Global Superhero Accord: Genesis (Part 1)

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File:GSA meeting07.jpg:500px

African Violet approaches Bald Eagle and Bastille, "So you're the two Winston was talking about."

Bald Eagle: "Only nice things, I hope."

Bastille: "Sure are. Just a moment, trying to figure out which flag that is."

Bastille: I love the shoulders though.

African Violet: South Africa. Oh thanks!

Bald Eagle: Nice to meet you. I've learned some of your nation's history today.

Bastille: Surprising to see South Africa is one of the first to send a representative. Times are changing.

Bald Eagle: Socio-political developments from 1950-2010.

African Violet: It's nice to meet you both. Winston said you two have been through a lot and that I could expect...what did he say.. "A rough diamond that will either shatter or cut to perfection"

Bald Eagle: The overgrown lizard thinks he can connect with me through mutual history.

Bald Eagle: I want nothing to do with that history.

Bastille: A little bit of respect, fella. Your country's history isn't exactly shining.

African Violet: He is a bit eccentric.

Bald Eagle: I am aware.

Bald Eagle: But please, I'd like to hear your opinion on the subject.

Bastille: That being said, there's something respectable to a lizard in uniform.

Bald Eagle: By all means.

African Violet: I was told that the Americans would have some seniority on the team.

Bald Eagle: As far as I'm concerned, all I'm here for is to organize you.

Bastille: Is that so? Is that because UNTIL has a cozy relationship with your government?

Bald Eagle: No.

Bald Eagle: As per the history with the US government and UNTIL, there is not a cozy relationship between the two.

African Violet: Oh the name's African Violet by the way or Thandi. Not sure what he sent you guys as far as my dossier.

Bald Eagle: If anything, it is your country that has that cozy relationship.

Bald Eagle: I don't know why he wants me to be a "leader" but I'm not here to lead you.

Bald Eagle: I'll have a look at it later, Violet.

Bastille: Good meeting you Thandi. Haven't read any yet.

Bastille: Works with me Eagle. Mind a personal question?

Bald Eagle: That depends on the question.

African Violet: I'm fine with things as long as we work together well, ya know?

African Violet: Last outfit I was with like this was a bit too concerned with photo ops for my taste.

Bastille: Well, we're here to solve some international issues, aren't we? And my question, Eagle, is party affiliation. I do so love American politics, so being here and all, I get curious.

Bald Eagle: You want to know if I'm Right or Left, is that it?

Bastille: Yes. It won't change anything to me work-wise, rest assured.

Bald Eagle: I don't particularily give a damn.

Bald Eagle: Right, left... it's all poltical BS that's based on formal lying and spinning.

African Violet grins.

Bald Eagle: A man steals five bucks out of your pocket, he's a scoundrel.

Bald Eagle: A man steals a billion dollars from a nation, he's a government.

Bastille grins in his mask. "Yeah, I think we'll get along."

African Violet: I'm allergic to bullcrap so this works out perfect.

Bald Eagle: That doesn't change anything in terms of methods. We're not anarchists. We're not rebels. I never have been.

Bastille: In Winston's words, to "avoid the bureaucrat stuff"

Bastille: I'm not entirely sure of the functionning yet, but I suspect that if we don't do what our states expect, we'll be replaced.

Bald Eagle: Fat chance.

Bald Eagle: The government didn't elect me.

Bald Eagle: You two are mine now, if you don't do what they want, they can find a new poster boy.

African Violet: It sounds like we're here to do what the governments don't have the guts to do.

Bastille: Well, we should perhaps establish a few things right now then.

Bald Eagle looks at African Violet.

Bald Eagle: No. We're not. I'm here because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Bald Eagle: Why are you here?

African Violet: I uhh....heard about that. *She messes with a dreadlock a moment* I'm here because I'm tired of jumping through hoops to take care of the real threats out there.

African Violet: That government requested I check this out.

Bald Eagle: Funny how that works out.

Bald Eagle: What about you?

Bastille: I'm a state employee. I have no political opinion while on the clock, and if the President says jump, I ask how high.

Bald Eagle: That's fine by me.

Bald Eagle: Congratulations on his recent election.

Bald Eagle: I only found that out today.

Bastille: But I'm not a diplomat -- so I don't get into ideological, or diplomat-pushed mind games.

Bastille: Thank you.

Bald Eagle folds his arms, drumming his fingers on his arm.

Bastille: I'll say though, this is looking like a neat team. Can't wait to meet the other members.

Bald Eagle: "Bataan has fallen, but the spirit that made it stand - a beacon to all liberty-loving peoples of the world - cannot fall."

Bald Eagle looks down for a moment.

African Violet: Bataan.....that was.....a somber chapter.

Bald Eagle: Yes. It was.

Bastille: *Leans back against the ramp, glancing between the both of them* Little bit of a flashback?

Bald Eagle glances up.

Bald Eagle: Just remembering. Relevant words.

African Violet: Bald up to date on the threats since you've been gone?

Bald Eagle: Doctor Destroyer, Mechanon, VIPER, Takofanes, Gravitar.

African Violet: That's a good start.

Bald Eagle: I could give you an essay, by now . Bald Eagle: Oh, simply the top five. Other alien invasions, second Sirian invasion, Gadroon, Qularr.

Music starts playing quietly inside Bastille's helmet . "I was made for lovin' you baby, you wer' made for lovin me"

African Violet peeks sidelong at Bastiille. "What the..."

Bastille just nods his head quietly. Dum de dum.

Bald Eagle: Rise of the Justice Squadron, Fabulous Five in the sixties, the Sentinels of New York, DEMON cult.

Bald Eagle is counting off on his fingers now.

African Violet: Might have to take your boots off, Eagle.


Bald Eagle: I think my largest interest is in DEMON. A team mate of mine from the Frontliners, Mystico, fought cultists similar to them.

Bald Eagle: I wonder the connections.

Bald Eagle: I'm also interested in the dissemination of the Imperial nations. Alot more independant countries than there was in the fourties.

Bald Eagle: Yours, not least among them.

Bald Eagle nods at Violet.

Bastille pauses his music. "End of colonialism during the 50's. Fun times."

African Violet: Yeah my country just finally made it out of its dark ages.

Bald Eagle: History of racial segregation and prejudice. My sympathies.

Bastille: You some sort of time traveller, Eagle?

Bald Eagle: One of my... closest friends, a Wallace Bannon, was black. I always felt as though he was mistreated.

African Violet: You'd have been proud of your country's own civil rights movement, Eagle.

Bald Eagle: Yes.

Bastille: Well, you'll be proud to know the Republicans are crazier than ever.

Bastille: Oh craps. Sorry. I am on the clock.

Bald Eagle: Like I said earlier, Right, Left, it's all politics.

African Violet: Things are really interesting in the EuroZone lately. That's all I'll say

Bastille: Politics lead to decisions and effects. Don't be so quick to dismiss it.

Bastille: That they are.

Bastille: If the PIGS keep that path, EuroHeroes working for the state might be out of a job pretty soon.

Click. "I'm blue daabuudeedaabuudaa", echoing within Bastille's helmet.

African Violet: What do you think we need to start with?

Bald Eagle: Start with?

African Violet: Everything has a beginning.

Bald Eagle lifts his hand up and rubs his forehead.

Bald Eagle: You think I have a long-term goal, do you?

African Violet: I do. Most of it doesn't involve a lot of those things you listed being around anymore.

Bastille yells through his music, "RECRUITING COULD BE GOOD."

Bald Eagle: No.

Bald Eagle: The dinosaur can do that.

Bastille: Then PR could be good. You know, making sure local Supers know us.

Bald Eagle: Photo ops.

African Violet rubs her head, "I don't think that's a good idea."

Bald Eagle sighs.

Bastille: Hey, I'm just trying to be constructive here.

African Violet: Once we get a few more together I say we go hit somewhere. Let the enemy know they aren't dealing with a bunch of caped buffoons anymore.

Bald Eagle looks aside at Violet and stares.

Bald Eagle: And you would happen to know where to hit?

African Violet: We don't talk about yourselves....we let the enemy talk about us.

African Violet: I have some ideas....I'm sure the dinos...err...Winston does to.

Bald Eagle: Then you'd tell me.

Bald Eagle: ...

Bald Eagle sighs.

Bald Eagle: Fine, come here.

Bald Eagle: Currently, major threats include these sightings of "Meta-hunters" in the US.

Bald Eagle points to the US on the map "And Red Legion attacks."

Bald Eagle points to the West coast.

African Violet: Alright. Those are good starting points.

Bald Eagle: Italy's investigating a recent terrorist attack, many people suspect EuroStar.

Bald Eagle: Japan's premiere hero, Tetsuronin, has come into comflict with the Warlord again.

African Violet leans over and looks at Italy on the map, "What do you know about the Warlord?"

Bald Eagle: He thinks he's the next Ghenghis Khan.

Bald Eagle: Uses a suit that makes a Panzer look like a puppy.

Bastille: Hum. Sounds like a curious fellow.

Bald Eagle: Beowulf of Denmark has also suggested VIPER might be making a move up there.

Bald Eagle: If they do, EuroStar's going to act on it.

African Violet: I really don't like VIPER's reach lately.

Bald Eagle: I can see why. It's a fact their biggest grip is on Africa.

Bald Eagle points at North Africa.

Bastille: Do we have any geographic or group priority? Or do we get to choose our targets as we wish?

Bald Eagle looks at Bastille.

Bald Eagle: Local heroes are already dealing with the US threats.

Bald Eagle: I suggest we investigate the Warlord, if we can.

Bald Eagle: My experience in the Pacific might help us, if he has a base in that area.

Bastille: Works with me. What kind of tech does he have?

Bald Eagle: Better than ours.

African Violet: Could we use Monster Island as a launching point to check out the Warlord?

Bald Eagle: Maybe.

Bald Eagle: If I can convince Tetsuronin to help us directly, we can worry less about the Warlord.

Bastille: Works with me. Think we can take out Warlord with just three or four of us?

African Violet: I think that's a good start, Eagle.

Bald Eagle: No, I don't.

Bastille: That's an important detail. Sort of.

Bald Eagle: At first, we'll be simply investigating, knowledge.

African Violet: and then we can work on hitting his assets.

Bald Eagle: As soon as we have a location on any bases, I'll be calling in UNTIL.

Bald Eagle: Then we strike together.

African Violet smiles broadly, "That's what I like to hear."

Bald Eagle: But I make this clear now:

Bald Eagle: You charge Warlord, it's a death wish. Tetsuronin is one of the world's most powerful heroes, and they have fought each other to a standstill.

African Violet: I didn't think that would be the plan.

Bald Eagle: If you think you can do better than him, be my guest. But I don't think the life insurance covers suicides.
