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(Royalty and Loyalty)
(Royalty and Loyalty)
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====Royalty and Loyalty====
====Royalty and Loyalty====
[[File:CO-Lotus Shan.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Though short in stature, the mere presence of this man strikes fear into all but the bravest hearts.]]
[[File:CO-Lotus Shan.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Though short in stature, the mere presence of this man strikes fear into all but the bravest hearts.]]
[[File:CO-Lotus theglor.jpg|200px|thumb|right|A man of art and study, the caring uncle and teacher.]]
The wizard bailing her from the House of Ladies was no ordinary conjuror. Simply referred to as The Archmage,and by titles such as Lord Steelsoul and Doomsinger, Shandallain Shissath Glaurd'har was a rightfully feared conossieur of the arcane arts. One of the ancient Ghazakiin, a species believed to be a common root to both Elves and Fey and thus ancestors to all of the metahuman races, and known as a legendary figure who had faced mythical beings in battle. His family would take care of Anni, seemingly to repay an old debt of honour to Anni's late vagabond uncle.<br />
The wizard bailing her from the House of Ladies was no ordinary conjuror. Simply referred to as The Archmage,and by titles such as Lord Steelsoul and Doomsinger, Shandallain Shissath Glaurd'har was a rightfully feared conossieur of the arcane arts. One of the ancient Ghazakiin, a species believed to be a common root to both Elves and Fey and thus ancestors to all of the metahuman races, and known as a legendary figure who had faced mythical beings in battle. His family would take care of Anni, seemingly to repay an old debt of honour to Anni's late vagabond uncle.<br />
The fifteen year old girl was taken to spend time in a city called freeport, where she would confront fearsome adversaries even saving the life of the sea-elven queen Sca'Pel Tria Redriner. The orphan has hence spent much time among paladins, holy knights, priests and royalty of both the Ghazakiin and of the various coalescent societies representing themselves in the social pool of Freeport, among them her future husband, Alastor Kedal. Eventually adopted by the queen, Anni took the last name Redriner and was named duchess for a short-lived twenty months of struggling to uphold justice in a world of darkness.<br />
The fifteen year old girl was taken to spend time in a city called freeport, where she would confront fearsome adversaries even saving the life of the sea-elven queen Sca'Pel Tria Redriner. The orphan has hence spent much time among paladins, holy knights, priests and royalty of both the Ghazakiin and of the various coalescent societies representing themselves in the social pool of Freeport, among them her future husband, Alastor Kedal. Eventually adopted by the queen, Anni took the last name Redriner and was named duchess for a short-lived twenty months of struggling to uphold justice in a world of darkness.<br />
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[[File:CO-Lotus Nil.jpg|200px|thumb|right|Reclusive and quiet, the middle child has always been more absorbed in her studies than interested the world at large.]]
[[File:CO-Lotus Nil.jpg|200px|thumb|right|Reclusive and quiet, the middle child has always been more absorbed in her studies than interested the world at large.]]
[[File:CO-Lotus Narn.jpg|200px|thumb|right|An archer of great skill and a woman of guile, the eldest daughter is one witty companion to have.]]
[[File:CO-Lotus Narn.jpg|200px|thumb|right|An archer of great skill and a woman of guile, the eldest daughter is one witty companion to have.]]
[[File:CO-Lotus lung.jpg|200px|thumb|center|The taciturn monk spends his life in the mountains, only visiting his family every once in a while. Founder of the fabled Midnight Dawn Fist, he's a mythical figure.]]
[[File:CO-Lotus Lung.jpg|200px|thumb|right|The taciturn monk spends his life in the mountains, only visiting his family every once in a while. Founder of the fabled Midnight Dawn Fist, he's a mythical figure.]]
[[File:CO-Lotus theglor.jpg|200px|thumb|center|A man of art and study, the caring uncle and teacher.]]
====Zero to Hero====
====Zero to Hero====

Revision as of 19:53, 4 September 2014

The Lotus Sisterhood are an enigmatic order, sworn to protect. @glortor (under construction)


'1. The concept of the Lotus Sisterhood is rated M for partial nudity and suggestive themes, 18+ for violence and blood, and is not to be played or taken part of by anybody under the suggested age. The Internet does not allow the creators and players to verify the age of a player other than believing what age a player claims to be. We are not intending to play any of the above themes in any public virtualspace such as open channels, and will not play any of these themes with people who do not wish to take part in 'mature role play'. The document below contains such text. Please proceed at your own risk.

'2. The concept, name, likeness and design of the original Lotus Sisterhood as an original concept is my intellectual property and is submitted to this website and the game Champions Online under fair use disclaimer that the concept does not advertise or hold any product or merchandise of which the owner of the concept will gain financial or media value. The concept, name, likeness and design of the original Lotus Sisterhood (The Concept) is for entertainment purposes only. Using the concept without my permission is prohibited. Please do not butcher my work. Thank you!'

Monastic Lotus Fist Sisterhood
"Honour, Beauty, Discipline"
CO-Lotus GMasters.jpg
The Lotus Sisterhood
Leader(s): LadyShatterfist,
Base of Operations: Lotus Fist Sisterhood HQ, Mayflower blvd. 172/a, 99117 Millennium City
Concept: Martial Arts-based mystical sisterhood of stunning, short-skirted, nut-kicking bad babes!
Founded: Centuries ago in an alternative world.
Website: Click Here
Members: Nearly two hundred girls.
(This sisterhood is not canon Champions lore. See copyright.)



The Lotus Girls are, by all means and methods, an honourable group of highly trained individuals, functioning effectively based on various divisions and old-fashioned monastic discipline akin to any eastern monastery's standards. They are rightfully respected for their perseverance and feared by dishonest men for their tendency to aim for the groin.

The Monastic Sisterhood of Lotus Fist originate from an alternate world and time-line. Their strong foundation in camaraderie, mutual respect, discipline and a strong, family-like environment make them a close-knit and loving community; While their controversial use of the distraction of beauty as a weapon, and their tendency to retaliate with debilitating, often damaging and/or permanently disabling attacks to a man's groin has earned them a fair bit of fear and dislike from those who do not know how to treat a lady. Grandmaster Anni "Shatterfist" Redriner is well-known across multiple worlds as a champion for justice, and the eight-petal flower with the Yin-Yang symbol in the middle has become a hallmark of trust for several agencies, among them PRIMUS itself.


NOTICE: All this information is out of character knowledge up to the point where the reader's character finds out in role play or contacts us, seeking to discuss a way to find out. SPOILER ALERT. Feel free to read if you wish but this is here for reference, and it is not commonly known by the population of the setting. Few details of the distant past will be said to strangers, do mind!

The Old Order

In the distant past, to the far east of the continent Kymlun, a society of oriental value thrived in relative peace and prosperity. Its seclusive nature and geographical distance from most other forms of civilisation has left it without the influence of ever-spreading fashion and merchandise. Found well ripe to conquer by leading figures of the western lands, an invasion came so quickly and with such technological advance, that a great portion of the land has been overtaken and turned into a tumbling province of poverty-market and violent oppression. The taxes became heavy, and snake-tongued merchants took quickly to learning just enough of the local language to claim what there was left to plunder. Not much though. Borne out of such an era of oppression, like the legendary flower out of the dirt and the murk of the swamp, yet still pure - came the Ladies Lotus, a former band of Geishas - entertainers and teachers to the people, but they were nothing like what they were made shortly after the arrival of the western oppression. The humiliation of the house of the ladies of lore being turned into a common bawdy house where soldiers would demand to be served or else, was too much for the headmistress and she took her own life one morning.

Mizuki's Reign

Ruthless and beautiful, the good sister Mizuki took the reins with an iron hand. She would demand of the Ladies Lotus to dance, to entertain like they did before - but much unlike before of course. Clothes came off, revealing to conceal again, the elegant motions of a woman's body turned into an alluring flower's beckoning sway. That of a flytrap. Men were soon willingly given what they asked for, if they paid the price. And a price to pay it was if they tried by force!
Mizuki enforced physical training hours upon hours a day. Their natural affinity for dance and entertainment took a darker turn and the fit bodies of dancers were all made into weapons. On one hand they had to be subtle, not to be found out - not even for the victim to know, not even to see it coming. On the other hand they had to be swift, devastating and do as much damage as they can. Their art thus became the use of small needles, hairpins, and their own bare hands and feet for self-defence. Strike both high and low. One strike would always aim to damage or destroy the testicles, the other one for the throat or eyes. They had only one chance to strike against trained soldiers, there was no room for error. And strike they did, some men falling dead, all of them crumbling in pain from the low blow and a good few of them only left with one more chance to make the same mistake, one testicle lost to a devastating blow. And the reason why they had no chance to defend against such a blow? The distraction of a beautiful woman's body being revealed shamelessly right before - or during - the strike, like the flower blooming and revealing its secrets of beauty and poison.
One day the duke himself came around, to see how five of his best men were left crippled in most humiliating ways by the Ladies Lotus. He ordered the women to defend themselves and despite all their feigned innocence - this man was not one to be fooled by such theatrical acts. The men were eager to return the favour of crippling the young girls responsible of their permanent loss. The attack was swift and the men seeking retribution were given an even swifter final rest. The duke applauded the Ladies and offered them a contract. "Do as you are told and you will be respected and rich."
Mizuki liked that idea.

Fall of the Old Order

Services rendered, pleasure and pain delivered in exceeding amounts, the Ladies Lotus would carry out their tasks at the same efficency they would practice their arts of peace and beauty years before. Only this time they would not be hired to entertain with music, dance, or poetry during a dinner, but to be perhaps present for the dinner and the night after, but only for the lady herself to leave the bedroom alive. A man is of course most vulnerable without his clothes on especially if he does not expect the sweet harlot to slit his throat.
Paranoia took root as more and more political figureheads would place an order with the Ladies Lotus for one or another rival to be done away with, none feeling safe anymore. But of course the needs of a man were to be fulfilled, now what-ever shall we do? - they asked.
That is until one day, the duke himself heard from a reliable source that his rival entered the house of the Ladies Lotus and words were traded about the next visit to his lordship's estate. The cold calculating man would set a very elaborate trap. His daughter long wished to meet the women she knew to do away with men so easily. To learn from them. The father would of course oblige, let us send my dearest girl to learn as she wishes, he would declare.
And when the daughter of the duke as well as many dead bodies of young women and even younger girls -even children- were maimed as an investigation troop sent into the house of the Ladies Lotus had found, the massacre had begun. The bodies were retrieved and it mattered not how they demanded a proper investigation on how those young ladies died. The Ladies Lotus were not prepared for the onslaught coming in their sleep, all but one young student slain that night.

Exile Period

File:CO-Lotus Mai.jpg
Mai as the Sisterhood remembers her. May she rest in peace.

Mailin was a mere seventeen years old and taken in from the streets by Mizuki. Legend has it Mailin took the life of a threatening armed bandit using only a basket and the nearby stone wall. Enough to say that growing up under conditions where your life is at danger almost constantly, you tend to become exceedingly good at survival - or a corpse. Mailin thus became just that, a survivor, as opposed to the rest of the Ladies Lotus who were although trained, but too used to the luxury of their easy life as bedside assailants.
And as such she survived, hearing the noise of the slayers wearing armour and heavy weapons, and she hid herself between the roof and the ceiling tiles. Waiting patiently for hours, she would be gone before night's end.

Mary's Corruption

She fled for dear life, hiding her tattooes that would remind of the Sisterhood and finding herself a set of presentable western clothes. She would pose as Mary Tran, a travelling dancer and courtesan. It was only natural she would continue to do what she did best, though as for the killing part, she would definitely avoid it as much as she could in a world such as hers.

Nightmares took root, never to relent. Night after night she would sit up in bed, sweating and panting, and it would not ease up, not in the next few years. She was confronted by a mighty figure of a winged woman in her sleep, beckoning her to join her and when she took a step, she would be overrun by the armed men from that night.
On her way home one dawn, the figure appeared before her in the distance. She ran in the opposite direction, right into the woman's arms who somehow appeared behind her. She would cry and be comforted by hands clawed and chained. "There, there, child. Sinerra will not let you be hurt again."

Mianiel's Birth

For many nights she had received lectures from the demonic woman, slowly but surely going insane under the demonic corruption. The paranoia of being pursued, increasing. The hatred towards men she'd serve, increasing. She'd began slaying her customers one by one, and needing to flee to a new city every week.
That is when she met the man called Toranelduil Hanodel. An elven monk with a presence so soothing that she suddenly felt at ease, for the first time in her life. Hanodel walked down the same street she was fleeing a failed assassination attempt on a pirate lord, and she ran right into him. The wandering monk would soothe her and she would slowly but surely forget about the demon queen's lessons. A daughter was born whom they named Mianiel and they were aiming to live a happy life, Hanodel learning everything about Mary's past and accepting her for who she was. They were happy, that is until Sinerra showed up. Mary fled with the three years old Mianiel in her arms, and Hanodel gave his life for his fleeing family.

Anni's Lessons

Mary was yet again on the run, now with a child to care for, and a plan of her own. She reached yet another big city where she found herself the elite of the elite in entertainment, working her way to the top and becoming the 'madame' of a rich man's house of ladies. In charge, she would prepare herself and a handful of girls to become the New Ladies Lotus, but she failed: the soft and untrained western women were nowhere near as skilled as those raised by the Old Order's standards.
Mianiel, however, was more than up to the task. Ruthless, cruel, merciless, she had no qualms doing as her mother ordered her to, however as time passed, as Mary's sanity seemed to ebb away, so did she treat her own daughter more like a soldier and less like her child. Mianiel was growing weary of the life they were living, but she also loved her mother unconditionally and she had little to no idea where and how she would live without her by her side.
That is when a young girl was dragged in from the streets. Her crimson hair was unkempt and dirty, never seen a comb. Her keen green eyes were piercing with defiance. Defiance for which she was whipped on a daily basis, but it only further seethed her fire - a fire which appealed to Mary greatly. Soon Anni would respond to whiplash with a kick that severed the man's left testicle and a strike which nearly caused his windpipe to collapse. For thirteen months was Anni lectured in the art of the Ladies Lotus, and soon every enforcer and even the owner feared the teenage girl's wrath. Her skill increased tenfold and so did Mianiel's jealousy at her new 'sister' - forgotten as daughter in her mother's zeal at having found a brand new little Lady Lotus.
And then came the wizard. The enforcers fell beneath his gaze, the ladies cowered in his presence. And before Mary or Mianiel arrived to the scene, he took the girl - and the girl took with her the book containing the secrets of the Sisterhood by accident.

The New Lotus

NOTE: Events of this period may be recalled in part or whole by characters who were present between 2001 and 2014 during NWN's Age of Shadows (2001-2003), Kymlun - Ancestral Legacy (2003-2005), Kymlun - Rivals and Disciples (2005), Masters of Fate (2006-2008) and Legacy of Kymlun (2008+) storylines.

'As this period in the sisterhood's story has been a day-to-day role play experience, the stories and events related are too vast to list in great detail. Instead, we'll focus on keystones and plot hooks.'

Anni recreated the sisterhood with an all new purpose and design, though the path to success has not been a quick, nor an easy one. Through hardship and trials at last, Anni and her first students have established a sisterhood of great integrity. Their monastic nature took root during the third period, when they finally established the official sisterhood in the monastery of South-East Zheradan.

Anni's Path

There are those who lay down and die, and whether they live will be decided at the mercy of another. And there are those who will fight tooth and nail and will never be broken, as there is no foe great enough to bring them down. The body can be broken and the bones can be broken and the flesh can be rent, but the spirit will cling to the power of will that cannot be subdued. Such a soul will survive the darkest of times, the greatest of pain, the worst of nightmares and emerge triumphant. Anni is such a soul.

Unholy Beginnings

As a child, she beheld her mother's death at the hand of her father. She fled, with her mother's necklace - an ankh - in hand. Years spent in the street have steeled her soul. Taught by her vagabond uncle, befriended a dark elven child while spending her days in the sewer pipes during a harsh winter when she was 12, and found her first male friend and later closer relationship with a pirate deckhand only a year older at the age of 13.
Captured after a raffle with the bruisers of the same House of Ladies which Mary was the arranger of at the age of 14, Anni became a lethal warrior by the age of 15 and only wished for a normal life that she had seen all those citizen girls live, outside the House's window. Due to her exposure to the darker aspects of life, for a while she was defensive with men, with a handful of exceptions.

Royalty and Loyalty

File:CO-Lotus Shan.jpg
Though short in stature, the mere presence of this man strikes fear into all but the bravest hearts.
File:CO-Lotus theglor.jpg
A man of art and study, the caring uncle and teacher.

The wizard bailing her from the House of Ladies was no ordinary conjuror. Simply referred to as The Archmage,and by titles such as Lord Steelsoul and Doomsinger, Shandallain Shissath Glaurd'har was a rightfully feared conossieur of the arcane arts. One of the ancient Ghazakiin, a species believed to be a common root to both Elves and Fey and thus ancestors to all of the metahuman races, and known as a legendary figure who had faced mythical beings in battle. His family would take care of Anni, seemingly to repay an old debt of honour to Anni's late vagabond uncle.
The fifteen year old girl was taken to spend time in a city called freeport, where she would confront fearsome adversaries even saving the life of the sea-elven queen Sca'Pel Tria Redriner. The orphan has hence spent much time among paladins, holy knights, priests and royalty of both the Ghazakiin and of the various coalescent societies representing themselves in the social pool of Freeport, among them her future husband, Alastor Kedal. Eventually adopted by the queen, Anni took the last name Redriner and was named duchess for a short-lived twenty months of struggling to uphold justice in a world of darkness.
Fleeing Freeport after so long, crestfallen from her failure to maintain law and order, she was headed back to Rivenwood, the sea-elven kingdom, and then taken by The Archmage's daughters, to their own home in Kymlun. The sixteen year old Anni would spend a few valuable weeks among the daughters of the wizard, making life-long friends, becoming one of the sisters herself and meeting two of her former mentors, the wizard's brother Glortor'Rai and eldest son Mountain Dragon Glaurd'Har.

File:CO-Lotus Shay.jpg
The youngest child, Shaylandiannae maintains a close relationship with Anni
File:CO-Lotus Raf.jpg
The second youngest child, Rafaniel is one to carry his heart on his sleeve.
File:CO-Lotus Nil.jpg
Reclusive and quiet, the middle child has always been more absorbed in her studies than interested the world at large.
File:CO-Lotus Narn.jpg
An archer of great skill and a woman of guile, the eldest daughter is one witty companion to have.
File:CO-Lotus Lung.jpg
The taciturn monk spends his life in the mountains, only visiting his family every once in a while. Founder of the fabled Midnight Dawn Fist, he's a mythical figure.

Zero to Hero

The latter of which she was sent off to train with: after a brief fight and utterly destroying three bandits at a market lotus style, she was assigned to the eldest son for a training seemingly in discipline and endurance.

Return to the city

After the weeks of training and relieving herself of the weight-straps, she was headed back to civilisation. She achieved supreme victory in an arena brawl.

Little Miss Shatterfist

After the victory at the public arena, everybody had something to say to the seventeen year old girl. People wanted her to solve their problem or to sell something with her, or even to just marry them, or their brothers or sons. Others were outraged, claimed that it was set-up and no mere girl can defeat the great champion of the arena. She was called horrible things, great things, nobody actually bothered wanting to know who she is, they all seemed to have their own ideas. Disgusted, Anni fled towards the mountain top overlooking the city.
After a little while a red dragon appeared above the city, breathing fire and destroying the towers. She would not hesitate, taking a running start off of the high mountain cliff and jump on the large creature's back, measuring a heavy strike to the back of its head, sending it plummeting into the cobbles of the main square. Upon landing, a struggle began at the end of which she landed a strike hard enough to shatter the dragon's jaw.

The First Five

Masters of Fate

Betrayer Saga

Sinerra's Treachery

Dusk's Lace

Babylon Conflict

Three Hundred Years

Present Day

Champions Setting


The sisterhood operates under full LTK and does not respond to any superior agency, but instead shares information and reports with UNTIL and PRIMUS as it has been agreed to.

Legal Status in Kymlun

Legal Status in the Champions setting

Interplanar Union



CO-Lotus Jacket.jpg













Little Flowers

Candidate (Wildflower)

Initiate (Blooming)

Junior(Little Sister)

Lotus Sisters



Adept (Greatsister)


Order Master (Greatflower)

Leading Master (Highmother)

Grandmaster (Greatmother)

Retired Sister


Protected Status

Tolerated Status

Target Status

Victim Status

Friend Status



Blue Lotus

Cassandra Manesfeld, Blue Lotus Leader

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.

White Lotus

Prof. Bellinde Wilkino, White Lotus Leader

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.

Red Lotus

Sylvialea Zyrustana, Red Lotus Leader

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.

Black Lotus

Colette Bronnel, Black Lotus Leader

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula libero mauris, ut commodo ante condimentum eget. Nulla purus erat, pharetra in neque non, iaculis eleifend nisi. Suspendisse at maximus orci. Duis lectus nulla, laoreet vitae lacus in, mollis ultrices nisl. Suspendisse euismod nibh mattis libero rhoncus, et posuere urna pulvinar. Nulla dictum iaculis tempus. Donec eleifend aliquam egestas.










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