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The Grey Lady

Down the street I walk,

But as I go, my senses know, another one would stalk,

Several times my eyes do see, a lady watching over me,

As grey as an overcast day, she follows me along the way...

Coming to my house's door, I enter to the bottom floor,

I hang my coat upon my rack, moving to the kitchen for a late night snack,

Shortly after this, I go upstairs as sleep ensnares,

Thoughts begin to form within my head as I lie in bed,

The woman from outside, feelings of security thrown aside,

But I did eventually fall asleep, eye's lid failing...

In the midst of night, I awaken in fright,

My mind overwhelmed with dread,

For there, stood at the foot of my bed,

The Grey Lady watches, darkness ensues...


A very shady individual going by the name "Widow" doesn't sound like a particularly friendly person; on the contrary... She seems quite approachable, and will speak to almost anybody that walks up for a chat. Where her personality takes a turn is if it's a male who decides to. Widow has been linked up to 'numerous' male-exclusive kidnappings throughout Millennium City. If approached by a female, or another unsuitable entity, she'll either attempt to discard them as quickly - and politely - as possible, or speak to them for a more extended period of time if she isn't in an active phase.

Originally, victims weren't heard from after they'd been taken away; this, in recent times, has changed. The victims were located and questioned about the (assumed) human female, but their responses were disturbing. All of them claimed that the individual had appeared in a nightmare they'd had before waking up in a random location - some after several hours, the longest apparently being over a month. Their memories of the dream (if it was) are incredibly vague, and most can only give details on basic aspects of her appearance - although all instances describe a female who dons a full-body suit of grey plated armour; two descriptions have been given, and both have matched real observed appearances.