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===The Scarlet Vixens===
===The Scarlet Vixens===
Several hundred years would pass in peace as the ways of life slowly returned to Rakarn.  From the battles that took place to reclaim their world, new means of military tactics have been brought forward.  From the means of Emas Liralen, the development of mercenary piracy.  With the help of the stolen ships those many years ago, new ships and fleets were born reverse engineering the technology of the Tan'ems.  To any threats that bestowed upon Rakarn, the Rakarnian military tactics are that to cripple than destroy, so to ransack the enemy ships and imprisoning the crews and held for ransom to aid in the economy of the planet while giving a fair court case for breaking Rakarnian laws.  Various groups would be created as special military elites to take on the tasks of top of the line missions to keep the trade routes safe.  One such group would be named The Scarlet Vixens, lead by Captain Ourra Inar of the Liralen, named after the war hero Emas Liralen.  The Scarlet Vixens was different than most groups as it was an all female elite ship crew fitted with the latest Rakarnian technology.  Over time being that of only Rakarn citizenship, as more visitors arrive to the planet, many would join the ranks to support the cause.  One of the most fearless groups, they have been through a wide variety of battles between space and ground skirmishes across the sector and gained the respect of many.
Several hundred years would pass in peace as the ways of life slowly returned to Rakarn.  From the battles that took place to reclaim their world, new means of military tactics have been brought forward.  From the acts of Emas Liralen, the development of mercenary piracy.  With the help of the stolen ships those many years ago, new ships and fleets were born reverse engineering the technology of the Tan'ems.  To any threats that bestowed upon Rakarn, the Rakarnian military tactics are that to cripple than destroy, so to ransack the enemy ships and imprisoning the crews and held for ransom to aid in the economy of the planet while giving a fair court case for breaking Rakarnian laws.  Various groups would be created as special military elites to take on the tasks of top of the line missions to keep the trade routes safe.  One such group would be named The Scarlet Vixens, lead by Captain Ourra Inar of the Liralen, named after the war hero Emas Liralen.  The Scarlet Vixens was different than most groups as it was an all female elite ship crew fitted with the latest Rakarnian technology.  Over time being that of only Rakarn citizenship, as more visitors arrive to the planet, many would join the ranks to support the cause.  One of the most fearless groups, they have been through a wide variety of battles between space and ground skirmishes across the sector and gained the respect of many.
===The Distress Call===
===The Distress Call===

Revision as of 19:53, 6 December 2014


Player: @drgmstr
"The greatest adventure you could have is to keep your eyes on the horizon and be free, for we are pirates, and that is the life to be."
Biographical Data
Real Name: Rachal Archar
Known Aliases:
Gender: Female
Species: Kin'lorian
Place of Birth: Rakarn
Base of Operations: Earth, Various Planets
Relatives: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Height: 7' 0"
Weight: 178
Eyes: Green
Hair: Grey-Blue
Complexion: Fur
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features:
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


Identity: Public
Years Active: Unknown
Citizenship: Rakarnian
Occupation: Captain, Pirate, Mercenary
Education: Unknown
Marital Status: Taken
Known Powers and Abilities
Marksman, Swordsmanship
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Questionite Cutlass, Energy "Flintlocks", Explosives, Claws
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

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The author of this article has marked this as a creative work, and would prefer that other users not edit it. Please respect this, and unless repairing a typo, spelling, or other minor technical error, think of this page as read-only.

((Character page is going through a revise. Stay tuned! -@drgmstr))


Freedom of Rakarn

A world of nearly all water with only 10% of the planet containing land mass, Rakarn became a trade port world being a key location of the central gateways of the Milky Way trade routes. The locals of the world bringing exotic goods as their main means of income and exports. Several species reside on Rakarn that of animal humanoids. The Kin'lorians (Jackals) as the main species of the world, Ray'its (Felines), Perits (Lemurs), and Kin'osians (Reptilians) all live together as Rakarn with its three fertile moons to sustain live for each of the main races. The culture of the Rakarnians were that of a victorian era of Earth but more advance in technology with the means of knowing advanced health care, computers, and space travel.

For centuries the Rakarnians would be in peace with any who visit their home until the arrival of the Tan'ems, an aggressive alien race that were humanoid in nature with squid like heads for being aquatic in nature. They saw Rakarn as a potential world for the front lines of a war they were engulfed in several hundred light years away outside the neutral zone that Rakarn was in control of. The locals did not enjoy the sudden uproar of the Tan'ems putting their fortifications and pulling Rakarn into a war they did not want to be part of.

Several years would go by as the Rakarnians were treated as slaves for manual labor for the Tan'ems. The blockade has brought upon an economic collapse over Rakarn as the locals struggle to survive. Many died due to starvation, poor health, or exhaustion. Nearly half of the population would be wiped out before riots would break out demanding their freedom. A resistance would be formed led by a Kin'lorian, Emas Liralen, and several thousand troops strong would lead an assault on their own capital, Nalarr. With the military genius of Emas, the Rakarnians retook their capital by means of guerrilla warfare by having small shuttle crafts sneak aboard the large Tan'em cruisers and capture them to turn the tides of war. The first act of piracy the Rakarnians would soon become famous for in the means to keep the peace to their home world and across the galaxy. After reclaiming their capital, the Tan'ems lift the blockade and frees Rakarn.

The Scarlet Vixens

Several hundred years would pass in peace as the ways of life slowly returned to Rakarn. From the battles that took place to reclaim their world, new means of military tactics have been brought forward. From the acts of Emas Liralen, the development of mercenary piracy. With the help of the stolen ships those many years ago, new ships and fleets were born reverse engineering the technology of the Tan'ems. To any threats that bestowed upon Rakarn, the Rakarnian military tactics are that to cripple than destroy, so to ransack the enemy ships and imprisoning the crews and held for ransom to aid in the economy of the planet while giving a fair court case for breaking Rakarnian laws. Various groups would be created as special military elites to take on the tasks of top of the line missions to keep the trade routes safe. One such group would be named The Scarlet Vixens, lead by Captain Ourra Inar of the Liralen, named after the war hero Emas Liralen. The Scarlet Vixens was different than most groups as it was an all female elite ship crew fitted with the latest Rakarnian technology. Over time being that of only Rakarn citizenship, as more visitors arrive to the planet, many would join the ranks to support the cause. One of the most fearless groups, they have been through a wide variety of battles between space and ground skirmishes across the sector and gained the respect of many.

The Distress Call

As much reputation the Scarlet Vixens is known within the sector, they treat one another as family and accept all as an equal. These humble actions would be proven and put to the test when a distress call of a Rakarnian colony ship several light years away stranded along the trade route. Skeptical of the incident, Inar orders her crew to make haste. When they arrive to the source, they find the colony ship under attack by raiders of unknown origins. Inar orders a boarding party to fend off the raiders and save any surviving passengers. Both sides taking casualties to reclaim the colony ship. Inar among the boarding party would find a section of the ship blocked by twisted metal and fires. In the corridor she sees a Kin'lorian family trapped among the wreckage. Inar had no means of being able to move the wreckage to free the family, but the parents demanded to save their two daughters who were small enough to fit through a narrow gap to safety. As Inar save the children, an explosion goes off inside the ship when the raiders true intentions are to destroy the ship after they raided what they needed. The explosion causes the roof of the corridor to fall where Inar with the two children leap to safety but to the parents sacrifice not so fortunate. The ship was lost and Inar ordered the boarding party to retreat back to the ship. With what passengers they could save, they pull away the Liralen away just in time before the colony ship explodes. The raiders begin to flee as the Liralen gives chase but the raiders ship was too quick for the old Rakarnian Tan'ems cruiser. The first defeat of the Scarlet Vixens to suffer. Inar saving the two children would adopt them as her own. Rachel and Clir Archar (Ages 4 and 7 respectively) devastated to the loss of their parents, accept to be part of the Scarlet Vixens family.









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