Lorena Aniel

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Lorena Aniel
Player: @Pinkster
"I've always considered myself a pessimist. I don't consider the glass half empty. It's half broken."
Class Focus: CC/Support
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Mysticism
Personal Data
Real Name: Lorena Aniel
Known Aliases: Pinky, Rori
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Japanese American
Age: 25
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 115 lbs
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Purple
Biographical Data
Nationality: Confidential
Occupation: Millennium City PD, Detective
Place of Birth: Detroit, MI
Base of Operations: Millennium City, MI
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Parents deceased
Known Powers
telepathy, telekinesis, sorcery
Known Abilities
flight, teleportation
.40 caliber Smith & Wesson, Kevlar armor, comlink, and M9 bayonet

When interviewed by members of the press, Miss Aniel declined to explain where her codename originates from. She just smiled, nodded to the camera and waved casually.

"No comment. Thank you."

Lorena "Pinky" Aniel

Current Status on this File: Uncertain

Previous Statuses: Millennium City Police Department Detective, Candidate for CIA, Lansing Cadet


Lorena comes from a long line of police officers. Her grandfather, on her father's side, was a well respected deputy chief in Detroit, MI. Her father was a lieutenant and her mother was a civilian serologist/crime scene technician. Lorena's grandmother, on her mother's side, was an immigrant from Japan. Lorena's parents were killed by a drunk driver in 1989, Lorena falling under the care of her grandmother. Her grandmother was a bit of a mystic, very superstitious. She taught Lorena elemental magic and how to tap into her psionic abilities. During her time at the Lansing police academy in 2001, Lorena's grandmother was hospitalized for "self-inflicted" wounds. Lorena claimed something had hurt her grandmother, but could not prove it. All files concerning this incident have no concrete proof of supernatural involvement.

Promising Cadet

Lorena eventually graduates from Lansing and becomes a detective and criminal investigator for the Millennium Police Department in 2002. She had a promising career and seemed to have an edge over some of her co-workers. Hunches that are always right. Pieces of information she should not know. (Things, that some believe, were gained through magical and psionic means.) There are records on file (see attachments for further information) that Lorena was offered a position with the CIA, but she firmly turned down all offers.


Official MCPD records show that Lorena was placed on a mandatory leave of absence for medical reasons which coincides with the time period following her partner's homicide in 2006. Other officers who were present at the scene recount that "Lorena was grief stricken. She was forced to hold him (her partner) in her arms and watch him die." Medical files on record show that Derek Stone, Aniel's partner, was DOA at Mercy Hospital. In the aftermath of his death, Officer Stone was accused of being a corrupt cop. All charges were dropped and the case was closed within the following months.

Lorena did not seek any counseling after her partner's death and returned to active duty two weeks later.

Outside sources have put together enough information to surmise that during the two week leave of absence, Lorena may have attempted a taboo occult ritual. An interview with one of the arcane trainers, Cabal Delphios, shows that Lorena had done extensive research concerning Hell and resurrection. While nothing can be proved for certain, there are numerous pieces of evidence that support the theory that something might have occurred during that two week period.


Since her return to duty, Lorena has been a model officer. She seems to have cut social ties with the other officer's in her precinct and has refused to take on another partner. All psychological assessments have been inconclusive (see attachment for more information). There have been suspicions that she's tampered with police case files, but no sound evidence has been able to back those accusations. For the most part, the commanding officer of her precinct has granted her permission to work independently due to her outstanding record. During the Qularr invasion in August of 2009, Lorena was reported to have worked closely with the Valkyrie Foundation at Ground Zero.

Since the invasion, Officer Aniel has been under the close scrutiny of PRIMUS due to her association with the Foundation.


Lorena has informally taken a leave of absence from work. Paperwork (see attachment for more information) provided by an organization within the government has her contracted out as a consultant. PRIMUS agents have been unable to determine what group is involved. There have been long periods of time when Lorena has gone off the radar. Though the Isles has been overheard through many conversations, no place exists in the PRIMUS Database files.



Applicants to sensitive jobs, such as jobs in intelligence or other jobs handling state secrets, may be required to submit to a psychological evaluation before they can be employed, although usually a background check is much more important. In the case of Officer Aniel, she has willing submitted herself to be examined multiple times.

"Survival is the key. Wisdom is the surest weapon, faith the sturdiest armor."

Distinguishing Features

Weapons and Equipment

MCPD formal attire.
Attire while on duty.
Civilian clothing.
More civilian attire. Note: tattoo on back.

  • .40 caliber Smith & Wesson - The .40 S&W has earned a good reputation for self-defense and police use, though it is debated whether its performance is more attributable to reliable expansion and penetration or to remote wounding effects of hydrostatic shock.
  • Kevlar Ballistic Vest - While not up to par with military grade armor, Lorena wears a concealable Kevlar vest. The carrier holds the ballistic panels close to the wearers body and a uniform shirt is worn over the carrier. This type of carrier must be designed to conform closely to the officer's body shape. The vest is barely detectable when she's wearing her leather jacket.
  • M9 Bayonet - The M9 Bayonet is a multi-purpose knife and bayonet officially adopted in 1984 by the United States. It has a 7-inch (18 cm) blade and is issued with a special sheath designed to double as a wire cutter.
  • "Bad Day" Stakes - These items are one of the most valuable tools a Hunter can have. Stakes made of Mistletoe, banded together with silver bands and tipped with cold iron. The completed stake then soaks over night in Anointing Oil. Overall, these weapons, when plunged into the heart of a creature, will kill just about anything. Every member of Valkyrie Foundation owns at least one of these.


  • Christopher Medallion- Saint Christopher is well known as the patron saint of travelers. This medallion in particular belonged to Lorena's mother and was supposedly worn by her grandfather while he was an active officer of the Detroit Police Department.
  • Tattoo on Back - This tattoo is barely noticeable due to its location on her body. There is no confirmed significance to the tattoo. It looks like it might possibly be a falcon or a phoenix. Co-workers speculate that Lorena acquired the tattoo around the time she received the rank of Detective.

Skills and Training

Telepathy and Telekinesis

  • Telepathy - Lorena's telepathy allows her to read, influence, control, and communicate with the minds of others, project her mind into the astral plane, and generate telepathic force blasts that can stun or kill others. While training at the police academy, Lorena agreed to participate in a study being conducted by PRIMUS. During the study, she was able to take away or control people's natural bodily functions and senses, such as sight, hearing, smell, and taste. One side affect of the telepathy seems to be an eidetic memory. When asked to describe her abilities, Lorena told doctor's "It's like there's a library in my mind. All I need to do is find the right book and the information is there."
  • Telekinesis - Lorena's telekinetic strength and skill are both of an extremely strong nature, the exact extent of her capabilities has not been properly tested. She can indeed lift objects and manipulate them in mid-air. Lorena uses her telekinesis to often lift herself and others giving her the ability of levitation and flight. She also uses her telekinesis to construct various objects out of telekinetic energy as well as powerful force bubbles.
  • Divination - In the most general terms, divination is the ability to look into the past or future to gain insight into a question or situation. Lorena, when asked during her interview, gave a brief description of the different types in existence, but did not openly admit to using any of them.
    • Known techniques: Omens and omen texts, Sortilege (cleromancy), Augury, Spontaneous, and Scrying
      • Spontaneous. An unconstrained form of divination, free from any particular medium, and actually a generalization of all types of divination. The answer comes from whatever object the diviner happens to see or hear. Lorena has been seen interacting with objects at a crime scene and typically can reconstruct the events. While part of this has been attributed to good detective skills, there are some factors that she has been aware of despite the lack of physical evidence at the scene.
      • Scrying. This is a magic practice that involves seeing things psychically in a medium, usually for purposes of obtaining spiritual visions and more rarely for purposes of divination. On occasion, Lorena has been known to use a small crystal for such purposes, quite similar to dowsing.


  • Darkness -


  • Phasing - Lorena has the ability to "phase," which allows her to render her body insubstantial. She can walk through solid objects, and solid objects will pass right through her.



Outside of her work acquaintances, Lorena has a small pool of associates that she has been known to associate with regularly.

Valkyrie Foundation

There is no concrete evidence tying her to this organization, but there is firm belief in her association with them. It is believed she has sabotaged several investigations involving them. No charges have ever been filed, and no proof has ever been found.

  • Will McBlack - For uncertain reasons, Lorena has taken interest in the fugitive McBlack. A large number of the cases she's worked on have ties to him or one of his associates.
  • Arthur Toye - As the CEO of Toye Holdings International and the CFO of the Valkyrie Foundation, Lorena has had little interactive with him.
  • Elizabeth Denmore - Lorena was one of the officers on duty when Miss Beth bailed her husband, David Denmore, out of jail. Apparently the officer assaulted in Mister Denmore's case was convinced by Lorena to drop the charges.
  • Lazarus Black - Having only met the Reverend Black once while working with the Foundation in Canada, the only thing Lorena openly states about him is his distrust towards magic users and non-humans.
  • Coercer Koada’ Sirn - Referred to as Heba by the Valkyrie Foundation, PRIMUS has no Official File on this character.
  • Xinthus Moonshadow - PRIMUS is unsure where this second Xinthus came from, but it's become apparent that he and Xinthus Moonfang are indeed the same person, but are somehow not the same person.

Ghost Hound

The Mercenary Black Ops Company and the Valkyrie Foundation have been known to work together on Several Occasions, including the recent Qularr invasion.

  • Engineer Harper - Officer of Ghost Hound. The two rarely discuss work when they are together. You can typically find the duo in Club Caprice having a beer and chatting about something called "Gilmore Girls". Lorena is fiercely protective of Harper.


  • Derek Stone - Rumors of the deceased MCPD officer still being alive were confirmed during an attempted robbery at the Millennium City museum. The commanding officer of Aniel's precinct has ordered Lorena to avoid any cases involving her ex-partner, but the criminal seems intent upon targeting her specifically. PRIMUS has been given orders to use a light hand in the situation until more information can be gathered.
  • Xinthus Darkfang - Xinthus is one of the most evil super villains on the planet. Some kind of Bat-Mutant, he controls hoards of undead minions. Lorena has red flagged the file concerning this being, but the MCPD seem incapable of apprehending it.
  • Dr Von Dread - Lorena has dealt with this creature through association with Engineer Harper. PRIMUS has no other data at this time.