Blue Fox

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Revision as of 00:30, 8 January 2019 by TheBlueFox (Talk | contribs)

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(Owned by thenightrunner8) <WIP>

Primus Database Info:
Real Name: Marshall McCallister
Known Alias: Blue Fox
Identity: Unregistered/Private
Age: Born November 10, 2000
Race: Human, Caucasian
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1
Weight: Athletic/Lean
Eye Color: Blue
Nationality: American
Status: Single/Straight

Powers: Super Strength, Enhanced Agility, Superhuman Reflexes, Accelerated Healing Factor, Improved Endurance, Sturdy Durability, Remote Hacking Capabilities, and a Temporary Localized EMP Burst.

Equipment: Grapple Gun, Boomerangs (Blunt+Sharp), Smoke Bombs, Upgraded PDA, Headset Communicator, Various Computer Hacking Gadgets, Questionite Claws

Weaknesses: Overwhelming Loud or High Pitched Noises. Black Kelvarite can vary between crippling and lethal depending on the amount.

Reputation: Young, quippy superhero. Active in costume since the summer of 2018. Active online as a lone white hat hacktivist named 'Blue Fox' since 2014. Decidedly a 'street-level' hero; has only been spotted outside of Michigan on occasion. Strict adherence to a 'no kill' rule. Capable of utilizing gadgetry and online vigilantism as well as meta-human powers of unknown origin.