Mathew Davison

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Mathew Davison /Shadow Drake/
Player: @lordwisp
I don't just make guns, I make the BEST guns.
Character Build
Class Focus: Dps
Power Level: None ya!
Research & Development: Science
Biographical Data
Real Name: Mathew Davison
Known Aliases: Shadow Drake
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: New York City
Base of Operations: Science and development
Relatives: Joesph Davison, Father. Mary Davison, Mother; deceased.
Age: 26
Height: 6'
Weight: 210
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black, with gold highlights.
Complexion: tan
Physical Build: Boxer
Physical Features: Really?
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Neutral Good

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Identity: Public
Years Active: Over a decade in R&D and five in action.
Citizenship: USA
Occupation: CEO of Steel Enterprises
Education: College Grad
Marital Status: Dating
Known Powers and Abilities
Super Genius and some resistance to posions, ((Not publicly known.))
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Power Armor
ReldinBox Template

This page is still a work in progress

What it takes to know the man is know of his empire of Steel.

To understand Mathew Davison is to understand his work with his company. The man despite his devil may care and down right assholish nature can not be denied his effectiveness as a CEO. He is the sixth Davison male to lead the company.

Steel Enterprises has had a long history of hardships, it started as a company in Germany in 1899. Much do to the economy sink after world war 1, coupled with the Nazi's rise to power and his great grandfather taking what little assets they had after World War 1 and starting over stateside; to escape the rise of Nazism, smuggling as many Jewish immigrants he could aboard his cargo haulers. Do to the stigma that came with the war Steel Enterprises looked like it may collapse. Luckily do to a sympathetic congressman the company managed to stay afloat but was never at it's pre World War 1 profits.

After the fated Qularr attack that unleashed the various giant monsters on the world. His grandfather Howard Davison decided enough was enough. He set in motion some sort of tech growth for his company unsure how to the public eye, but clear to see results of Steel Enterprises clawing its way to the big dogs. The Quality of their gear seemed to drastically increase. All Government inquires has proven it to be legitimate.

Steel Enterprises growth continued under his fathers lead of the company. Which has lead at the same time to its current hate and stigma. His father has had several public statements, which the true wording has since seen been lost to time. The end result has been using private security with hoses and batons to remove protestors from company grounds and events; many many many times. Along with weapons that seem brutal, cruel and evil. Despite not breaking any laws or regulations for health and harm. Social gaffs in the 90s has lead the company to be believed to be tied to hate groups, such as anti-meta extremist and extermination groups. Claims many times denounced and stated to be falsehoods.

Steel Enterprises has regardless had an exponential growth in tech and shares. The pure quality of the items has drastically increased as well, this started with Mathew's involvement with the company starting at 14. It has been rumored, but he refuses to be "Tested like a damn rat with a rumored tumor" to agree for extensive blood work to see if he posses any meta enhancements. Early blood work from his age of 5 shows no meta strands in his blood. The rumor of meta enhancements come from when a mob of protestors outside his family manor, in the outskirts of NYC, turned into a violent riot one evening when he was 8. After an unfortunate gaff, from his father in the early 90s, turned a group of protestors at a press conference to be set upon by Steel Enterprises Security. With in a week another mob of protestors had encircled the family manner. For some unknown reason NYPD never intervened. After 9 hours of awkward tension in the family manor, when the mob turned violent for no provoked reason. Fire bombs and stones, along with gun fire from the mob was set upon the manner. The police still refused to quickly respond. So Mathew's father did what was needed to save the family, he ordered his guards to meet force with force. This lead to a prolonged firefight lasting 20 minutes, still no police. The protestors soon starting throwing bottles of unknown chemicals into the manor. The guards had been wearing gas masks but not the family. Young Mathew was dragged from the smoke and his father ordered security to get Mathew of manor grounds by any means. When the armored van can charging at the protestors they scattered and the guards removed Mathew. After twenty more minutes of fire fights and fire bombs, the police finally arrived.

End causalities for the night, were 47 protestors, 9 security guards, Mathew's mother and unborn sister to unknown poisoning from the chemical; and his father left an invalid. When Mathew's family was sued for the death of the protestors and charged with murder; recorded phone calls to the Police and manor security cameras dismissed the case against his family. An investigation was never done on the NYCP and or how the protestors received the chemicals. This has left Mathew with a rather... Screw you hippy, mentality to his protestors.

Regardless of the rumors of that gas altering his intelligence. His leadership can not be questioned, with his father and grand fathers work as a spring board the company has soared to new heights, rising faster then ever before. Despite the hate and fear of his guns, the blood and rage of his families actions. The company still rises to new and greater heights.


The man known as Mathew Davison was born in 1/15/86 in New York City. He was a fairly average child of wealth. Private Tutors, private schools, private trainers and the finest damn child hood science kits around. He had a hard time in school as is due to his family's reputation. This only degraded after the attack on his family's manor in 94. After many fights and injuries he was pulled from school and finished his home schooling and time in MIT in record time.

His personal life has been, rather tabloid love fest for the most part. Raging from drag races and being caught in underage drinking parties, crashed cars. The likes of these affairs and more since he was fifteen. And when he turned eighteen, the tabloids came to love him. Couple this with his family bad and bloody past and record, the PR for his company is varied and all across the board. Some view Steel Enterprises and it's over the top CEO as a thing to be feared and loathed, a death dealer and monster all. Many fear his work in guns may open Pandora's box and cause untold death upon the world. Others view him as a revolutionary mind capable of bring man kind the weapons it needs to compete in the starting age of New science. Or he is just a pig with a gift and more money then he deserves. The end result is he is either hated or loved, very rarely seen in the in-between.

Steel Enterprises

Steel Enterprises dabbles in many assets of company life across the board. Ranging from Private Security work, as shown by numerous missions against terrorist organizations some deemed overkill, tech gadgets of varying degrees, armor, power supplies and last but most important his love of weapon R&D. His weapons tend to be called... "Overkill".

His work in Private Contracts seems... quite interesting. He contracts primarily with the US government for PMC work for his security firm branch. Oddly enough it is staffed primarily with former US armed forces member who after their tour of duties wished to put their skills to use with out always being in front line combat. He was happy to oblige just as his father was when this branch opened. The men and women of this branch are armed with his top of the line gear. The equipment he saves for his own men. That he refuses to contract out.

--"Viper base? You mean that crater over there?"
Squad leader to baffled PRIMUS officer.

His work into building the best gun has lead to unforeseen boons in energy tech, armor and over all gadgets and tech enhancements. It is currently stated that he is working Fusion Cores for renewable energy for the world.

The current head of his Non-Lethal and civilian gadget and tech department is a recently hired Tech Wiz hero, from westside, dubbed "Gadget"; who is also rumored to be his newest lover.

--"Any and all attempts to try and contact me for a meeting or my time should be refered to my personal AI Walter, or my right hand Gadget"
Mathew Davison, on avoiding work.

His brain children since 16 seems to be weapons. How to make the bigger and better weapon. Weapons he has dubbed "Stinger", "BroomHelga", "Bertha", "Old Martha", "Va va voom", "Wheres the Kaboom?" and many other. These weapons that are not public knowledge or for public sale are sold on a contract to the US government or the use of his own men. Each option equally painful and dangerous to try and steal from.

RP Hooks

Do you like guns? You may have heard if not dealt for some of his public weapons.
Are you a woman of legal age, do you attend parties and or high end social gatherings? If so, he may or may not have slept with you, not for lack of trying mind you.
Do you like parties, you may have gone to one of his.
Have you ever seen the men in black and gold armor show up and unleash an amount of fire power that may or may not be deemed overkill, you may have seen his men.

Do you hate guns, violence and war? You may have been a protestor at one of his expos and or public appearances, and you may or may not have had the hose and jack boot security escort you away.