Coyote (Lawson)

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Player: @brfabio
Coyote (Lawson).jpg
Personal Data
Real Name: Blake Lawson
Known Aliases: Coyote
Gender: Male
Species: Human (mutant)
Ethnicity: American Caucasian
Age: 24
Height: 6'0
Weight: 200 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Crimefighter
Place of Birth: Millenium City
Base of Operations: Millenium City
Marital Status: Single
Identity: Secret
Known Relatives: Confidential
Known Meta Abilities
Healing factor, Kendrium-laced bones.
Known Skills and Training
Skilled hand-to-hand combatant, athletic physique, high tolerance to pain.
Known Weakness
Highly susceptible to mental control and hypnotic suggestions, intense Aquaphobia.
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Blake Thomas was born a mutant, but his powers only manifested on his early 20s, when he was a regular student at Millenium City University (MCU). It all started when he fell off a window during a party. He broke both arms and was impaled by a branch. Rushed to the hospital, by the time he arrived, most of his injuries were completely healed. That caught the attention of a very specific government section, one called Project Caladrius, who kidnapped Blake.

Project Caladrius main purpose was subject superhuman with healing abilites trough augmentation processes in order to create self-sustainded soldiers. That caused inumerous traumas on Blake, most notably two:

  • Regular brainwashing caused his mind to be more susceptible to mental control and hypnotic suggestions;
  • The augmentation processes encased him inside a water tank most of the time, making him develop Aquaphobia;