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Revision as of 09:34, 1 April 2014


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Author's Note:
I do not have english as my native tongue and even though I consider my english "pretty good" I am quite certain that this page will contain quite a plethora of typo's, bad grammar or redundant phrases. This stems from my background and where I learned english... which was reading books and watching movies in english. So please forgive my shortcomings and feel free to correct typo's and bad grammar. For phrasing correction please send me a mail in CO at @Fransens. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the background I've pulled out of my hat here... even though I don't own one.

Also note that this page may content SEXUAL, MATURE and OTHERWISE QUESTIONABLE content that might not be for everybodies tastes...

Vanessa is also featured in my short story, "Another Day at MERCY's"

Vanessa Adams
Player: @Fransens
"Yeah, I have noticed that there is blood all over the place. Now get me that nano-sealant agents out of the top drawer and try not to slip on your way back!"
Biographical Data
Real Name: Vanessa Adams
Known Aliases: N/A
Gender: female
Species: Haemovore, Vampire, Undead Human
Ethnicity: caucasian
Place of Birth: New York
Base of Operations: Millenium City
Relatives: Deceased, Callus is something of a father figure though.
Age: Apparent: 25, True: 45
Height: 1,78m
Weight: 67kg
Eyes: green or glowing red
Hair: formerly ginger, now two thirds are replaced by black feathers with red highlights
Complexion: fair, pale
Physical Build: athletic
Physical Features: feathers in her hair, growling or purring voice on occasions, claws on her feet
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Identity: Public
Years Active: 5
Citizenship: US
Occupation: Emergency Medical Technician with a Paramedic Degree (EMT-P) for MERCY Hospital
Education: Phd in medicine and pharmaceuticals
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Ageless, broad range of vampiric "powers" outlined below, extensive knowledge of the human and meta-human body
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Vitae, Medical Grade Nanites
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada


Vanessa Adams is dead. She doesn't really keep it a secret as well, believing that being honest about her "condition" is the first step to building trust.
Trust she needs too. After all, most people would like to know that they are talking to a bloodsucking monster as early as possible and not weeks later, shattering any semblence of trust already built.

Vanessa is an oddball.
She doesn't fit into the normal range of classification of her breed of vampire.
Yes, she is more feral than others of her kind, and prone to mutations after certain criteria are met...
But she doesn't really fit in otherwise.

She is not a loner.
She is not prefering nature or animals over the city and human company.
She is not a heartless killer.
She is not hiding her true nature.
And most importantly, she is keeping her old job as a paramedic.

So what IS she then?

She isn't even sure herself on that topic. Perhaps she strives to be something different than what her kind expects of her.
Perhaps being a monster isn't really her thing? Even though she keeps thinking of herself and other vampires as monsters.

What she is, is an oddball.
A vampire, working night shifts in the local hospital's paramedic unit, trying to save as much lives as possible.
Oh the humanity!



Upbringing and Early Childhood

Teenage Years


...and Death

'till Death does us part

First Steps into the Night

Moving in with The Adams Family


The Other - Her Feral Side

Attributes In Detail

Physical Attributes













Non-Physical Attributes


Vanessa has no form of energy based attacks or powers.


Even though she knows it would help her tremendously, she still hasn't grasped the concept of vampiric mindcontrol or telepathy.


Unless one would call her shapeshifting powers and superhuman potential sorcery, she completely lacks in that department.


Ms. Adams is quite intelligent. After all she needs to be as a Emergency Medical Technician with a Paramedic degree. She is even surgeon-material some of her colleagues say, but she prefers to be out there where she can feel that she can make more of a difference.


Nobody quite knows why they get along so fine with the dead, redheaded girl. By all accounts they should distrust her for being a vampire.
But Vanessa just makes no big fuzz out of her undead state, doesn't hide it at all, and is quite happy to answer questions about it.
All in all, she is just genuinely likeable and honest, some say to a fault.


She lacks those as well. Poor little vampire.


Vanessa would never consider herself having a strong mind. But, in that she is not knowing herself well, or just too damn humble.
The fact of the matter is, she is very stubborn when she has set herself on a course, or in keeping her morale or ideals and will fight tooth and claw, so to speak, to keep those intact.


Working at MERCY Hospital in Millenium City has exposed Vanessa to technology she never even dreamed about. She is a simple girl, and likes to keep things that way. Her internet savy is almost nonexistant, her understanding in the digital world even worse.
She is expected to work with the medical grade nanites and high tech medical equipment at MERCY's, so she adapted and lived up to the challenge.
These days, anything MERCY Hospital uses as equipment is just that... equipment for her to use to help the wounded.


Apart from a medical standpoint, Ms. Adams is also versed in a number of fields of study.
Vampires, Werewolves, Ghosts to a certain degree, martial arts, survivial in both the city and in the wilds, languages such as german and russian.


Vanessa might not be of the "Do or die trying" mentality, but as mentioned she is pretty stubborn. To say nothing fazes her would be saying a bit much, but she has a tight control over herself and will not succumb to fear easily. She took special measures to conquer The Red Fear, or "Rötschreck"... the vampires instinct to flee from fire and sunlight.


"Normal" Abilities

Inhuman Potential


Callus(-yuf) aka Charles Adams

Callus is Vanessa's Sire, meaning he is the bastard that killed her, according to her of course.
This monster of a vampire is unusually cheerful and has something of a mentor-tick. His friendly, open demeanor, his willingness to clearly show everybody who they are dealing with, namely an (argueably friendly) monster, and his laid back attitude continue to earn him friends and allies alike.

Hell, the whole Adams Family is centered around him.
Of course his real name is not Charles Adams. Nor is it Callus.
He is simply so old that he forgot or discarded his human name a long time ago.

This being is a veritable Methuselah, and since it usually means the older, the more powerful the vampire in question, Callus is powerful indeed.
He has to be, for one of his many pastime activities include pissing of people or things that are more powerful than he is.
So far nobody or rather nothing has managed to kill him for good.
He is on the "Red List" of 13 cities, meaning that he is considered Kill On Sight by other vampires residing in those Domains.
A thing of which he is terribly proud of course.
For some reason he decided that it would be a splendid idea for the Adams Family to settle down for a bit... In one of the most dangerous towns on the globe.
In Millenium City.

Melissa Adams

Melissa Adams is an albino.
She is also dead as a doornail, but like the others of The Adams Family it doesn't stop her from walking around.
Or running around.
Or driving around.
Or cartwheeling around.
Or fucking around.
Or joyriding around in a gasoline truck, playing Johnny Cash songs while sucking the driver dry, grinning like an idiot afterwards.

For you see, Melissa is also insane.
But not in a funny, "Haha, look at that circus-act girl!"-insane.
No, she is an undead, blooddrinking monster that is highly unpredictable and unstable.
Which makes her very dangerous indeed.

So far nobody, not even her closest friends, managed to find out how old or powerful she really is.
She could be anything from a lowly Newblood, a very resourceful lowly Newblood, to an actual Elder.
That scares, needless to say, the other vampires. Alot.

When she isn't sitting on the floor, mumbling in different tongues and voices about things she has no right to know about, she is out there to have FUN!
Which means in her case things like juggling live grenades, stealing the rides of Hell's Angels members, shooting random gangsters, joyriding other peoples vehicles, creeping strangers out, calmly sipping tea, indulging in philosophy, abducting "cute guys" to engage in all manners of sexual deviancy and/or draining their blood, and so much more.

Her real name is anybody's guess, but some know that she blatantly stole her last name from Vanessa Adams and adopted it for herself, even convincing her fellows to assume the mantle of The Adams Family.
She particulary enjoys fooling people into believing that she is Vanessa's sister, much to the other vampires chargin.

Andrew Adams

Not much is known about the young vampire going by the name of Andrew Adams.
His visible age is around twelve to fourteen and he rarely makes appearances. He seems to have some sort of anger-management issues though, moreso than other vampires.
He is also frequently armed with firearms that indicate that he is alot stronger than his frail frame suggests.

Viktor Adams

There is even less information about Viktor Adams, apart from overheard conversations from Charles, Vanessa or Melissa.
Aparently he is some sort of gargoyle and very good at hiding.
Also, according to Melissa, he is a sloppy eater. Whatever that means.

Other Things

WiP Section

Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

Generation: 6th Apparent Age: 25 years. Died in late 1992. Her black PI - T-Shirt reads below: "Club PI - Subkultur lebt." She has re-applied for her former job as EMT-P (Emergency Medical Technician - Paramedic Degree) and now works the night shifts for MERCY Hospital. Also she has finally registered at UNTIL as a haemovore or vampire. She always wears a pack of medical grade bandages on her right arm and three vials of VERY thick blood on the left one. Needless to say she is authorized to use both in a medical emergency. About half of her hair actually has been replaced by black feathers with red highlights, and the mix of feathers and unkempt, sometimes dreadlocked, hair falls and stands in almost all directions. Does have a bestial tone in her voice quite regulary, and has been heard purring like a greatcat. While feeding ALL her teeth enlongate into fangs, making her quite monstrous. (Gaping maw as bestial feature) Permanent claws on her feet that make wearing shoes neigh impossible. When she has red hair then she displays NO animal-features.

Is not related to Melissa Adams, though both share the same Last Name by matter of coincidence.

Vanessa is generally pretty approachable and likeable enough.