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Revision as of 20:17, 10 August 2014 by Mee da CThunist (Talk | contribs)

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Player: @Mee_da_CThunist
Character Build
Class Focus: Support
Power Level: 35+
Research & Development: Science
Biographical Data
Real Name: MVR-34
Known Aliases: Mavree
Gender: Female
Species: Alien clone, engineered with genetic material gathered from few species.
Ethnicity: Not applicable
Place of Birth: Designed and manufactured on planet Malva.
Base of Operations: Galaxywide
Relatives: Unknown number of other clones from her production batch.
Age: Looks either in her late teens or early twenties.
Height: 6'2"
Eyes: Glowing bright pink.
Hair: In shades of dark purple and dark pink.
Complexion: In shades of blue.
Physical Build: Slender but athletic built humanoid female.
Physical Features: Pointy ears, her voice has a slightly metallic tone.
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Lawful Neutral

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Identity: Known to authorities.
Years Active: 1
Citizenship: Not applicable on Earth, presumably Malvan.
Occupation: Freelance personal guard and problem-solver.
Education: Not applicable
Marital Status: Not applicable
Known Powers and Abilities
Proficient with firearms and energy weapons. Has short distance teleporter and universal translator devices grafted into her body. Was manufactured with enchanced regenerative abilities. Can restart herself from dead, if corpse was more or less intact. Does not age, due to genetic engineering.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Environmental suit, neural disruptor blaster, various technologial devices.
ReldinBox Template


Mavree was manufactured, along with the rest of her production batch, for a benevolent and kind (if terribly bored) Malvan noble who wanted his palace guards and servants a bit more presentable and interesting than usual lifeless automatons. The purchase was an absolute success, but few years ago their Malvan proprietor ordered improved batch of clones, with different look and upgraded abilities. Older models were generously freed from their service and given enough money to start lives on their own.
Mavree spent her severance pay on a small starship and left Malva to put her professional skills into use as a bounty hunter and bodyguard for hire.

MVR-34's standard issue environmental suit.