the wind forces, rendering their attacks useless most of the time. However, this has a massive downside to her energy. This is used in scenarios with multiple targets mainly because of the toll it takes on her. She's gotten better at managing her energy with it, but still has the occasional issue of draining herself with it. She doesn't use this unless it's absolutely needed due to the toll it takes on her body.

Nox 3 Inked.jpgDefense Mechanism - Aeterna's defense mechanism is a simple circle. This, however, packs a punch; it regenerates her energy for her, as well as adds resistance to attacks she'd never be able to take on all by herself. The circle itself is used by her whenever attacking a stronger opponent, since she normally needs to be mobile in combat. It's a vital important to surviving against things that would, in any other circumstance, destroy the elf. The circle has arcana symbols engraved into it that regenerates her health and energy. She relies strongly on this when stuck in tough situations. This makes her incredibly hard to kill in a normal situation, unless the opponent manages to lure her outside of the circle. In such a case, they'd have an advantage over her, being able to use brute force to knock her around.



KageNox.jpegKagewoe, the first person to take her under his wing. Finding the elf half dead in an alley way, he did his good deed for the day and took her to a hospital. She later got to meet him again. After a rough encounter, he decided to help her get off of the streets. She moved into the same complex as him, wanting to keep her first real friend in this place close. Supplying her with a large amount of money and possible clients to finally get a steady job, she quickly came to consider him a friend and someone she can rely on. He's become her go-to guy for information on places around the city and what's best for shopping. She has also decided his pet shark that resides in the form of a raptor should travel around the world with them to terrorize tourists and locals alike when begging for food.


Python, the initial one to save her life. He was the first person she became close to in the states, and as a result, the two had a fling. She somewhat misses the whirlwind romance the two had, but tries not to think too much about the untimely end. This ended when his VIPER affiliations came back and separated the two. She fell out of contact with him and initially hated him due to an illusion that made her believe he had murdered one of her close family members. After finding out this was false, she is still bitter towards him for what she considers abandonment, but will tolerate his presence.

Arohn, an alien demon. After only meeting him a few times, she still has no idea what to think of him. She remembers him as the demon that got kneed in the balls by a guy with anger issues. Despite her teasing about his rather horrific appearance, she doesn't mind the creature. She's still rather baffled as to why him, as well as Kage, want to give her so much money, making the jokes of how they liked to throw money at homeless people. After another meeting in the desert, he gave her his number, and he became a possible client for future jobs.


Phantom, an alternate timeline version of Kage. In contrast to Kage, he's ruthless and quite enjoys witnessing the pain of others. He approached Aeterna one night while she was half dead in an alley way. He decided to make the situation much worse by having her witness an illusion of Python murdering one of her family members and effectively making her terrified of him. Upon scrying, she found said family member perfectly happy. This left her with a deep hate for this being, that acted extremely friendly toward her during his trick...and caused her to attack Kage when she heard the familiar voice. She was able to confront Phantom weeks after this. Managing to severely hinder the being, she still wishes to confront and destroy him for what he did to her.