User talk:Epelesker

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Revision as of 02:08, 21 October 2013 by Velocitus (Talk | contribs)

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I'm proud to announce that I've recently managed to level up a character to 40 for the second time! Atomac was my first official RP character in Champions Online, but it just over a year to get him up to the top. And what a view it is...

Looking forward to eventually getting another character up there, but my hyperactive and picky imagination might say otherwise.


  • Draconian - A teen in possession of a mask that allows him to transform into a dragon-like hero, passed down from a dying elderly shopkeep. Currently retired due to "reclaiming" of the mask concept for a rework of the OC it came from.
  • Kicking Horse - Formerly an avid snowboarder, and healed of major injury to his legs by a shaman invoking the spirits of the animals-- transforming them into those of a horse. Placeholder
  • Ambulatech and Modular - Placeholder, may be using one of these as a tech character.
  • Torch Titan - "Set the example, and light the way!" Placeholder...?

Visitor Comments

Moderator's Desk

If you have questions or requests regarding the PRIMUS Database, or some of my mod comments, please leave them in this section! (Be aware that comments posted here may be deleted after resolution.)

Epelesker, can you delete Diecast. I don't really play the character anymore - @somerandomkid500

Heya, Ep. I want to keep my page as visually interesting/pleasing as possible, so I had this idea: in my "Inspiration" sections,
would it be appropriate to place images of said inspirations, instead of simply listing them, so long as I made the copyright clear
to viewers? I would add the © symbol and consider adding a sources section at the bottom of my page. Let me know your thoughts!
--CalamityCain (talk) 20:07, 14 October 2013 (MST)

General Comments

PRIMUS users and moderators are welcome to leave messages regarding me and my characters below.