User talk:Epelesker

10th July 2016: One of my most ambitious projects on PDb to date has gone live-- I'm collaborating with CptThunder to present Pulse and Rigor!
Visitor Comments
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General Comments
PRIMUS users and moderators are welcome to leave messages regarding me and my characters below. Cleared as of 2 January 2014.
Thank you! It feels great to have complement on him and I just noticed you voted for him last month which makes me feel more honored :) He's still a WIP but it is getting there. I plan to ease myself into roleplay, probably start with a forum rp and break into it from there, I'd would certainly like him to meet Sludd at some point though haha. - Exray
Yeah, I can't help but pop in every now and then to tinker and see new chars, hoping to get a partition in my macpro soon so I can get playing but could still be a way off, good to hear from you tho man - Exray
Moderator's Desk
If you have questions or requests regarding the PRIMUS Database, or some of my mod comments, please leave them in this section! (Be aware that comments posted here may be deleted after resolution.)
I understand that my pictures on the page I've created recently, Gargoyle, are in fact from other games. Do keep in mind that they are only temporary 'placeholders' until the final in-game creations of said characters are finally finished as I've been unable to log into Champs without a stable internet connection. The pictures will be replaced as soon as I get the chance too, I'm also in works of getting another laptop due to my old one recently stop working and I'm accessing the PRIMUS Database from a slow and old desktop computer at the moment. Again, the pictures I have used will be replaced as soon as I get the chance too as they were never intentionally meant to be the supposed final product. - Somerandomkid500 (talk) 2, March 2016 3:13 am (EST)
"Who's a good guy? I'm a good guy."
Name: Gregory Wilde
Abilities: Animal Ability Mimicry, Animal Affinity, Feral Mind
Silver Age Sentinels
[Young Sentinels]
"Who's a good guy? I'm a good guy."
Name: Gregory Wilde
Abilities: Animal Ability Mimicry, Animal Affinity, Feral Mind
Protectors of the World