User talk:Wizzyboy

From PRIMUS Database
Revision as of 02:14, 5 October 2013 by Epelesker (Talk | contribs)

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Conversations and Messages


OK, enough is enough. All your accounts are now indefinitely banned from using PDb: using one of your other accounts to get around the suspention on this account was the last straw. You really haven't listened to any of us mods since you got here, and we can no longer trust your "apologies". --Δ Epelesker (talk) 19:14, 4 October 2013 (MST)

Wizzy, I talked to you about this in-game. Stop making copies and reuploading character pages with the users consent I saw the page for Latrodectus Bishopi one of the powers you copied and pasted from one of my friend's spider pages. I don't know why your SO obsessed with spider characters that you have to make only them. So far I've seen Boy Soldier= Soldier Boy, Arachnus= Anansi, Latrodectus Bishopu = Arachnis. You gotta stop and make your own UNIQUE characters instead of making homages to everyone else's. Make a character that is your own because so far Mods and Admins have been warning you about this and its getting annoying. So far you've been banned twice as Skerdiboy and Plasmaboy. Again please stop this cause right now you practically have a history of characters that have been deleted. - @somerandomkid500


Saw you in game today as one of my alts

Did ya hmmm what character was i

Trouble or Good


There was a note saying not to restore Mr. Blank on the page. Why did you restore it?

You've uploaded a very, very, VERY obvious clone page of Anansi ('your' Arachnus page). I mean seriously. You're not even TRYING here. Additionally, you yourself uploaded the old character from the backup site of the PDB to try to hide it. The character there belongs to Soulstar.

You've also clearly copy/pasted in entire sections of this character from pages like Marvel's wiki. For example, 'Superhuman Flexibility' on Latrodectus Bishopi comes from yet again another Spider like character. Not surprised at all.

This is your final warning. From here, you can and will be banned. -- Destructor (talk) 08:18, 30 September 2013 (MST)


here you can chat with me any day
