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---and then, darlings we skip about a dozen eons, and.. ---oh, you don't want to hear about that, it's a dreadfully long story. I'm hand waving that part. ---just have him casually dismiss millennia here and there

Kierdan of the Burning Frost@LordWisp: Amosa: "A field, a wall, a spider, a light bulb, and a half deer harlot, it sounds great, but really it was the same shit every day... all days, for oh lets skip that to the fun. how about the first City I leveled"

---yes!! just like that. "It was very loud. I was disappointed. so I ate all the citizens fleeing in panic and that at least was something, they were a spicy little species. A little hint of cayenne and cinnamon, mm." ---he's just so casual about it. "And the heros didn't come. I was terribly bored, so I came to them. OBVIOUSLY they don't know how the game is played.

Kierdan of the Burning Frost@LordWisp: Amosa: "The cries and the howls of despair were delightful, centuries of history leading up to that shining mecca, destroyed in twenty minutes, on I think it was a Tuesday.. the world wept, and sang in such delightful sorrow, but there was a sound even sweeter among the despair.. hatred, pure righteous fury, the local army came, with everything. Pilots in craft, Men in tanks who would give their lives, these "Heroes"... and the song of their hatred was even sweeter than the serenade of despair... but then the light came over the hill and it was time to move along, next world, next show, next play, and I lost track how many times I did that dance but it was fun." "Other villains, no perish the thought, they are at best lackies, or even better sources of entertainment. I am very socially woke, I am an equal opportunity tormenter, men, women, hero, villain, it, doesn't matter, I am quite progressive, if I may say so myself, darling. Though to be fair some villains are even better to make the butt of a grand joke, their faces get all red and puffed like a toddler upset you won't give him his holiday gift three months early, it is delightful to see such so called powerful men reduced to such."