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Ultragal banner.png

Player: @gijoespouse2
Ultra-Gal pdb.png
Character Build
Class Focus: Melee DPS
Power Level: 9
Research & Development:
Biographical Data
Real Name: Gail Gordon
Known Aliases: Babs Simone
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Millennium City, MI
Base of Operations: Millennium City, MI
Relatives: Charlie Gordon (father) and Stephanie Gordon (mother)
Age: 17
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 136lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Complexion: fair
Physical Build: lithe, lanky, wiry
Physical Features: none
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Neutral Good

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Identity: Public
Years Active: 5...sorta >.>
Citizenship: US citizen
Occupation: actress
Education: high school
Marital Status: single
Known Powers and Abilities
muscle mimicry, perfect balance, intuitive aptitude, and intuitive reflexes
Equipment and Paraphernalia
wig and colored contacts, batons and various gadgets
ReldinBox Template

Ultragal personality header.pngPersonality

On screen, Gail portrays the character Babs Simone, aka Ultra-Gal. She's the most popular girl in school, confident, cool, and always has an solution to a problem. She never leaves a friend high and dry, and goes out of her way to help people. Whether it's stopping the nefarious plots of her arch-nemesis Professor Decimator or pitching in at the last minute to decorate the gym for prom, Babs is your go-to gal!

In some ways, Gail is similar to Babs, but in so many other ways she's very different. Gail's quick witted, charismatic, and fast on her feet. She's confident and more than just a bit prideful. She has a competitive streak a mile long, and at times her strong personality can kind of drown out those who are more introverted. She prefers to be in the company of others, and thrives on being the center of attention in any group. Whether she likes it or not, she does store some stock in what other say of her. This can lead to showing off in a bid to impress. Most of the time, with the skill sets she has, she can get away with that unharmed. Not always. But most of the time.

Despite her flaws, deep at heart she is a good person. She's young, untested, and untried. While she does love being in the spotlight, she's grown weary of the celebrity life she's been leading. With criticisms being launched at her from all directions, from her parents, from her fans, to the especially toxic anonymous critics online, she's desperate to show that she's not just an actress. She wants to prove that she can be just as much a hero as the chaaracter she plays.

Ultragal abilities header.pngAbilities

Muscle Mimicry: Text yo!

Perfect Balance: Text yo!

Intuitive Aptitude: Text yo!

Intuitive Reflexes: Text yo!

Ultragal weaknesses header.pngWeaknesses

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Ultragal equipment header.pngEquipment

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Ultragal backstory header.pngBackstory

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Ultragal affiliations header.pngAffiliations

Teen Phalanx: Ultra-Gal joined the Teen Phalanx in 2014.

Ultragal friends header.pngFriends

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Ultragal foes header.pngFoes

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Ultragal soundtrack header.pngSoundtrack

I Burn (Clean) by Jeff Williams

Ultragal gallery header.pngGallery

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Ultragal rp hooks header.pngRP Hooks

Text yo!

Ultragal miscellaneous header.pngMiscellaneous

• Ultra-Gal's casting choice is Emily Kinney.