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My Story


Okay, so I grew up an orphan and maybe got into a lot of trouble, but I was bored. Plus the attention is fun. Anyway, I ended up joining this awesome band. Here I thought I would play the guitar just to piss off the overlords at this hell hole dumping ground for kids. Who knew I'd actually be good at it?

So we travel around the world and party! It was fucking awesome! We made so much money and trashed, like, 100 hotel rooms. And maybe I did too many drugs... Ok, I totally shouldn't have done that. I ended up getting so messed up that I fell off of a balcony at this fancy hotel. We were on the 12th floor or something, so I really should have died.

I'm not sure what happened after that, but I woke up in the freaking morgue! That was some freaky shit! My guess is that I blacked out and those powers I've had all along kicked in when I should have died. Apparently, all those drugs and that booze suppress all my cool superpowers. Oh well, I was young and stupid.

Moving on, one of my parents was some sort of full-blood demon. Both of them got taken out by a demon hunter or whatever. But I have family in an alternate dimension and they want me to come over there and help rule... Which would be total cool if I was like a princess or some shit, but I guess mommy dearest was just some low ranking nobody. Yeah, um, PASS!

That and I'd have to give up my human side. I dunno about that. Having these powers is f-ing awesome and all, but I kind of like being human too. Not that I'm much human anymore. See, the more I use my powers, the more demony I look.

Besides, this place is still fun. I don't do the drugs anymore (learned my lesson there), but I still like to party. I kinda parted ways with my old band though. (Don't ask. It wasn't pretty.) I still like to be loud and pissing people off with my guitar and terrible singing. I love to annoy people.

Ok, you're right. I love the attention. I'm a flashy gal.

Links Out and Other Stuff

Honestly, I don't RP with Shavana much anymore, but I might give her more story later.

Character List: User:Riviania

Images by: Caliga